All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 131.8
Mean Score:
- Watching26
- Completed388
- On-Hold8
- Dropped46
- Plan to Watch175
- Total Entries643
- Rewatched60
- Episodes7,954
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries98
- Reread0
- Chapters1,208
- Volumes208
All Comments (120) Comments
nice profile :) why is ur name sadporn?
ty for accepting my fr :D
Apologies for the late reply^^'
They were much better that 2020's, but that's not saying much is it. Anyways they we're good.
Mostly hanging around the house with like 20 or so people(family & friends) it was quite exciting. How about yours???
I'm glad to here that it wasn't anything serious. How are you fairing at this point?
Great to hear. I'm hoping for an excellent year for both of us ^^
How did the test come out? Are you alright health wise?
I'm doing particularly good, how about you???
My college situation has completely been flipped on its head lol. Most likely joining a college 5 kms away from my home. I never thought choosing a college would be this hard. It's especially hard when all the choices I have are so terrible. Btw do you go to college? I've considered looking into Germany for my education. It's hard to think of moving abroad in the situation I am in right now, but I've been thinking about what I wanna do after graduating and it seems pursuing higher education from Germany is quite a popular choice among a lot of Indians.
As for college, I just wish I got a longer break between my exams ending and college starting. My college is halfway across the country, so I'll have to adapt to a completely different environment. I know I can do it, but it's just so goddamn stressful lol.
I'm planning to finish CB this week hopefully. I've only watched the first episode so far and it had a pretty good, though hard for me to infer much. I generally prefer it when shows make it at least somewhat clear what the direction they wanna take is. For now I'll have to wait and see. Also CB is gorgeous. The character designs, color pallet, etc. That itself makes it worth sticking around.
Take care!
How have you been? Also it seems you had your birthday a week ago. Belated happy birthday!!!
I spent almost all of last year at home, so I definitely had to go out.
Most things are going well, how about on your end???