I am Roulettex3. I started watching anime in 2005 staying up late to watch Naruto on Toonami. It's all history from there.
Some of my anime likes include:
Cliche plots done well
Endings with no loose ends
Fight scenes
Lotsa Bishies
Some of my anime dislikes include:
Old-school art
Series with no real plot line
Comedy as the prominent genre
An overabundance of fillers
My ratings are based mostly, if not solely, on my level of enjoyment of the series. Meaning some of my 10's could most definitely be perfectly imperfect, and my 3's and 4's may have redeeming qualities that I did not care enough to take into consideration. Hence why I'm not very big on making reviews. I'm not very technical with my scorings.
(In no particular order. Soley based on the song, not the animation going along with it)
Tokyo Ghoul 1st op - Unravel
Psycho Pass 1st op - Abnormalize
Gantz 1st op - Super Shooter
One Outs 1st op - Pay Money to My Pain
Guilty Crown 1st ed - Departures
Air Gear 1st op - Chain
Kuzu no Honkai ed - Heikousen
Tsuritama op - Tsurezure Monochrome
Just talk to me if you'd like to know anything more!
Oh i heard its like snowing out there right now and im guessing you don't live far from the lakes so lake effect snow from i hear can get pretty bad.. oh god :o im happy you managed to get out though with some struggling and roughness but yes you did and im happy you're okay now! :) it should snow here im at by Christmas eve according to what the forecasters here are saying but thats still a week away so we'll see. i remember one year we had a terrible blizzard, nearly 2 years ago now. XD
Ah just visiting family and such :) you have a good time then when you're on break. ^^ other than that like me, pretty chill for the most part, just be lazy and watch anime or play games haha. do you play video games ? :o
its okay its kinda sorted now more like we all just moved on from it and im fine now. :) yup i know and you're right, no matter what people say and compare me to, i'm myself regardless at the end of the day, sure it bugs me at times that i get compared to my dad that isn't much of a good person and im the opposite of him really but im myself! and i won't don't worry :) thank you! :D i hope so too! :) like i do wanna be in good relations with them before i move out and live my life so lets hope so! :)
how was your day today despite what happened earlier ?
Oh Michigan ? nice. :)
1 more week, hang in there. my mom and my brother got till next week also and they start their Winter break, 3 days before Christmas to be exactl haha thats good! :D got any plans during the winter break ? anythin cool happening ?
Indeed its not and what i deal with i find it kinda hopeless already :( earlier my siblings and i had a huge argument over some stuff and i hate it when i get compared to my father when i'm nowhere like him. *sigh* its tough and i even got problems with my parents too and hopefully if all goes well next year, i get myself to move to Texas, finally. that's all i want right now really, just get out and finally do what i wanna do in life. anyway its okay :( . im hanging in there but its tiring, so damn tiring. :(
also i drank the pill, i'm waiting for it to kick in now.
That means you're near the east coast then or just the eastern US, dang late though haha. ^^ i live in New Mexico right now in the southeastern parts ( Roswell- Artesia area) about an hour from the Texas state line and you ?
Oh good! :) still i hope you get some good sleep and hang in there, winter break is soon!
Glad you do >< mine was caused from stress also mainly from family and life ;-;. and haha gosh finals suck and so does lack of sleep from it and just life in general.
Yes we should, oh i got some of that! i will and it totally will, i just wanna fall asleep and let the darn thing go away haha . :P
Hey! ^^ I'm glad you're doin alright and im the same as you there lol im tired also haha.
me well im doing fine just tired too and i was doin the same with updating my profile with some social media links like Twitter, Discord etc and my Steam and edit my info about all. also got a crappy headache and wondering why i'm not asleep yet, its almost 11 here so i may oughta soon.
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2. We have surpassed 4000 members!!! Get your 4000+ LE cardsHERE! The thread will officially open on 01/12/12 Thursday ~8AM PST. They are available for a limited time, so get them fast!
All Comments (14) Comments
Ah just visiting family and such :) you have a good time then when you're on break. ^^ other than that like me, pretty chill for the most part, just be lazy and watch anime or play games haha. do you play video games ? :o
its okay its kinda sorted now more like we all just moved on from it and im fine now. :) yup i know and you're right, no matter what people say and compare me to, i'm myself regardless at the end of the day, sure it bugs me at times that i get compared to my dad that isn't much of a good person and im the opposite of him really but im myself! and i won't don't worry :) thank you! :D i hope so too! :) like i do wanna be in good relations with them before i move out and live my life so lets hope so! :)
how was your day today despite what happened earlier ?
Somewhat welcome to MAL? xD
1 more week, hang in there. my mom and my brother got till next week also and they start their Winter break, 3 days before Christmas to be exactl haha thats good! :D got any plans during the winter break ? anythin cool happening ?
Indeed its not and what i deal with i find it kinda hopeless already :( earlier my siblings and i had a huge argument over some stuff and i hate it when i get compared to my father when i'm nowhere like him. *sigh* its tough and i even got problems with my parents too and hopefully if all goes well next year, i get myself to move to Texas, finally. that's all i want right now really, just get out and finally do what i wanna do in life. anyway its okay :( . im hanging in there but its tiring, so damn tiring. :(
also i drank the pill, i'm waiting for it to kick in now.
Oh good! :) still i hope you get some good sleep and hang in there, winter break is soon!
Glad you do >< mine was caused from stress also mainly from family and life ;-;. and haha gosh finals suck and so does lack of sleep from it and just life in general.
Yes we should, oh i got some of that! i will and it totally will, i just wanna fall asleep and let the darn thing go away haha . :P
me well im doing fine just tired too and i was doin the same with updating my profile with some social media links like Twitter, Discord etc and my Steam and edit my info about all. also got a crappy headache and wondering why i'm not asleep yet, its almost 11 here so i may oughta soon.
🎁 A Red Christmas Present 🎁
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2. We have surpassed 4000 members!!! Get your 4000+ LE cards HERE! The thread will officially open on 01/12/12 Thursday ~8AM PST. They are available for a limited time, so get them fast!