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Serial Experiments Lain: The Nightmare of Fabrication
Mar 26, 2023 9:34 AM
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Waaaa! Can't believe I forgot to deliver these!
So sorry for the delay, but it kind of fits now that we are almost in summer ^^'
The Hour Glass Claim I hope to have them all ready soon and delivered, sorry it has taken so long!
Remember to saved them, you have 30 days to do so.
Card Dreamland
Wind Chime Edition
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ᴇᴠɪʟ ᴄʟᴜʙ
✧ Valentine's Day Edition
✧ Sports Edition
✧ Short Boys Edition
✧ Yagate Kimi ni Naru Edition
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❀ deletion will be in 2 weeks
❀ pm cm / d for any issues
❀ cm: titanweeb ~ d: KomachiAkako
*JJK Edition*
Don't forget that your gift is due by Sunday midnight! Please arrange time to complete your gift before the weekend is over, or you will not receive the Secret Santa badge and our elves will be sad :(
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~MAL's Secret Santa Elves
of course, you will surely like :)
it's nothing, for me to meet someone that talking about is always a pleasure, no matter if only series or anything