Big fan of Soremachi and currently am running the @dailysoremachi fan account on Twitter so check it out if you love the series. Am also the moderator and creator of the Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai subreddit which holds a special place in my heart too.
I definitely like to give smaller and unknown manga and anime a chance - there are some real gems out there and it's always good fun.
Will definitely check the manga! and the fan account too, tbh due to the fact you have on your favorites sonny boy/tatami galaxy/nichijou and therefore some really solid taste, i'll probably add to my watch\read list everything in your favorites i haven't checked out yet. i kind of envy your passion about the show lol.
Hey! So long story short, i found some comments you did around the internet (on reddit i believe?) about the show 'Soredemo Machi' being really worth a watch while i was trying to decide whether it was worth a shot or not, i was surprised by how good the show is and how criminally underrated it is too. So just wanted to say thanks cause i was about to skip on the show until i read your multiple comments and noticed how passionate you seemed to be about it. (btw glad to find another sonny boy fan)
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rest in piece
also I heard Hotori's VA in another show and got happy
Great find!