All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 86.0
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed184
- On-Hold51
- Dropped13
- Plan to Watch260
- Total Entries521
- Rewatched20
- Episodes5,089
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 42.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries152
- Reread0
- Chapters6,508
- Volumes492
All Comments (43) Comments
KOR has a lot of charm from its colourful art to its 80s pop music OST.
I've had phases where I thought I had sort of outgrown Anime. I think a lot of people go through that in their adulthood. You see, most people get into anime/manga when they're teenagers. And most anime is precisely aimed at that target demographic. Most anime protagonists are usually high schoolers. Once you reach 20+ years old you either look for seinen stuff or move to other mediums. I guess once you're in you mid/late 20s it gets harder to relate to teenaged characters.
Never saw the appeal of Korean dramas. Tried watching one and it just wasn't my thing.
In case you don't remember me, you can always click "conversation" to see our convo history with each other, in case you don't know.
For the record, I decided to do some sort of KOR rewatch. Watched the first 5 episodes so far. I guess I was just having some nostalgia for it recently. Plus the OST is always a great bonus and even some of it has been remixed and sampled by Vaporwave artists. It's a good thing, because hopefully it might get some newer fans into it.
KOR is an interesting property. It's not really that great, but it has a definite charm to it that keeps pulling me and many other fans back. I really like thinking of how certain things could have been done or improved upon on it. I've even thought of perhaps writing a fanfic or two about ti one day, who knows.
Dunno if you still care about the property or not. I see that you still have Ayukawa in your favourite's list, though.
I see.