I am Battle Virgo. I am a guy. If you ask me what things I ever done in Anime/Manga. That would be doing trap cosplay . Well talk to me and receive big surprises :D. I am full of surprises, you know.
Things I love and like (hobbies):
1) Loli ( >.<, they are just too cutes)
2) Science, Military(weapons, guns, tanks,...), Gaming, Chess (Chinese, King Chess).
3) Discussing a matter, Cafe with friends.
4) Martial arts: been doing Karate, Aikido.(The reason I start is to fight bullies) >.<
I am strong. Believe me !

=> Feel free to contact me on my Facebook :) or here. I very like discussing matters especially Philosophy, Science, Martial arts, Chess, Games... (I like talking with friends, you know >_< )
=> I am currently study at RMIT university in Melbourne. I hope to meet you there directly :3. I am planning a science club where trustful people and hardworking people sharing knowledge and information with each others to become better :) (this plan of mine is for anyone not just people who I can meet directly but who I meet through the Internet too :) ).
"To live is to love"
"To live to be yourself not be everyone's wishes"
I hate bullies and bullying
All Comments (47) Comments
there is one article on it.
And there are others too!
And, unfortunately I won't be coming dude, sorry to get your hopes up!
Wanna play chess sometime?
I catch the train in to the city sometimes ( when my motorbike needs repair). So on the same train line as Denis Station.
Then again living in Dennis you can tram, train, bus or ride/walk into the city.
I work full-time in I.T. and am also trying to complete an Assc. Degree in Theology. But there are only limited brain cells to go around with me, so i find Philosophy and Theology slow going, especially when it gets all theoretical and too far from any orthopraxy.
Have good fun in Melbourne! It isn't that bad of a place. Where you from originally? Ask me any questions you like about Melbourne, but I might not know the answer! Everything is changing so quickly.
Which country were you born/came from? I was born in Malta, and came to Australia when I was 10, quite a change but well worth it.
I have been doing good, really busy and frustrated though.
I hope those tests aren't too hard, it seems that you resent them.
Are you taking a break from the animu? A lot of good shows this season!
I'm currently watching yuru yuri and I love it! The glasses girl gives me the fantasies I need!
What times are you available for a game (please just tell me in Australian time, or indicate if its a different time zone)?
So, you wanted to be a police officer when you grow up? That's good!
And, I see that you've taken the interest in liking the martial arts since you also wanted to be in the military.
Well, you know, this is the first time I heard about Wing Chun. I'll search for it later. XD
Sure thing! No, no. That's okay. You're not being rude at all. You're just asking, right?
But, I'm terribly sorry for that. That sure takes some times to draw and upload them on the internet.
But still, you don't have to worry, because after I've finished drawing them, I'll sent to you some. Okay? :)
Oh, okay, okay.
Yeah, Ip Man rocks! >__<
Well, you're right on that one.
But, that's what make them (those movies) become so awesome and thrilling on the same time.
So, here's my response to all of the 5 movies that you've mentioned here.
1) Shaman Khan - Oh, I've heard of it before. And, even watched it, though.
2) The Raid - I've heard of that one too before but haven't watched it, yet.
3) Sully - Uhm. Never heard of that one before. Sorry. :/
4) Snowden - Military. Not my kind of thing. But, if military with romance, then it is.
5) The Theory of Everything - Oh my. OMG! *I can't breathe* Yes, I've watched this one too. And, I liked it. So much! :D
Anyway, thank you very much for the mentions.
Eh, no, no! Thanawi is the official name/title of the Second Year of Islamic High School's exam.
Not a tournament of sports and not a fashion show when you were Yukata either. -__-"
Oh, okay then. XD
Well, that's more like it.
Anyway, for me, you're an okay person and is just alright.
Ah, thank you very much. ^_^
Oh, okay. Haha. XD
Yeah, Pokémon sure was one of our childhood favorites.
Oh, I see. I don't know why, but for some reasons, I like Digimon better.
But okay, I'll not compare it against Pokémon either. Because, why, just why!! XD
I finished Biomega yesterday, most confusing series ever, lol
Idk when I'll ever watch anime again tbh.