My name is Oz...I love anime! when im not watching anime im playing computer games...
sunset,mountains,space,natrure,crisps,soysauce,rain,my friends,
Sigur Ros,Joe Hisaishi,Mum,and Amiina
it's a very fun anime to watch indeed! you should watch it too!! i got it so il bring it round with wolfs rain and fate stay night....
got loads u need to catch up on oz!
Voices of a distant star is awesome! It rocked!
Hey Oz were going to see Sigur Ros!!!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! : )
Robot man smilling!
Fri 7th november in bristol~Colston hall...
Balcony row c, seats no.29,30!!!!
Oh yeah...gobbledigook is addictive! Not quite the same as the sigur ros we know! I just hope the album is gonna be good.
I'l download "The Place Promised In Our Early Days" too!
Hey dude!!!!
Changed your profile pic too! awesome...
Good site aint it!
Recording went well but it took forever!
I got voices of a distant star so il wait til your here to watch it!
Add everything now! Yay!
later oz boy.... : )
All Comments (12) Comments
Hows the Mushishi goin?
Looks like im beating you on lucky star!
your gonna love ep.12....
Im liking Lucky Star it makes me laugh lots...
" "
got loads u need to catch up on oz!
Voices of a distant star is awesome! It rocked!
Robot man smilling!
Fri 7th november in bristol~Colston hall...
Balcony row c, seats no.29,30!!!!
I'l download "The Place Promised In Our Early Days" too!
Changed your profile pic too! awesome...
Good site aint it!
Recording went well but it took forever!
I got voices of a distant star so il wait til your here to watch it!
Add everything now! Yay!
later oz boy.... : )