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Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou
May 4, 2021 2:25 AM
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Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru
Apr 29, 2021 6:34 AM
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All Comments (228) Comments
Btw, good to see that ur still updating
It was because of this that now I took even longer, I took this as a sign that you really weren’t bothered by late replies so I stopped feeling any sort of hurry, but a month really? I don’t recall having reached that far, but considering with this present reply I’m only one week away from that record, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was actually the case. Once again I apologize, but as I told you before I’ve got too much important stuff to do every day to take the time to sit down and write down relatively long replies related to leisure activities. Not that I don’t like it or don’t want to, it’s just that finding the time for that has become increasingly complicated.
”Knowledge-pool”, “surface-level”, see that’s what I’m talking about, at your age I still had never even heard of and consequently never used advanced terms like those. Pool was literally a pool and surface was literally a surface of anything and that was all to me, didn’t associate them with figurative, secondary meanings. And it’s not just about knowing about a lot of stuff, it’s more than that, is the general way of writing and expressing yourself, the same capacity to have replied all this so fast, the one I find unusually advanced for your age, it's like I wouldn’t believe I’m talking to someone who not so long ago (to me) was still a 12-13-year-old inexperienced pre-teen. Maybe I could be sounding too “boomer” by saying this but when remembering myself and my mates when we were your age and doing the comparison, it comes as inevitable.
I don’t think it has made you dumber as you think, I’d say only more comfortable. And also it’s not like older people who didn’t have immediate access to information and knowledge as people do today had better memory skills or had it easier when it comes to retaining information without any backup, it’s not like we were walking encyclopedias either.
It’s interesting that an Indonesian tells you he went to a Christian camp when naturally you’d inexorably associate an inhabitant from that country with Islam. Not even myself born in a Christian-Catholic country ever assisted to an event like that. Speaking of which, and only if it’s not too much meddling, which religion do you practice (if any)?
And yes that’s the way it is, that is pretty much how it feels, though in reality I believe it’s something only people who give effective, real value to the life they leave behind in the past and that not only limit themselves to care just for their present and future times can notice. Probably the time-passage perception for the other type of people may be quite different, given they don’t really care or appreciate whatever their pasts may be. And noticing how people who were only babies in a time that still doesn’t seem so distant suddenly becoming teens and adults themselves is also a sign of this phenomenon. That’s precisely one of the things so hard to believe to us! To the people who have already entered the flat-stage I described you before, like seriously, we can’t help but ask ourselves: when did this happen? It is really impressive (if not, shocking) to notice how the people who still didn’t have much time on Earth when one was the teen or early adult now out of nowhere turns out it’s them the current teens and early adults! Not so long ago I was the 16/18-year-old boy….and now you’re telling me that baby is the 16/18-year-old boy too!? What happened here? When and how? At least for people like me noticing this kind of stuff is truly nuts, because we can’t mentally internalize the last ~15 years of our lives in the exact same way we could do it with the first ~15 years of it, and I suppose it’s even worse for people who are even further in the life-cycle.
If that helps you as a means to achieve time dilation, then way to go! Teen years are the best, at least in my opinion they are the peak of life so do whatever it’s in your hands to make them feel as long as possible, believe me, you’re gonna miss them by the time you realize you can’t call yourself a young person anymore, because at least in my experience once you’ve fully grown-up life starts a discouraging “dullification” process that can’t be stopped. Things the world offer simply don’t seem and can’t be perceived as interesting, fascinating and exciting as they were when you were younger. It’s not like that capacity entirely disappears, but definitely it doesn’t show up with the same intensity as before, and you have to learn to live with that because it can’t be helped. It’s funny how every kid and teen wishes to be an adult quick because by being an adult you have more freedom and money to do whatever you want and yes that’s certainly something undeniably attractive, but not knowing that when they actually become the adults they always wanted to be, now they will start wishing they could be kids and teens again. (Or maybe well…again, this could just be me of course).
Yes, now that you mention it it has always intrigued me why the country is named after India as if it consisted of a natural, cultural or political extension of it, when that’s not necessarily the case. By the way, what do you mean by “it has a ring to it”?
Why do you say lucky? Lucky in what sense? And you’re right, you’ll have to excuse me but I do not know anything about all that you mention (by the way, why in the world you know what Lava Jato (“Car Wash”) is?), but at the same time you don’t have to know about all that to at least be aware of the existence of the country and be able to locate it in the global map. And if all the oceans dried up we would have no continents, at least when looking the Earth from space; we would look not that much different than let’s say, Mars. It’s precisely the presence of water and oceans on the surface the one that allows the existence of different, well-defined continents, so I wouldn’t use that as criteria to determine that Indonesia’s land belongs to Asia, because with no oceans it would be connected to Asia just as much as it would be it with Oceania, only that bridge you mention would be in a higher altitude. Anyway, my point is to me it makes more sense to use a visual criteria when it comes to defining continents more than a geological one; according to how they distinguish between themselves when looking from the heights, and when I look at Indonesia it makes more sense to be to classify it as a country belonging to Oceania rather than Asia, even more when remembering Oceania is understood as “the continent of the many islands” and well, Indonesia technically is also a group of islands right next to the main island of said continent.
”You sound like the most average 33-year-old in the world” Lol, first of all I’m still half a year from there, and thank you for making me feel just as special as everyone else 🤣. JK.
Yes, I’ve still theoretically got more than half my life yet to live, but that is not going to imply I can still think of it as one where I still have “my whole of it ahead”, as it is said of young people who haven’t hit 20-22 (at most 25-26) yet. You see, one of the awful truths of life is that the older you get the fewer opportunities to make radical, 180° changes in your life are available to you. That’s just the way it is. The range of possible directions your life can take is each time more and more limited with age, and you eventually reach a point where your life is almost fully determined with barely any possibility of anything different (unless you’re willing to bear enormous risks and costs). And this sadly for most people happens quite early in life, it’s not something that happens closer to the end than the beginning as anybody would wish it was. And the reason? Natural consequence of mainly two factors: i) society’s implicit expectations of the level of experience in a specific field you should have and prove according to your age and ii) (ever-increasing) rivalry between all those who chose to pursue a career in the exact same field. You can’t just happily propose yourself to pursue a new professional career or project at the age of -let’s say- 35 from scratch and expect to happily find a job in that career by the time you’ve finished your studies at 40, because potential employers will expect the 40-year-old people to already be very experienced in that new profession you chose (something you will not be) and because if they wanted a recently graduated person (like you will be) hoping to be trained they have no reasons to chose a 40-year-old over a much younger and fresh 22-25-year-old one. You’re already too old to be just starting. Your alternative would be to self-employ and be your own boss but that would be a way tougher, less-promising and more stressful path. it’s not that simple, and that’s why the decisions you make when you are still young are absolutely crucial, because once those decisions are taken there will be each time more and more no way back (at minimal or no-cost), and will each time be more and more determinant of your future and professional position.
Most (if not, all) professionally successful people who reached far in whatever they chose to dedicate their lives to took the right decisions at the right time. Cases of older people who took the wrong ones or who took the right ones at the wrong time and also at some point found huge success and reached far in life are essentially only miracles; they’re 1 in a million. It’s not usual nor easily imitable. Think of successful athletes, artists, engineers, entrepreneurs or politicians; virtually all of them could reach far because they started working hard to reach there from a young age, even before graduating high school, and took the right decisions every step of the way. No matter how hard you try or how much you train: it’s highly unlikely you’ll succeed as for example a soccer player if you decide to become one at the age of 30. It’s just not possible anymore; it already did not happen to you and you have to accept it. No matter how much you learn and practice a musical instrument; it’s highly unlikely you’ll become a famous musician or singer if you decided to start doing that at age 30. And most people who today are successful politicians who managed to be elected for important public positions could get there because they chose to get involved in politics by first trying to become presidents of their high school student councils, then trying to become presidents of their college students’ federations, joining youth benches of political parties and so on, and thus increasingly becoming publicly known names since early age. And this is the way it goes with basically most professions and life paths in life. People who eventually find success in X worked hard for X and took all the right decisions at the right times at early age. And once you choose to achieve this for X you are at the same time deciding not to do it for Y and Z, options that will immediately become harder to fulfill once you’ve jumped into the X ship. If you haven’t since young age worked for something, if you don’t have the background, if you haven’t accumulated experience, it’s quite hard (if not impossible) to easily jump into ships Y or Z in case you are no longer interested in X, unless you are willing to run the risk of falling and perhaps drowning in the sea, an outcome even worse than if you have decided to remain in X.
So well…considering all this, you just eventually end up accepting it and dealing with it. I could very well quit my job and spend my savings on studying something else more related to my initial interests, but there’s like 95% chances I’d be worse off, because the opportunities to develop a new successful career are going to be very limited (if not non-existent). That’s why the older you get and you realize this awful truth you go from the dreamer stage to the grounded stage. You limit yourself to do the best you can within your possibilities and historical background. It’s not my intention to discourage you or anyone by saying all this, at the end of the day as they say dreaming is for free, and I’d say it’s something good to have your eyes looking at the skies, as long as you don’t forget to keep your feet on the ground, because otherwise, it would be quite easy to stagger and fall.
Speaking of which, and just out of curiosity, don’t you feel somewhat intimidated by talking to people way older than you? I’m curious because when I was in high school during the mid-00s and had just started to interact with people I met on the internet via either forums or the extinct Windows Messenger (the only chatting platform I’ve ever liked), some of them were in their 30s or even 40s and I remember very well that my general attitude was always like looking them from below, from a perspective of respect and authority; they were much older than me, more experienced in life than me so they were in a lot of aspects superior people than me, so I had to treat with them in a different, more respectful way. I never talked to them in the same laid-back, relaxed way I did with my closer contemporaries. And it's funny that now that I’m the one who’s already entered that “superior life-stage” I genuinely don’t feel anything of that superiority condition I thought I’d feel and could impose on the younger ones once I reached it at all! In such a way that I don’t expect those younger ones to see me and interact with me with said more cautious and fearful attitude. That’s why it would be interesting to know how do you feel about talking to people way older than you, especially strangers on the internet.
It honestly impresses me that you were capable to write down all this so fast. And you make me feel guilty because you reply to me almost immediately while I have you waiting for more than 3 weeks. Anyway, be sure that nothing of what you write feels “off” as you may think, quite the contrary, all of your response reads quite clear and eloquent. You have a noticeable skill to write down very well without needing to take too much time to organize well your thoughts and ideas, this after seeing how quick your reply was. That’s a gift not many people really enjoy, so feel yourself proud and privileged!
I'm sincerely sorry if I have made you wait so long, but I'm serious when I say I am a really busy man, especially as of late. I don't have much free time, of the one where you literally don't have anything else important to do during the day (and this including weekends), and the little I've got I use it just to lie down in the bed, relax and literally turn my brain off watching either TV, movies, YT or any other content. I wish I had more free time to do more than just that but as of now I just don't, and it's very likely it will be like this for much longer. In fact to give you a more graphic idea, my last reply to you I wrote it past midnight of a working day, having to sacrifice some sleep hours, because otherwise I would have had to make you wait even longer. I hope you understand, but rest assured I haven't forgotten to get back to you.
And truthfully, technically I could reply faster, but that would be at the expense of better, higher quality replies, with much shorter, less-stimulating ones that probably could make you sound as if you weren't very interested, and I definitely don't want that and I'm sure neither do you, because we both know that's not the idea.
I'll do my best to get back to you within this week.
I played this game called IAFisher recently, where your job is to name as many cities around the world as possible. (Berlin, Shanghai, Memphis, etc.) and I ended up learning about the makeup of a lot of countries, including Chile! (★ < ★) I haven't played it for months now, but your capital is Santiago, and I still remember a few other big cities... Antofagasta, Valdivia, Iquique, and I could swear there was one called Alto Hospicio, though I'm not sure about that one. You know anything about Indonesia? It's kind of a forgotten country most of the time haha.
You didn't want to overwhelm me with your reply and funnily enough, now it's actually me the one who's likely overwhelming you now with this ass-long reply 😅. So don't hold back! Write as much as you want, I'll read it all with pleasure.
Itu sekitar eps 4 yang pas bagian hari tanpa terlambat ke sekolah buat level 0 kwkwk, sawana mah KAMBING wkkwkk. Klo aimee memang mantap dia mulai dari
Layers, graviti wall di re creators
Doa di aot
Release my soul di guilty crown
No difference di aldnoah zero
Light your heart up di kill la kill
Bhkan dia juga ada buat lagu di game yg gw demen lagu yg dia nyanyikan gk ada jepangnya pada pure english n suara dia trmasuk tinggi oktavnya n bulat suaranya kwkwk
Aku nembe rampung kill la kill top notch animation, nice direction view, incredible world building , walau critane klise, nanging bener apa sing sampeyan ngandika. Kacepetan tempo atmosfer cukup cepet, sing maune serius bisa dadi guyonan lan kosok baline. Ditambah lagi 2 lagu sing enough eargasm. aku ora nyesel nonton iki wkwkwkwk
Btw lu lebih ke moe lover n binge watching ya ? Soalnya gk ada gw lihat anime seasonal saat ini di watching list lu
Hahaha thank you very much!!
Yes it’s been long time but as opposed to you it hasn’t really felt like “eons” to me…at all. You see, the older you get, the lighter time becomes, and it’s each time more and more noticeable. With age, eventually you reach the point when you blink an eye and a whole year is already gone, so early 2021 -the last time we talked- doesn’t seem like long time ago to me. But I know for you the perception is going to be radically different. You’re still in a life stage where time still holds a lot of mental weight.
And lol no I don’t live in Colorado 🤣. CL stands for this boring and irrelevant country on the global map from South America which isn’t really famous for anything in particular to the rest of the world -perhaps with the exception of its peculiar geographical shape- and whose name many associate with a spicy vegetable. I’ve always disliked its name (which I think is horrible) and especially the way it sounds in English, so I thought of this “cool” idea to mention it with its way better-sounding ISO code, but now I’ve realized that it has led to confusion to some so perhaps it wasn’t really a good idea. In any case, don’t worry about your mistake, it doesn’t go beyond something funny.
You’re right in that I haven’t changed much. It’s not something expected to happen once you’re a grown-ass adult, and I’m pretty much the same person you knew last year. But I am going to say that in all this time we didn’t talk I went through probably the most complicated health episode I’ve ever lived that made me reassess life priorities. Besides that (and the fact that my current body now definitely doesn’t enjoy the same levels of energy and vitality my 18-year-old one once had 😭) I’m technically still the same guy.
And I don’t know how’s the covid situation there in Indonesia, but in my country for some time now it has stopped being a matter of social concern. After the covid vaccines successfully and substantially reduced death rates last year, virtually all fears dissipated, people relaxed and it’s not even a topic of conversation anymore. We still take precautions, we still know the virus is out there, but the idea that “the worst is over” has been dominating the minds of everyone to the point it's being treated like a thing of the past.
Yes, that was the last time we spoke, and now that I realize it, I think I should have replied to you something back then, something I never did, so I’m sorry. And don’t worry if you didn’t wish me a happy birthday, it’s not important. And take it easy, you don’t have to feel nervous at all, I don’t know how would others react, but I definitely don’t and won't ever bite 😁.
A pleasure to be talking to you once again!