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Days: 56.9
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- Total Entries142
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- Episodes3,527
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All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 15.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries49
- Reread0
- Chapters2,684
- Volumes212
All Comments (10) Comments
Ah, Tsubasa...will I enjoy it even if I haven't watched many works? Besides CCS, I've only seen Angelic Layer and parts of xxxHolic.
Oh yes, the third arc is horrible - was meant to be filler, but it was so bad that they never got around to animating the awesome final arc of the manga, which is connected to the story in the OVAs. By the way, the first two OVAs are AMAZING - totally different in tone from the series, and honestly, I think they're the most perfect anime I've ever seen. Literally, I wouldn't change one frame.
Oooh, Rurouni Kenshin! I love it! I must say, though, that I tried rewatching it a few months ago, and it wasn't quite the same...still good, but not the same. Oh, and the third arc is HORRID and always has been. Blah.
Have you seen the first two Kenshin OVAs? They are spectacular...
I may go back to CCS...I certainly wanna see the second movie one day - I've read about it and seen spoilers from it, but I want to experience it and I just never got the chance!
Haha, of course I don't mind, buddy. :P
Haha, no, I totally get ya! There's something sweet and heartwarming about anime directed at children. For instance, the first season of Digimon remains one of my favorites!
Not fair! You saw all mine! Hehe :P
Ah, I just noticed that CCS and Tsubasa are your favorites! No wonder you want me to finish it, hehe. I've been wanting to watch Tsubasa, too!
Hmm...I wish there was another category that had a different connotation that dropped. It's just that I watched a lot of CCS episodes (probably more than I took credit for on my list) and think it's a great series, but it's been years since I've watched it and I know I won't make the time to ever return to it. So it's dropped, even though I adore the series and characters.
Heyyyy, how come your list is private! No fair, hehe. :P