All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 76.6
Mean Score:
- Reading10
- Completed327
- On-Hold38
- Dropped132
- Plan to Read504
- Total Entries1,011
- Reread13
- Chapters8,330
- Volumes1,394
All Comments (207) Comments
nothing much just school, life is boring as usual
btw wat hav u been up to?
lol nice, lemme no how that goes
and since u seem to remember all manga u read. mind explaining the latest loveless chapter to me? except for the end, that spoke for itself *eagar to read the rest*
so wat hav u been up to lately?
oh wow this is...oh wow...i love how the syncing is so off >_>
really? im gonna ask lysen for a sample the next time i see her. she showed me once but i complete forgot about it
when u say they, does that mean they left hungary? i guess its to be polite i suppose japanese people r crazy polite >_> lol that is true XD
oh is that so, hmm thats too bad i would suggest just talking to them but then again japanese ppl r so good @ hiding their feelings u cnt tell if their annoyed with u or not =_=; oh ouch u got pwned lol as long as u guys had fun X3 i find it interesting how japanese ppl r such tourists u get transfer students and tourists mainly fr japan, its kinda weird.
ouch so is ur comp ok now?
yeah that is true, so im guessing u made a lot of new japanese friends eh? i love transfer students i wish we could have another one <= had 2 of them in the past
XD yes we want mukuro bak lol yeah that is weird i wonder how tsuna-tachi is gonna get outta this one =_=; [i hope all the ppl fr the other demensions dnt team up or smth >_> [there is more then enough tsuna thank you] meh its ok, im gonna whine about y hibari and mukuro refer 2 themselves with "boku" when tsuna is a million times more girly and yet uses "ore" =_=; and lal is more manly then tsuna will ever be >_>
true she looks older then i imagined though. i wonder wat she will do? lol yes cuz he knows she is gonna give them a 2nd chance. its so obvious.
this is my own theory but i remember reading it somewhere where they personally stated that legal drug was not BL. true in a sense but since when do boys crossdress and happen to be gay at the same time? only in clamps manga and in other BL besides its labelled as BL but only the mangaka denies this. i dnt get wat u would call it if its so god damn obvious... besides i dnt like clamp so i guess its just me purely hating on them. that is true but those r like u said just parrings legal drug isnt only limited to the 2 main charas though.
hahaha ok, cuz i think anyone reading this would be thinking we wanna get laid or hav no lives or smth XD
XD just so u no i had a friend who watched the whole anime 3xs! though i should finish it... yes there is. thats y ppl cant stop the tomoyoxsakura cuz clamp made them look gay... well u no wat clamp is in denial about any homosexual love in their works... so there is not BL or GL according to clamp. i says they should stop making shit so obvious [like legal drug, they deny this as BL... yeah ok then wtf is it then?] srry im kinda grumpy... cuz i went down 4% in math...