Trump 2024
TLTR, Summary: I try to rate objectively. The average to me is a 7. Though 5 and above is still a good show to me.
Except for cars, and except for guns, and except for sports, and except for Videogames, Anime is my 5th favorite hobby. I am a huge anime fan, but not a weeb or Otaku. I'm not a closet anime watcher, but I don't really talk about it unless someone else brings it up. If you met me irl you would NEVER suspect me to even watch tv (outside of sports games) better yet some "Japanese cartoons." And yet, I have, and I'm more than happy to discuss it if someone else brings it up. To put it bluntly, I don't like being associated with anime fans, because most of y'all are weird.
I'm a firm believer that if your favorite category of anime is Slice of Life or Romance. You can't bench your own body weight and can't run a mile in under 6 minutes. Therefore, you're a sissy, and I don't hold your opinion in high regard. You can be a sissy though. I have many friends, and unlike most people in society, I get along great with people I disagree with. That should give you a solid idea of the type of person I am.
Enough about me though, there are many things in anime that scratch me the wrong way. For example:
I don't like Romance (Because it's often poorly done, predictable, cliche, filled with fanservice moments, and the protagonist is often a complete dunce, the girl is one of 3 types, and a bunch of times the conclusion isn't even satisfying). I don't like Slice of Life. I don't like mecha. I don't like singing. I don't like Engrishu unless its usage is in a valid context. I don't like a lot of common female anime character tropes. I don't like women in a show being completely useless or Damsels in Distress or a fanservice character. I don't like "cute girls doing cute things." I don't like high-pitched obnoxious voices. I don't like the Power of Friendship. I don't like characters that whip stuff out of their ass. I hate CGI. And most of all, I HATE Fanservice and absolutely DESPISE Harem Shows. My favorite thing in anime is a good protagonist who isn't a b*tch boy. I don't like self-inserts or people that say "Killing bad." I also don't like a perverted protagonist or protagonist that can't talk to a female. I like a protagonist that does not take sh*t from anybody and who is a complete badass. An overpowered protagonist who knows they are the sh*t is my favorite. The protagonist is the most important thing to me. A good protagonist trumps any other category. Most of my favorite anime, are my favorite because of the protagonist.
The categories I rate on and their importance to me are as follows: Characters >> Powerscaling / Plot Holes / Plot Armor / Plot Convenience / General Bullshittery >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anything else.I personally don't think any show deserves below a 3 unless they fail in every category. Anything that gets below a 3 from me, is really really really really really bad. Average to me is a 7 based on Naruto (only applies for action shows), try to rate more on quality than enjoyment (At least it's a huge factor). Which means I also try to rate objectively. Look at my favorites and their ratings for proof of this. Bias/How much I enjoyed it, can bring a show that's supposed to be a 7 to an 8. Also shows that Excel in one category also get an 8. For Example, Demon Slayer is complete garbage. Without the pretty animation, I would rate Demon Slayer a 4. But due to it looking extremely good I got it an 8. An excellent protagonist can also get a show an 8. For the most part, don't take my 8 ratings, and 7 ratings too seriously. I use both ratings basically interchangeably. A show I have rated an 8, might not be objectively better then a show I got rated a 7.
But anything that I got rated at a 9<= or a 6=> earned that rating (and if there is an exception due to pure love or pure hatred, I'll point that out). Sometimes when rating a show, I'll rate it on a metric of how well it executes its premise (mainly done for shows I will probably dislike or shows with a unique premise).
Shows that have a 10, I consider to be the best of a genre or at something. You can check the comment for what that is. Shows with a 5 are still good even though my average is 7. The quickest way to piss me off, or lose score (where I ignore objectivity and go completely into enjoyment) is to have a trash ending. I look at it like this: I've had sex with virgins before and I've had anal sex with a girl who had never done it before. It felt AMAZING, It was absolutely wonderful, the only thing that beats it is taking a woman's regular virginity. But no matter how great the overall experience was, if she had gone to the restroom on my d*ck, my day would have been absolutely ruined. A shitty ending can ruin even a near-perfect show (*Cough Cough, Attack on Titan, *Cough Cough).
I plan on watching every Mainstream/Meme anime pre-2018 in existence. If I wasn't doing that, I would only watch action/comedy shows preferably with people dying. So, I'll watch a show even if I don't like the genre [Boko No Pico/ H3NTA1] or certain elements of it [Kill La Kill/fanservice]. If I'm watching a show where I know that I don't like the genre, I will be more generous with my scoring and be even more objective than normal. I.E If I'm watching a slice of life, I won't rate it the same as if I was watching an action show. If I especially think I'm going to dislike a show, I'll write "Completion" or "I did it for the completion" or "I did it for the memes" where I will be super-objective (Be mindful, there's a limit to how objective you can be If you absolutely hate something). The only exception to this rule is for harem shows, which in my humble opinion, are inherently bad no matter the genre of the show and will always be garbage (the only exception being when the Protagonist is REALLLLLLLLLYYY Good)
If you see a really popular/controversial show with a controversial rating, I probably got a comment you can read for my explanation. Heck, I put a comment for most shows with extra thoughts. I use this site to organize my feelings on an anime, hence the amount of detail (I’m a very organized person irl). Also in the comments, will be a rating for how much I enjoyed a show. This rating will be what I'd be rating shows if I weren't trying to be objective. This rating will only be placed on the first season of a show and represents a show series as a whole. If I add extra thoughts to this rating, it will be entailed in {} brackets.
When it comes to discussions. I don't dance around my words to make you feel better about yourself. That said, I'm up for discussion about anything anime-related if asked. Also if you're a car guy, add me. We're friends by default.
P.S: Rising of The Shield Hero is my favorite anime series (due to the Light Novel being my favorite book/ piece of fiction period). If we're using the actual definition of series (as in multiple shows), then it would be Fate. Re:Zero is my favorite anime.
And Yeah, I got Domestic Girlfriend, Irregular At Magic High School, SAO in my favorites, bite me. Just because a show is one of my favorites, doesn't mean I don't think it has any flaws. But still, form your own opinions about shows instead of jumping on hate bandwagons. This community is a hive mind full of sheep, YouTubers call a show bad, all of a sudden everybody and their mom joins in and starts also calling the show bad. A few loud minorities start calling a show bad, and all of a sudden everybody stops liking the show and starts calling it bad. A popular person calls a show good, all of a sudden everyone in their mother starts sucking the show-off. People call popular stuff bad, just to make themselves feel superior.
The main problem with modern Western society is the massive amount of dick-riding (for and against). The world is built on gray. Complete darkness ( a show that has no positive qualities at all) and complete light ( a show that is perfect) is nigh non-existent. Everything's gray, whether we're talking about anime or not. Don't dick-ride, and don't pick sides.
Form your own opinions, based on nothing but your own reason and logic and feelings. Make your own shade of gray. Stop reading reviews for shows or watching videos on them. Determine for yourself how good the show is rather than form your opinion based on someone else's.
Popular stuff is popular for a reason. More than likely cuz it’s good or it appeals to a lot of people. But also perhaps just because it got lucky (*Cough* Demon Slayer *Cough*). Just because something is popular doesn't necessarily mean it's good. That being said, if something is popular it is basically impossible for it to be outright bad (at least when it comes to anime).
You can dislike something without it being bad. You can also like objectively bad stuff.
If you gonna attack me on my taste, Grow up and stop being a sheep. But feel free to attack me anyway, I’m up for discussion.
(To this end, I NEVER watch trailers or reviews for any anime I plan on watching [Neither do I watch trailers for movies, or gameplay/trailers for videogames I buy]. I don't even read the complete description of a show before I watch it, only the first 2 sentences. The only way I end up watching new shows is because the screenshot picture looks cool or I hear the opening and I like it or everyone is throwing a fuss about it on the internet. Everything on my profile is my own opinion, I don't hear anything from outside sources.)
Also if your mean anime score is below 6.2 you should probably stop watching anime and go do something better with your life cuz you’ve probably seen way too many.
P.P.S: Domestic Girlfriend had the worst ending in ALL of Fiction.The ending to AOT was dogsh*t.
After watching Pico x Coco x Chico. I've finally finished watching everything I consider to be a mainstream H3NTE. And my H3NTE career is for the most part over with. All I got to say for the regular folk is, give it a shot, you might like it, you might not. It's 2020<. And you’ve probably seen some already if you’re on this site, stop being a bitch and man up and shout to the world that you like what you like. That being said if you like any of these shows: "Boko No Pico", "Oni Chichi", "Shoujou Ramune", "Kiss X Sis", "Euphoria." You’re going to hell. If you like "Euphoria" and "Kiss X Sis" in particular, you need to go there as soon as possible.
All Comments (8) Comments
The only ones who defends the ending are diehard delusional fans. It's same as GOT S8E3, most of the people realized that series was turning into a dumpster fire, but diehard delusionals still defended it. And what happened after the final episode? Everyone started to agree it's shit. Same thing will happen with AOT too. Everyone will agree it's a shit final after the anime adaptation.