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Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Episode 4: Alliance of the Golden Witch
Apr 19, 2024 12:42 AM
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Yeah. Im a very fan of the Anime and Novel of Hyouka, and of course a big fan of Oreki and Chitanda haha. I really like the dynamic of the characters and especially those two. I saw that you have 9 to "Hyouka" and wrote that you need to rewatch it . I also recommend you if you can to rewatch it. I think it is one of the most misunderstood and underrated animes. It’s much deeper than it appears, and its direction is one of the best I’ve seen in the industry. I rewatch it every year and I always find new things.
By the way, I can see that you've watched the prequel movies for Legend of the Galactic Heroes, have you also watched the OVA? For me Gintama was the goat #1 anime for the past 8 years. But recently I watched LoGH, and I think I've found my new #1. So seeing your great taste I think you would enjoy it as well.
Nice to meet you...
Have a great day 😁