[Small Disclaimer]
Time changes everything. Yet, here I preserve what once defined my character.
Time Machines are enjoyable, and one way or another, this is one I personally chose to leave out in the open.
I once dared dream so high, only to watch the sky torn asunder a future I would not believe was clinging to challenge everything that I stood for. From that moment onward, I found new strength in my resolution, never again taking anything for granted.
How poetic ~
Right, now back to what most want to read:
Where's my Attack on Titan Season 2?! C'mon Step it up! *pats foot*
... Centuries have passed and not a Season 2. This is marathon I tell you!
Eeeesh, Will all of you refrain from telling me spoilers? - ~-
11/02/2016 ... I have attained invaluable information that would link the release of Attack on Titan season 2 to this month. I must keep researching on my lab, for many hours will I be theorizing as to when may the world unite to assist this new sunlight.
I will gladly devote my cause for all of you! No applause needed, really. But some cheesecake would do wonders *hint hint*
28/09/16 - All hope is gone. Yup. Confirmed!
08/10/16 - I wonder if Pink Gummy bears could replace titans for faster animation schedules. Yes. YES! It all falls into place! 5 Million yen here I come! And chips.
07/12/16 - Season two will see its release on April 2017. My plan has succeeded.
Only took two trips to the moon. I think I left my shoe there... but what's the worst thing that can happen?
17/07/2017 - So it waaaas very good but not worth all the excitement. 3rd season announced for around the same time next year...
Boi here we go again!
I still be on me way to space Australia, gonna be seein' those majestic space ducks! (So majestic), and ofc looking forward to go to spacey's! It's good food ... in space!
Oh Team4Star, You've done wonders. Bless you!
Huh, they've announced that the very last episode is to become an extension of several episodes. Aigh, Very well! I'll look forward to watching with the same enthusiasm, for this has been quite the journey! *salute*
So yeah, Myanimelist, Tis nice yesh, but to be honest I got dragged here, tied to a chair and was forced to become in pair with this network society.. Torture I know!
But I dooo have to admit, it's pretty sweet to organize our own anime data-pool and learn from one another what’s our next target, granted for that alone it was already worth my stay. So yeah, you have done it! (you know who you are!)
Can I now refrain from receiving 3 emails a week for me to join the MAL society? (please?) (onegaii?)
That said.. there’s one network society to whom I shall never agree nor land a step towards even if shot in the foot, facebook? Facebook?! Never, it is indeed, funny tho not having a facebook account nowadays almost means you have no social interactivity whatsoever, it’s like not having an ID for heaven's sake!
"Oh sir, you forgot to type in your facebook name!";
"Well, that is because maybe I DON'T HAVE ONE!";
We did not have tea afterwards.
But ya know what? I’m at war against facebook since the day it came out. Sure it’s all nice and all to meet new people who you couldn't contact otherwise and I find it pretty interesting if for working purposes but other then that: Yuck!
(Squad of angry people demolishing my door);
(looking down the veranda with potatoes& tea): "I REGRET NOTHING!" *spills tea* "...oops?"
Seriously tho, its so sad to see today's society using Facebook in order to show who they are, you want to know me? Well, then come and meet me! It’s hard to convince me otherwise (;
So whoever try’s *cough and looks all around* *grins* I wouldn't get my hopes up muwahahaha! *cof cof* my malefic laughs need work, I know. Now where did I put that coughing medication? Oh deep slumber, how I awaited thee...
On a serious note, I'm one heck of a guy! Poke moi over @ at me Twitch and come chat anytime! Same username! So I invite you all to come on over!
(I'll even draw you a Potato ~ < 3 )
Link on me description! :D
[About meh]
Favorite sweets: Muffins, Cheesecake!' n pizza. God love Pizza. Pizza is good and you should go eat it. Go order one! You're welcomed.
Favorite colour: Red, ofc by this point it's easy to assume I think fire is awesome and Dragons are sexy!
Oh! worth noting. I have failed society as I didn't quit being in one in order to become a Pokemon master as I reached my 10 years old. Quite sad :(
Btw, has anyone else ever tried throwing' crumbs of pizza at bird's? They'll fight one another in an epic Mortal Kombat duel! Point your camera and get ready for an epic fight scene! Youtube it 'n' profit!
Send your income to me by mail. I expect bills, change makes my wallet heavy.
Seriously tho, don't. Birds are free majestic creatures! So please nurture them, care for them and see how high they can fly.
They deserve only the best like no one ever could ~
Favorite Quote:"In the End, it’s not the amount of years in your life that count, but rather the amount of life in your years"
[Silly World of Warcraft puns]
Ingame taunt: "Your mother is a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries"
Works like a gem!
Wait where's our healer? Shiizzzzz......
Ahhh ~ How I miss the old /2 Trade chat ~
You were not forgotten my friend /salute
So we now have the ability to time travel in WoD. Fuck it, I say time travel to Vanilla! Trade Chat is Immortal! All welcome our lord and Savior! #YouThinkYouDoButYouDont
Seriously I can't believe you've not fed-up reading this by now. Soooo I better take my leave but before i do so I'll leave you with the very best ultimate life form:
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I WANT POTATOES.
┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) I WANT POTATOES.
┻━┻ ︵ \\('0')// ︵ ┻━┻ I WANT POTATOES!
ಠ_ಠ Tom...
ಠ_ಠ Put.
ಠ__ಠ The tables.
ಠ___ಠ Back.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER!
You may also find moi in The Official Sega Forums - Saberclaws, providing you with all that feedback and helping you all have a proper saga.
Welp that was over fast. Maybe I should just go and build myself a game.
~ Be right back! (;
14/10/16 - I ended up developing a comic book whilst creating that game.
Funny how life work sometimes ~
- Yes you, I did it -
Here, have a potato
All Comments (24) Comments
Estou a dizer isto mas só tens os School Rumble's, o Goku e o Death Note como eu. Também já tive a Saber nos favoritos às uns tempos.
>not having lum instead of ataru
E de resto como vao as coisas?
No porto acho que é lá para outubro!
Não sei, isso nao está pensado com tanta antecedência até porque vai depender da univ na altura. Logo se vê
Eu de vez em quando tneho de ca vir, claro! Actualizar. O ritmo de anime é que é lento, mas o que é que se ha-de fazer...
A lisboa não estou a ver muito, mas ao IberAnime do Porto devo ir!
De certeza que nos vemos quando vieres para Aveiro, temos é de combinar qualquer coisa.
Anyway, sortudo ja estás de ferias eu ainda tenho de me massacrar a estudar ate sexta, depois disso estou livre de exames. HELL YEAHH!!!
QUanto ao anime nao consegui resistir a ver 2 que estou a espera há bué para sairem, o Kuroshitsuji II e o Nuraihyon no Mago. Mas isso não quer dizer que nao tenha começado a ver outros como Occult Academy e Shiki.
Well, see ya I am off to study e temos mesmo de combinar qualquer coisa. Secalhar cinema again e ver um filme sem sentido, como da ultima vez. xD
ja ne********
Sim conheço school rumble. Uma amiga minha emprestou-me a manga mas eu não gostei muito, até porque o art style não me chama muito a atenção. Aquilo parece um mix de harem anime com azumanga daioh *medo*
O 6º filme devia ser banido da historia mundial. Foi tão horrendo que eu tive que skipar algumas partes. Mas... o 5º filme foi simplesmente AWESOME. Aliás, é o unico filme baseado na manga se não estou em erro. Uma pessoa consegue chorar baba e ranho e chorar a rir ao mesmo tempo com esse filme. Até porque tem porcos voadores. O que pode ser mais cool?
Também gostei do segundo filme, mas a certa altura parece que estamos todos drogados com aquilo xD É hipnotizante (mas com um final decente). Dos outros filmes não tenho queixa. Gostei mt do 1º e o 4º foi comestivel se bem que faltou ali qualquer coisa...
O Ataru é uma besta quadrada mas é impossível não gostar dele. Adorei-o nos OVAs e nos filmes (se bem que o 6º filme é um falhanço desgraçado altogether). Contudo, best character será para sempre a Lum (e o Cherry e o Megane que me matam a rir xD).
PS: sim tenho um deviantart, mas é meio abandonado.
PPS: o random comment foi cómico lol
Agora quanto à pergunta eu temo o que me possa acontecer caso responda, pergunta à miriam que ela tem mais guts!