Sasuke ?
I dont remember , I seen latest ep it had the jinchuuriki or whatevs
I read the manga now xD exciting shit happened lol would probably take months for anime to cover
It is , there was a huge article about it in Ar Riyadh newspaper ( saudi newspapers dont mention anime or cartoons at all usually lol ) seems like its the bomb of the year
Oooooh good for you , Congrats
Nice results inshallah :D
Naruto is a shame to animes now , I feel ashamed to say I watch its eps now ( and I watch them out of obligation and fastforward each episode like whole ep done in 5 minutes just to see if anything actually happened ) and today watched 300 - 309 in less than an hour and nothing , all of them r retarded fillers
Just feeling bad for the retarded author , he could have been amazing and done a masterpiece but the anime ruined it
Sure I'm okay , Graduated and stayed home for a bit , no good jobs ofc so started training as an english kg teacher cuz its fun and they like me and will officially work starting new year hahaha more fun than office work i guess
All Comments (107) Comments
Wow i just saw NOW that you write to me... hahaha!!! :)
I dont remember , I seen latest ep it had the jinchuuriki or whatevs
I read the manga now xD exciting shit happened lol would probably take months for anime to cover
Congrats on finishing!
Watched 3 latest eps yesterday , they werent fillers
But still not good enough till Sasuke reappears
All is good , What about you ?
its summer ! xD
Really ? Thats good news I thought of seriously dropping it
Yea its actually very fun lmao and temporary but gonna see if i liked it then why not
Thanx & Good luck to you too
P.S : Start watching Shingeki no Kyojin , its ok to suffer weekly its just worth the wait
Nice results inshallah :D
Naruto is a shame to animes now , I feel ashamed to say I watch its eps now ( and I watch them out of obligation and fastforward each episode like whole ep done in 5 minutes just to see if anything actually happened ) and today watched 300 - 309 in less than an hour and nothing , all of them r retarded fillers
Just feeling bad for the retarded author , he could have been amazing and done a masterpiece but the anime ruined it
Sure I'm okay , Graduated and stayed home for a bit , no good jobs ofc so started training as an english kg teacher cuz its fun and they like me and will officially work starting new year hahaha more fun than office work i guess
Yea been a while
How have you been ?
Hmm not much time to try out new ones .. Just finished Magi & FT and watching Hunter x Hunter + Chihayafuru 2 now , you ?
how are you doing?? ^ ^