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Days: 95.5
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  • Total Entries431
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Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga-hen
Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga-hen
Mar 9, 10:39 PM
Watching 10/12 · Scored 8
NHK ni Youkoso!
NHK ni Youkoso!
Mar 6, 3:40 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Ao no Exorcist: Yuki no Hate-hen
Ao no Exorcist: Yuki no Hate-hen
Feb 27, 4:01 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 7
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 42.2
Mean Score: 6.80
  • Total Entries240
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen
Dec 29, 2024 3:53 AM
Reading 20/272 · Scored -
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Dec 29, 2024 1:59 AM
Reading 121/? · Scored 9
Averted Gaze R
Averted Gaze R
Dec 29, 2024 1:45 AM
Completed 56/56 · Scored -

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MichaelL124 Sep 20, 2024 3:00 AM
You're welcome!
MichaelL124 Sep 18, 2024 8:49 PM
Happy birthday!
FeelSide Jan 8, 2014 2:46 PM
Oh wow lmao, I didn't know there was a movie. Even though the plot was the same for the first 20 eps, there were still some things that happened differently. Like that part when one of their escorts was blamed for the death of hughes. And it isn't even halfway, though some of the homonculous have already been killed off. I like how there are new characters from Xing in brotherhood, that really does make it way more interesting than the 2003 version now.
FeelSide Jan 7, 2014 12:41 PM
Yea, I started with fma, then started brotheehood after. But i dropped after episode 1 a while back because ot wasn't a sequel and i didn't want to watch through it again. It is way better than fma so far though, fma's ending felt unfinished, and given that fmab is ranked #1 i have a feeling it will have an amazing ending
FeelSide Jan 6, 2014 4:30 AM
Same here, i don't to watch the same genre again and again, like I'm watching fmab now and I plan on doing a slice of life next.
You said that Clannad broke your heart? So will Kanon. xP
FeelSide Jan 5, 2014 7:45 AM
Hm I see you like Clannad as well. I really
love those tear jerker type anime, especiallu when they have a beautiful song or soundtrack that means something tgrough the series like Clannad and Kobato.
Bts have you seen Kanon? It's another amazing series made by Kyoto Animation. They are the guys who made Clannad and Air. It really is a must-watch if you are into that genre.
FeelSide Jan 4, 2014 7:23 PM
Honestly, I cried about every time she sang that song. That was the reason that the show was one of the only ones I gave a 10 to.
FeelSide Jan 4, 2014 10:48 AM
I see ur rewatching kobato, that show was just amazing. Mostly because if her song. I plan on doing a piano transcription for that song when i get a laptop, that song is just too cute to be left alone :3
FeelSide Jan 4, 2014 8:04 AM
roy mustbang, i just love that name lmao
tatarus Sep 19, 2013 6:32 AM
Wish Aug 15, 2013 1:49 PM
Well, Law is badass so I'm sure he'll be fine. ^_^b I can't help wonder what he's up to though. What's so special about that room he's in? I'm looking forward to watching the next episodes.

Ah yes, Sanji. xD I'm glad he's a lot better with women being around. He kind of got annoying when he met up with everyone, and he'd overreact with Nami and Robin or any female around. I don't blame him though, he's been stuck in that island for two years, and for Sanji... that is truly hell. xD But nevertheless, I still love him just the same, he's awesome.

Oh yeah, the super evolutions. I like some of them, they look really cool. I'm really fond of Blaziken's and Lucario's super mega evolution. Totally looking forward to the other evolutions they are coming with. I don't know how I feel about Blaziken's super evolution even though it DOES look cool. I just think they shouldn't mess with the starters and keep them as they are. I don't know. Maybe I just need to get used to the idea.

I need to download the songs for my ipod, I wish I had enough space for videos because I love watching the openings. and you should check out the 16th one whenever you can, it's really good. I don't know why they aren't including it in the recent episodes. The OP should've changed around 590 or so. It's copyright issues apparently, or something like that. D:
Wish Aug 7, 2013 4:51 PM
It's fine! :)

And yeah, the arc is awesome. TRAFALGAR LAW. I love him. I hope he'll be okay though, since Cesar has his heart. But everything should work out just fine.

I should watch Strong World. I got too excited and watched One Piece Z because I saw all these gifs of it on tumblr...
It was a really good movie though, I highly recommend that you should watch it whenever you find the time.

Yay, that's awesome! The Pokemon interactions is definitely a plus, I'm really excited for the game to come out because I see a lot of the new features floating around tumblr. Tumblr is such a great way to learn things. xD except for when you run into the spoilers. then it sucks. D:

I miss Ace, I rewatched the scene where he was with Luffy... and ah, it made me cry all over again.

The 11th op is awesome! The animation for it is so pretty, especially at the beginning. I really like the 14th op as well. I actually find myself watching openings 11, 13 and 14 almost everyday for the memories.

Op 15 was really good but I heard it so many times that I'm tired of it D:
Have you heard op 16 yet? For some reason, it's not on the current eps, but it's REAAAAAALLY good.
Wish Jul 19, 2013 12:23 PM
Yay, that's good to hear! :3 There's nothing wrong with anime so I dislike it when people make fun of me for watching it. T-T

Woohoo. I finally caught up as well! :D What do you think of the current arc? I plan to read the manga soon, and start from where the anime left off. I've been so obsessed with One Piece lately that I might watch some of their movies. I heard One Piece Z was really good so I think I'm going to watch it. I've seen a lot of cool gifs on it, so yaaaay~

Yeah. D: the bad thing about mangas is waiting for them to come out. and sometimes chapters come like, once a month, so I tend to forget about it...
I really need to catch up with my mangas soon though. ;P

and oh, your birthday is coming up! Hopefully you'll get a 3DS then. c: there are a lot of good games for it.
and YES. it's so cool that we're going to be able to customize our character and feeding/petting our pokemon. My brother got excited over the fact that the character can sit on chairs... xD I was like "really? o-o out of everything, you're excited about that?" but nevertheless, I can't WAIT until it comes out.

& PS: you have great taste! I really really really really love that OP. all their openings are great though, but that one is just.... AMAZING. hahaha. and plus, I get a flood of memories as I think about Luffy and Ace. ugh, it's just wonderful. :')
Wish Jul 15, 2013 2:04 PM
Yep, he watches anime! He's the one who pushed me to watch One Piece and I'm glad he did. He actually motivated me to watch it, by being unusually SUPER nice to me. It was ridiculous, but of course, I didn't mind. xD Like whenever I needed a snack or whatever, he would go fetch it for me as long as I watched One Piece. Whenever I had chores to do, he would volunteer and do them. He's silly, but whatever, I'm thankful! ;D

Psh, how old is your brother? ;O He's certainly missing out. I hope there will be a time where he'll appreciate it, haha.

Congrats on catching up! :'D High five! I'm working my way up there. I'm almost there. I'M SO CLOSE !@#$%^&*

& I've been neglecting Chihayafuru 2, Hataraku Maou-sama!, Hunter x Hunter & Shingeki no Kyojin. And then there's a bunch of animes that recently came out like Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen, Servant x Service, Free!, Dangan Ronpa & Blood Lad. I also want to rewatch Fruits Basket & Cardcaptors... but I'll see how that goes because I have a lot of animes I have on hold that I need to finish up. O:)

....I also need to catch up with the handful of mangas I'm reading. xD I think I'll do that after I'm caught up with One Piece because I am behind on EVERYTHING except for Ao Haru Ride. I had to read it after seeing all these manga caps on tumblr, but I totally regret doing it because it ended at a cliffhanger... :(

Yep, I'm playing Animal Crossing New Leaf! :D I hope you get a 3DS soon - New Leaf is really such an outstanding game. I love it but it' so frustrating at times because I'm trying to make my town pretty.. It's hard because compared to the towns I've seen on tumblr, mine sucks. So it's a work in progress. xP

& I'm SO excited for Pokemon X & Y as well, I can't wait until it comes out. I really wish it came out sooner.
Wish Jul 12, 2013 2:02 PM
But to answer your question, I'm not up to much except for watching One Piece & playing Animal Crossing. Hahaha. I've been really lazy ever since the semester ended for me....
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