Oofuri; marry me. I will divorce Naruto first thing, become a hosewife, carry your children and never even look twice at your devilishly handsome little brother, Oofuri 2. (Well, I might. But I promise to be very sneaky about it.)
I SECOND THAT MOTION! Seriöst jag var smått kaotisk i flera dagar!!! Onemanga var min standard och jag läser en sisådär 20st mangor som mangafox inte har, eller inte har licens till. Deras system är inte heller lika bra som onemanga... bookmarks och sådant - nja -.- ! CLAMP är en av dem som inte vill licensera, ja -.-'
http://manga.animea.net och http://www.mangareader.net har i alla fall några men deras bookmarking system är ännu sämre än mangafox... som tur är har de i alla fall Dengeki Daisy och Skip Beat! <3
Jag har börjat läsa färdiga serier istället, som är ute hela.. drygt att leta uppdateringar.
Vad har jag gjort som gör att jag förtjänar att bli kallad "förrädare"?! Och du har rätt, den var väldigt mysig. Natsume Reiko påminner lite om Ginko <3 Fler liknande förslag?
Nu när jag kollade in den ser jag att jag har faktiskt läst den, men jag har bara inte skrivit in den. Den lämnade tyvärr inte så stort intryck på mig och det kan vara därför jag glömt att lägga in den.
Det händer VÄLDIGT ofta när jag läser manga, att jag glömer att jag skriver in dem. Synd men sant :P
Haha, I win! During my lifetime - at least once have there been a time when I have both watched AND read more manga than you have... according to this list. *victory*
Hmm.. Akagami no Shirayuki Hime tycker jag är väldigt bra, även om den är relativt lugn och lite snurrig i början. Jag vet inte om du har läst den... orkade inte kolla... Men det är girlpower känslor i den och killen är urgullig. De är urgulliga tillsammans! Du kanske såg min postit-sak. Den där det står Shirayuki på x) ok. Hon älskar växter. I love it. *admit* Men det är inte kvävande, bara nyttiga erfarenheter etc ^^ Sedan vet jag redan att du vet om Nabari no ou,men den är ändå VÄLDIGT rekommenderad. Älskar hans "innocent devil" technique ;)
Yeah unfortunately there isn't an active group scanlating it. I think that there was one group that released 5 chapters then quit since there wasn't enough interest :/ Maou is very much a character driven story and the majority of peeps on the net prefer easy readings involving action and romance.
And I found Maou when i was overseas. I was staying over there for like 4 weeks or so, and there was this manga cafe that I went to every 3 days or so (sleeping hours were lost due to this). After blitzing through basically everything I liked in the recommended section, I turned my head to Maou. It was calling out to me, telling me to read it. I didn't really want to read it the first time round when I flipped through it since it didn't look like it had much action/romance, but since I was running out of material, I thought why not. Best. Decision. EVER!
Andou does get manlier later on. He does go through a few volume of events before his balls finally drop, but from then on, he's basically unstoppable haha. And you'll be surprised on how effective his ability is in a battle/confrontation. He's veeery creative, heck, he even used that ability in a 1 on 1 fight and won. Hope that doesn't count as a spoiler. :P And yeah, his ability isn't anything close to geass, so he can't change people's opinions but I wouldn't have it any other way. He has many flaws and his trying to overcome them is what makes him one of my favourite characters.
And pfft yeah, i got past that suicidal phase ages ago! -Hugs V1-7- :3
I like Andou the best too, his manliness/coolness just grows exponentially as the series continue ;) He actually is my favourite character tied with my top 2 but I just can't add him in since no one have bothered creating a character list so far!
And no, I checked my copy of volume 1, and you still have 3 chapters to go before you finish V1. Have to wait 3 months for VIZ i guess xP Other volumes contain 10 chapters each for a grand total of 97 chapters.
And yes, Inukai and Andou interact more as the story progresses. They actually meet up finally in volume 3 on the top of a deserted building. That's where the story really starts; volume 1 and 2 acts more like a prologue. I can't really tell you more about their relationship since it'll ruin the fantastic plot.
How did you stumble upon Maou?
And oh, fun fact, the word Maou means Devil/Demon. The juvenile remix part in the title refer to the fact that we're reading the young adult version of the original japanese novel Maou, written by Isaka Kotaro.
All Comments (21) Comments
http://manga.animea.net och http://www.mangareader.net har i alla fall några men deras bookmarking system är ännu sämre än mangafox... som tur är har de i alla fall Dengeki Daisy och Skip Beat! <3
Jag har börjat läsa färdiga serier istället, som är ute hela.. drygt att leta uppdateringar.
Bevis, vi hade båda fel - ängeln är varken man eller kvinna så du får leka soft yaoi om du nu vill ;)
Nu när jag kollade in den ser jag att jag har faktiskt läst den, men jag har bara inte skrivit in den. Den lämnade tyvärr inte så stort intryck på mig och det kan vara därför jag glömt att lägga in den.
Det händer VÄLDIGT ofta när jag läser manga, att jag glömer att jag skriver in dem. Synd men sant :P
Jasså? Det trodde jag inte! Att någon skulle känna igen lilla mig inte!
Men Salte känner man såklart igen! :)
Bra smak är alltid ett plus ;P
Tack så hemskt mycket för korrigeringen! Och jag som trodde att jag var bra på franska.... xD
Haha, kanske vi borde kanske båda jobba på det? ;)
And I found Maou when i was overseas. I was staying over there for like 4 weeks or so, and there was this manga cafe that I went to every 3 days or so (sleeping hours were lost due to this). After blitzing through basically everything I liked in the recommended section, I turned my head to Maou. It was calling out to me, telling me to read it. I didn't really want to read it the first time round when I flipped through it since it didn't look like it had much action/romance, but since I was running out of material, I thought why not. Best. Decision. EVER!
Andou does get manlier later on. He does go through a few volume of events before his balls finally drop, but from then on, he's basically unstoppable haha. And you'll be surprised on how effective his ability is in a battle/confrontation. He's veeery creative, heck, he even used that ability in a 1 on 1 fight and won. Hope that doesn't count as a spoiler. :P And yeah, his ability isn't anything close to geass, so he can't change people's opinions but I wouldn't have it any other way. He has many flaws and his trying to overcome them is what makes him one of my favourite characters.
And pfft yeah, i got past that suicidal phase ages ago! -Hugs V1-7- :3
And no, I checked my copy of volume 1, and you still have 3 chapters to go before you finish V1. Have to wait 3 months for VIZ i guess xP Other volumes contain 10 chapters each for a grand total of 97 chapters.
And yes, Inukai and Andou interact more as the story progresses. They actually meet up finally in volume 3 on the top of a deserted building. That's where the story really starts; volume 1 and 2 acts more like a prologue. I can't really tell you more about their relationship since it'll ruin the fantastic plot.
How did you stumble upon Maou?
And oh, fun fact, the word Maou means Devil/Demon. The juvenile remix part in the title refer to the fact that we're reading the young adult version of the original japanese novel Maou, written by Isaka Kotaro.