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Jiyi Guanli Ju
Jiyi Guanli Ju
Feb 3, 1:04 AM
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Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf 2nd Season
Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf 2nd Season
Jan 3, 10:03 PM
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Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria 2nd Season
Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria 2nd Season
Jan 3, 10:03 PM
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Bokura no Kiseki
Bokura no Kiseki
Jan 4, 2024 3:34 AM
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Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san.
Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san.
Nov 23, 2023 10:20 PM
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Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo
Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo
Aug 6, 2023 3:16 PM
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Lumecyow Jan 29, 2018 3:35 AM
haha I see xDD
Dw about the time you take to respond ~
Lumecyow Dec 29, 2017 4:07 PM
Hello !

Long time no see ~
OniiChon Nov 1, 2017 9:22 AM
Gimme that profile pic
Lumecyow Nov 1, 2017 7:48 AM
I hope too c:
Lumecyow Oct 31, 2017 4:02 PM
Before playing a horror game, I just thought I'll wish a Happy Halloween to every MAL friends I have. So here I am ~
Happy Halloween !
Lumecyow Oct 31, 2017 2:42 AM
It was an experience for both of us so :')

I'm not silly I don't know what you're saying really ~ ( this was ironic, just in case )

I see what you're saying. I think I can understand, even if you say most people can't. I had a friend, well he's still my friend but we're not talking currently, that live far away, like I'm in the south of France and he was in the north. We met four years ago, and I saw his face just two years after I met him. It's surely not the same as with you and her but I think I can relate a bit, even if he's just a friend.

I am a stalker myself sometimes so xD
But isn't every person has a little of a stalker inside them ? *philosophy time*

I don't even know ThePirateBay either :')
I'm not even going on particular sites sometimes so. I just search the episode I want and it's on netu or rutube often ~

It's kinda weirds but hey, who's gonna judge, not me o/


Also did you read the last chapter of ReLife ? ~
Lumecyow Oct 29, 2017 5:16 AM
Well, since I watched it knowing it's not gonna be a good anime referring to the note it had, I enjoyed it more as a particular strangeness than an amine itself :')

Exactly the same for me I still have it in my head xD

I think the same, I'd rather die than those but I don't have a fear of it really. I'm more like " Men, if that ever happens I don't want to live. But since it didn't, LET'S ENJOY HAVING SENSES. OH MY GODNESS. " ya see ?
And yeah, some people make fun of me when they happen to know it or when they see me near a butterfly and I literally run far from it and scream xD But I take it cool, they surely fear something too and they don't say it or don't want people to know it so I'm like yeah, I'm scared of those you got a problem bro
You know mine too now ~

I still fear seeing him dancing, I just can't imagine him moving his arms and his legs to make a lil dance :')

My english is far from perfect too, I apologise for that, I might often make mistakes >< I try not though, but again I can't be perfect :')
I take that as a compliment xD

Gosh that's so far D:
Oh so I talk with a stalker I didn't know xD

I didn't know those
I searched so long to find something just fine to wath anime, how did you find those ? :')

Well, I don't update everything I watch, especially this kind of thing if you know what I mean, and I was like " Oh. I did see this one. " So I added it.
Lumecyow Oct 27, 2017 1:26 PM
Oh no, is Kyouma really dancing ? I don't know if I want to see that xD
I got through yours too lately and added some things ~

I was avoiding having a kind of social life or too much friends too, but my bestfriend kind of pushed me to meet certain people that had the same likes as me ( such as anime or music taste ), and then those people did the same, and it happend again, and now I'm like bruh, they all consider me as a friend, it's scary. Cause I don't have enough time to consider all them as real friend. For me a real friend is someone you're not necessarily talking with often but someone you can trust, talk without fear about the subjects that comes in your head or whatever you want to say at the moment. Someone you can consider as a help too, and that you know can help you if you have a breakdown or shit. Like, not someone yoiu say hello, you laugh with a bit and then nothing. So meh, sorry I'm not a ninja turtle I can't do that with everyone :')
So yeah, I have some friends but not that much. Appart of my bestfriend, I just have three or four friends.

When I watch in Vostfr I don't have a particular site, but for Vosteng, I wacth anime on JPanime. They have a daaaaaamn lot :')
And I also dowload on JP, when I know I'm not gonna have wifi or things like that

Ahem, let me explain myself please before judging me xD
I saw it popping out of nowhere I don't remember why I clicked on it, but I watched the trailer just after and was like " Oh, weird. Ah, euh, - Oh. Weird. Have to watch it. " And then I added it to my list :')
I after noticed the score it had but was like we'll see ?
I didn't even read the synopsis
Oh no, I just read it.. I have a butterfly phobia but well, I'll watch it anyway :')

You know what, I'm gonna watch it right now ~
Lumecyow Oct 26, 2017 8:57 AM
Oh I saw you began Dimension W and that you put Dengeki Daisy on your PTW list
I'm scared of seeing Dimension W since the manga is so cool to me, one of my favorite. Habitually, I would be excited to see the show basing on one of my favorite manga but, It's like for Blood Lad. I'm just so scared the show coud ruin the manga that I'm really not sure what to do
Oh but Dengeki was a really cool manga. Plus, the author is one of my favorite, I have to buy the four frst tomes of Queen's Quality
If you like the author or if you like Dengeki Daisy when you'll read it, I really recommend QQ Sweeper, that's the beginning of Queen's Quality she did, cause QQ Sweeper wasn't meant to be a long manga as Dengeki Daisy, but she wanted to do more when she finally finished QQ c:

That said, I'm happy to hear I'm not bothering you, I don't want to be the freaking one user on MAL who's annoying you

It's pretty cool to see things like that yeah, I see what you're saying

I really have to read it, so :')

I would like to do that so much but I literally can't. Certain anime seemed cool, but I was huh I have to much of this season yet I can't I won't be able to watch everything
Lumecyow Oct 25, 2017 3:44 AM
Don't worry we all have times like this c:
I was just a little worried that I might bother you

I really liked this one with all the history of dragons and the little fly they had in kind of a dream, that was really touching
In what way does she feels relatable to you so ?

Well I was the anime with my bestfriend, and she liked it so much she read the manga, and I have to read it since she's begging me to read it cause " IT HAS SO MUCH MORE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE LOSING " so.. Yeah I'll read it someday :')

Ten series is already a big thing wow, I'm just watching seven series of the season personally and it's enough, more and I'd drown :')
Lumecyow Oct 23, 2017 3:26 PM
It's been a litlle while, so I just post to say I hope you're going well ~
Lumecyow Oct 18, 2017 9:43 AM
Wow it's been so long since I listened to Bullet For My Valentine xD
I still have some song of Slipknoy though, but for BFMV I just listen two of their songs now so :')

I know EGOIST but not the rest D: I'll note them somewhere to listen to them hehe
I absolutely like the ost of Gokukoku no Brynhildr recently but yeah you're right, ost are just the best thing to some anime

God if I had both the instrumentals and the original song I wouldn't have so much music on my phone xD
Like I have a thousand of musics on it, counting some instrumentals :')

It's really really good to me so far c:
Lumecyow Oct 17, 2017 12:45 PM
I just finished the two episodes of Mahou Tsukai No Yome c:
Lumecyow Oct 17, 2017 9:49 AM
I see your point of view yeah
To me it doesn't necessarily work like that. Most of my favorites are made by a heart stroke, sometimes I see that other things are better but I just can't put my mind into prefering the other thing instead of my favorite
For exemple, my favorite bands are Thousand Foot Krutch and Three Days Grace. But I really like Motionless in White and Trivium, I even know they're better and their lyrics are deeper and the instrumentals are, for the most songs of them cause I don't know all the songs of MIW and Trivium, are better worked but I can't prefer them, I just love TFK and TDG too much ( they're rock and metal band if you were wondering )

I pretty like how you're thinking about it though, it's funny :')

Wow, I'm surprised. ◎ܫ◎
I actually really like lyrics on top of all when it comes to songs, like a bunch of people too
I still really like some instrumentals, but you wouldn't be into it since you seem to like pop and I like rock, but especially metal (ノಠдಠ)ノ︵┻━┻
I understand the feeling
The pain of waiting one week to have another episode that will last just 25 minutes. So unfair
Lumecyow Oct 16, 2017 12:59 PM
Some bands or movies just take me into their world so, they become one of my favorites I can't do anything against it xD
What music are you into though ? c:

That's sad. When someone suggest me something, well not if I'm like REALLY lazy or REALLY not into the idea of trying cause it seems to far from my likes, I try it. It's always cool to know more and more
And actually, I really like it !

I kinda like how it sounds actually
The meaning is cool :')

I mostly use Lumecyow or Youlanie everywhere, or just Mallow xD

I'm gonna watch the third ova soon hehe !
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