For my rating scale, I like to judge an anime based on two major premises to fill my criteria:
1.) How it compares with others within its own genre
2.) How it handles writing, characterization, soundtrack, animation, and so on.
Using these is what I use to rate and review anime. Following these principles, this my personal rating scale from 1-10 which is defined as follows:
10/10: Phenomenal work. There can be one or two nitpicks here and there, but none of them matter because the rest of the package is just that good.
9/10: Exceptional work. Maybe the animation wasn't that good enough or the story wasn't that well paced to place it as a 10/10, but it's still great.
8/10: Great work. It is something you can enjoy, but this time has certain aspects that just hold it back, and unlike a 9/10, these are noticeable.
7/10: Good work. You can see what went wrong clearly, but at the end of the day, it is still a fun ride.
6/10: Slightly above average. Something you would watch in your spare time, but shouldn't really focus on them that much. Bad parts start to become really noticeable with stuff like bad animation, bad dialogue, etc..
5/10: Average. It is not good and yet not bad either; it simply exists. This is also when anime start to become really forgettable or are labeled as "generic." Below a 5/10 is what I would consider something you should either not watch unless you are extremely bored, or drop all together if you start it.
4/10: Bad. This is when you realize that the anime that you watch has too many cons and too little pros that it can be seen as simply just a way to either: pass time because there is nothing else at the moment to watch, or just watch for completionism.
3/10: Really Bad. Too much bad, too little good. Not the good kind of bad where you can accept that it is something you can laugh at—no, this is just plain bad.
2/10: Awful. Avoid this; just do it.
1/10: The author was high on drugs and the result was something that can scare even the most bravest of trash degenerate anime lovers.