All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 62.1
Mean Score:
- Watching5
- Completed138
- On-Hold34
- Dropped13
- Plan to Watch119
- Total Entries309
- Rewatched2
- Episodes3,727
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 33.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries114
- Reread0
- Chapters3,301
- Volumes679
All Comments (2205) Comments
how ya doing ? ;D
it's been awhile.
Gotta get back to it, I was kinda hoarding on episodes, because I wanted to watch more of them at once.. ;)
Girls are always recommending me some boy romance and I just have to keep on refusing.. :D Do you like this genre yourself? :)
Oh, it feels like it has been ages since I finished that show.. :D It's basically about tennis prodigy who beats like everyone who plays with him, even his senpais.. Well, there are few players that are better than him, but he develops faster than anyone.. It also has its comedy moments.. ;)
Do you like Sword Art? I watch it too. I really liked the idea at the beginning, but now it seems they're stopping story for unimportant thing.. That Hetalia.. sounded like hentai when I first read it.. ^_^
Anyway, when you look in my history, you'll see I've been pretty busy with Prince of Tennis lately.. ;)
My parents left for several days, so I'm home alone, yay! :D
What about you? ;)
sorry for late reply