Rycluse is the alias of Rysanderoth Clifford Lucifer, a fucking idiot that couldn't put more than ten seconds of thought into his alias. He's currently on the run from the Humor Police after repeated offenses of making bad videos with worse jokes. No sketches of him currently exist, but he can be identified by the Aoi Miyamori hug pillow. If seen, detain him by claiming to have information on Half Life 3.
The only correct rating scale (AKA the one I use)
10/10 - A 9 that goes the extra mile with strong personal appeal. Subconsciously compared against everything for years to come
9/10 - Hits every note in doing what it sets out to do
8/10 - Would happily recommend to most people falls just short of being a true favorite
7/10 - All-around positive feelings but is either flawed or its appeal otherwise peters off
6/10 - I'll say "I liked it" but won't be able to defend it much further
5/10 - Conflicting positive and negative feelings
4/10 - Could have been good but goes wrong somewhere
3/10 - Not 100% awful but still leaves a net feeling of "wow that sucked"
2/10 - Terrible in almost every way
1/10 - The 10/10 of shit. Goes the extra mile to be the absolute worst
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