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Days: 104.5
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Ranma ½
Ranma ½
May 28, 2024 4:35 AM
Watching 131/161 · Scored 7
Suzume no Tojimari
Suzume no Tojimari
May 28, 2024 4:28 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
Spy x Family Movie: Code: White
Spy x Family Movie: Code: White
May 28, 2024 4:27 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
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Days: 109.6
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Sousou no Frieren
Sousou no Frieren
May 31, 2024 3:43 AM
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Spy x Family
Spy x Family
May 28, 2024 4:25 AM
Reading 75/? · Scored 9
Kaketa Tsuki to Doughnut
Kaketa Tsuki to Doughnut
May 28, 2024 4:23 AM
Completed 20/20 · Scored 8

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Kurt_Irving Nov 8, 2024 7:43 PM

Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you love most about Ghost in the Shell?
EmeraldWolfChild Jul 15, 2021 2:57 AM
I'm keeping it this way as a time capsule! I really should just take a screenshot and edit it but, there is something about keeping it the way it was during my first anime wave.
josueuler Jun 19, 2017 3:53 PM
Where are you?
Naman97 Jun 11, 2017 12:54 PM
Sabinlerose Feb 15, 2012 8:24 PM
I wish I had the time to go through anime and manga like I used to. Hell, anything actually.
College is just eating my time up galore.
The only thing I have been watching lately is the new episode of my MLP with my best friend ever week, since I like socializing with her while watching it.
And Legend of the Galactic Heros. Which i'm totally calling my favorite anime ever.
Sabinlerose Feb 15, 2012 12:04 AM
Oh snap.
I didn't even see that high comparability. Excuse me while I go stalk your lists.....
Sabinlerose Feb 11, 2012 3:42 PM
I see you like Ponies.
-tips hat-
Leondre Feb 10, 2012 2:08 AM
Never enough ponies.
takomiyaki Nov 24, 2011 2:19 AM
Hey there, I just saw your post somewhere on MAL and I wanted to know who were the characters in your sig?

I dont know how to private message or if that is possible. Please reply to me somehow!
arielmisa0527 Jul 26, 2011 8:18 AM
Hey!! So I was reading the Sailor Moon re-releasing manga discussion thread and I saw your signature of Madoka, which it was amazingly awesome. That's why I'm here. By the way, that quote by Ed totally made me laugh. Take that Edward Cullen! :P Ed is much more awesome than some sparkling vampire.
Han-yuu Jul 7, 2011 1:28 PM
by the way, we were talking about Kano Yasuhiro (Pretty face and Mx0 author). i just noticed on shounen jump ToC ranking. he started a new series "Harisugawa in Mirror world" lead color with 54 pages for first chapter. i'm glad he's finally back, i will pick it up soon. (but its again SJ. i hope he will get better treatment this time)
Han-yuu Jul 6, 2011 3:27 PM
Interesting article. i have read little bit, will finish it soon. i can see western and japanese audience have very different views on slice of life (normally) but in-case of KyoAni, it seems western audience is also crazy. as i said before about k-on! popularity, while the story is not very unique. few girls talking, eating or doing cute stuff. we saw similar concept in lots of other animes, but now there was a-channel in spring and yuru yuri is airing now with similar concept. in episodes discussion thread, peoples are comparing both shows with k-on!. while they are slice of life with similar concept but they're definitely not copy of k-on. so i was quoting someone today, why people compare everything to k-on. if you really want to compare this type of anime, then why not azumanga diaoh, ichigo mashimaro, hidamari sketch, minami-ke or at-least lucky star or they haven't watched any other anime like that.

I will check out magic knight rayearth soon. currently i'm watching only animes but when i will get in the mood, then i have lots of stuff prepared in my manga directory, and i think i will start with 20th century boys. its been year since i downloaded first 2 volumes. i have read lots of good comments about this and i think its time to finish this series. last year i caught up with ID manhwa this time around, after that scanlation group released only 7 chapters in more than one year.. scanlations are behind 7 volumes. that's what i hate about not-so-popular ongoing manga/manhwa. releases are too slow and when new chapter come out, i almost forget what happened in previous chapter. lol. that's same situation with blade of the immortal.

And i think its also time to start bakuman. i'm glad romance drama is getting set aside. i'm too soft when it comes to romance tension. my heart goes all doki doki, especially with triangles. lol xD.. that's why i try to not watch/read romance drama series much.

I see, you're watching One Piece anime. last year i put on-hold all long running shounen series and just caught with naruto shippuden. i downloaded one piece remaining episodes from 433 two days ago and will have catch up soon with current releases.

Kana Nishino is new artist. (2008 debut) last year she got really popular with her single "If" (ending song for naruto shippuden movie). her first album got first rank on oricon during first week. she just released her second new album and that also got first rank on oricon in first week. and Akfg also released some awesome songs last year. i love all of them and recently they release new pv "all right part2".. i think this song was their first collaboration with any other artist, "hashimoto eriko" from Chatmonchy (vocal). if you've watched "Kuragahime" anime. that opening "Kokodake no Hanashi" is from Chatmonchy.

*late reply >_< oh and i changed my username first time*
Han-yuu Jun 25, 2011 8:53 AM
MAL have lots of problem. my stats was stuck last week but it was working again few days ago and now it stuck again. :)

Yep, we've high compatibility for both anime and manga.

actually that's same in first four episodes of k-on second season. all they're doing is recruiting new members, sitting and drinking tea etc and one episode in other city running around. there is nothing like music activities or music concerts and taking story to some other level to make it more interesting. well, i guess that how this series is. only moe stuff and i wonder why the heck this is so popular in japan. they're like all over k-on (epcially mio). doujinshi, figures, fanarts.. huge merchandise of k-on. sometimes i think its KyoAni magic. they make series and it will become popular. i actually watched A-Channel on weekly bases and finished it yesterday. even though its very similar plot, 4 high school girls, talking, eating etc... but i enjoyed it more than k-on and lucky star of-course.

I see. if you've in mood to watch some drama and slice of life then i would recommend "Ano Hana" series. i started two drama series this season. "Ano Hana" and "Hanasaku Iroha".. Ano hana was great, while Hanasaku Iroha first episode was very good but after that it become really cheesy drama series with predictable romance.

I just started a short shoujo manga "Appare Jipangu!".. after reading first chapter i think it looks little bit different and intersting. by the way. if you want to read a comedy action series. i would really recommend beelzebub. its a gag shounen manga and very funny. my most enjoyable manga in current ongoing list. mostly every chapter bring smile on my face. (don't watch anime. that is the most mediocre adaptation i have ever seen)

i guess you're right. when i watched vampire knight 3 years ago. i think that was the first time seeing stuff like that in anime and i was very irritated. girls screaming and then annoying heroine. i dropped that anime and i think that was the reason i got away from most of shoujo stuff. lol. well, i have read merupuri from the same writer and i found it better. even though it was cliched still enjoyable. skip beat is also cliche sometimes and have annoying moments of protagonist. (well. look like i criticize mostly everything. lol) but still i like skip beat. i think its little bit different from normal shoujo stuff.

i also enjoy seinen. currently i'm reading Shin Angyo Onshi, Blade of the immortal and Sun-ken Rock. i have plan to start and catch up with lots of other seinen manga. berserk, vagabond, 20th century boys, monster, vinland saga, eden its an endless world, gantz etc. it won't take time when i get in the mood to read. ^_^

I had plan to finish bakuman anime after i catch up with manga, that's why i put in on-hold after 2 eps, but maybe i will drop it. i started manga when it was around 30 chapters and then i put it on-hold on 36. i thought it will be fun to read 20/30 chapters at once but it's been more than 2 years. i was thinking to start it again from the beginning. by the way, romance subplot tension is still there between moritaka and miho?

by the way. i checked spoiler on your profile and saw Asian Kung-fu Generation on top favorite music artist. i love ajikan. my most favorite jpop group. i almost have 90% of their songs on my hdd and love all of them. also i love perfume too. have you heard Kana Nishino? i mostly prefer rock genre but i love kana nishino j-pop songs.
Han-yuu Jun 17, 2011 10:46 AM
We have similarities then. :) slice of life is also hit or miss with me. love azumanga, yostsuba, minami-ke, working!!. genshiken... but dropped lucky star after 2/3 episodes (it also put me to sleep lol), barely manage to finish first k-on season and someone told me second season is better but i watched only 4 episodes since nov 2010. most probably will drop it...

sometimes i like serious drama / slice of life. for example "ano hi mita hana" series in this season, but mostly drama (especially romance triangles) is really not my genre. same goes to shoujo. don't know why but i hate girls screaming "kyaaa" when they see bishounen. only shoujo series i like is skip beat.
Han-yuu Jun 15, 2011 1:26 PM
You're right. authors can change genres. other example is Yagi Norihiro. his first work "Angel Densetsu" is mostly comedy manga, which i really enjoyed and almost finished it second time, but after that he started "Claymore" which is gore and don't have comedy at all. though action genre is relative though.

i will try silver spoon when it reach to 4/5 volumes at-least. normally i don't start manga on early chapters.. i'm reading lots of good comments for "magico" (new shounen jump series).. i hope it will stay popular as it is right now. i definitely have plan to read it.

I enjoy slice of life if its with comedy. but i'm not much fan of pure slice of life. i will read hero tales. thanks for the recommendation.
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