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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders - Egypt-hen
Jun 19, 2015 4:45 PM
· Scored
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Days: 34.7
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- Total Entries134
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- Chapters4,958
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All Comments (49) Comments
Ah, I'm usually only in Toronto for specific reasons (visiting friends, theatre/concerts etc.) so I don't think I'll be a lot of help. You could browse Chinatown or Downtown (again, it'd probably be nothing new), uhhh Canada's Wonderland is open too I think, and ofc there's the staple tourist attractions like the CN tower, the ROM/AGO, Toronto Zoo. Wish I could be of more help but I'm really not there that often aha. :P
More importantly, what's up with you? You were gone for a while there and I was worried tbh. :/
And then there's that 18$ just for shipping one item to Canada...
Can’t say that I haven’t thought of that before. xD I don’t buy an awful lot of manga, but look for bulk purchases, omnibuses, or local sellers (like Kijiji Canada! but I don’t know if they have a Kijiji US hmm). I never tried reading manga on an ereader before but would it really be that much different from a scanlation (besides the obvious quality difference)? Though Flower Of Life's vol. 4 would be nice to read. ;__;
Hope you have fun reading it! It’s definitely a bit ridiculous (especially the Sawada and Fuji omakes they’re really weird...but you’ll see exactly what I mean) but it’s enjoyable. It always reminds me of Nodame Cantabile even though only have a few similarities. I really didn’t expect to like Narutaru as much as I did honestly (I never even planned on reading it either but I checked out the first chapter and it just went from there). It’s a favourite of mine because I enjoyed it so, so much and I would reread it again (I don’t think it’s actual quality should matter on what I like). But a 7 is a good grade for it though since it had a ridiculous amount of problems. Hm I try using both... the first one while reading and seeing what it does well vs. what it doesn’t. When I’m done reading it I’ll probably just think “oh, it wasn’t as good as ___ so I should rethink that.” Doesn’t surprise me I’d like it though, seeing as both Madoka and GA are the featured favs. xD
What kind of research lab did you work in? I have an associates in biology and I'm working on my bachelors in biology too. My goal is to do paid research in neuropharmacology. As it turns out, when you cross a giant nerd with a giant druggy, you get a neuropharmacologist. At least that's my hope, anyway. I'm still always top of all my math and science classes, so I absolutely have a shot, no matter where my life takes me. I guess I'm just lucky to have the brain or the passion or whatever the hell it is.
Oh wow, you can read Chinese? Care to explain? Cantonese or Mandarin? Do you have a family background, or did you take classes, or were you self taught? Chinese is supposed to be much harder than Japanese, so I envy you. You'll probably have an easy time learning 日本語 if you really tried.
As far as manga, josei is definitely my preferred taste. Honey & Honey looks good, and so does Banana fish. Although the synopsis seems pretty damn intense! Rose of Versailles is actually already on my PTR list, and I think it got there by me searching through your manga list lol :) I'm honestly not a huge fan of the yuri genre either, as it currently is. It's just too smutty and male-oriented for me. Don't get me wrong, I love sex as much as the next girl, but it has to be tasteful. Aoi Hana was an epiphany for me, really. I didn't think something so perfectly perfectly suited to my tastes existed anywhere in the world. And to this day, I still haven't found anything that grabbed me emotionally (and sexually) like Aoi Hana did. It's really depressing. But I can't give up on the genre completely. Aoi Hana gave me hope, and I know there has to be something else out there.
Same goes for Haibane Renmei, if you know anything along those lines, please, please, お願いします!
I've read quite a few BL mangas, as a very close friend of mine is a gay man who's obsessed with it. He passes a few mangas off to me every once in a while. They're tasteful, and I love them, but they're MEN! lolol. I need something like that but with WOMEN! それは絶望的 :shakeshead:
Life's been very very rough on me recently. I'm recovering from a heroin addiction, and I've recently lost my best friend. I'm truly a mess, to be honest. But I'm clean now and starting over.
I'm definitely far from fluent in Japanese. I was fairly proficient at one point, and then I got into dope, and lost most of the work I had done. I've started practicing again now that I've got a clear head. I'm nearly fluent in Afrikaans, and I did 6 years of AP Latin in high school, so I really understand grammar, regardless of language. But the kanji is what really gets me. All the languages I've learned so far have been in Latin based alphabets, so this whole 5000+ kanji thing is tricky. I can fluently read the kana though.
I could totally use some manga recs if you're offering :)
Good to know you like that (yes finally I get a rec. right)! It is a really great manga. The ending was a bit rushed, but the side stories were nice to see at the end. :) I still hold promise for Ran To Haiiro No Sekai, despite what’s been happening with Outarou. Who knows, the next volume could make or break it. :o
That’s crazy... who would ever buy paperbacks for that much? It’s like the elusive volume 13 of PSME.
I was reading it and grinning like an idiot because I was getting all the references. Ofc, usually this doesn’t happen in Japanese comedies with un-translatable puns and stuff, and it was just so nice to see this work in English. Oh wow I didn’t know that he was a re-occuring character, that's good to know/incentive to read because I really liked what I've seen of him. I’m going to be reading this in order, so I’ll be reading volume 4 for sure next. ^^
It was definitely different! I think I liked it so much because of the feminism and mythology, which was interesting to see together (and it worked so well). I haven’t checked out any of the other films as of yet, but if you want to give me some other titles that I should prioritize, then I can download them. I like philosophy, if that helps (even though none of the movie’s I’ve liked so far included that) and things that make me think.
I totally forgot about that, lol (that Takemiya brought her into the theatre for it, actually). You love the packaging...the entire book itself is just so, so great. I don’t know if my idea is right (or done on purpose by Hagio herself), but I can explain it more later if you want me too, or if you don’t get what I mean. ^__^
That’s one of the things I think is holding the manga back --it is really creepy. Not on part of Outarou himself since, well, he doesn’t know that she’s only like, 10, but by the mangaka himself (who would think of something like that?! D:). I think Aki Irie himself knows that it’s a problem though; I don’t know if you’re caught up on the scanlation, but I think the latest developments is leading towards him being scrapped. I’m hoping so, anyways.
I’d be done Flower Of Life by now if I could find the fourth volume. Did you read it online somewhere.. or am I going to have to buy it? Anyways, I’ve read most of it, and it is too funny, though you really have to know a lot to get some of the jokes. The puns were easy to understand too (so long as you know the stuff) like Karasu No Kamen or Ichigo Fish. Reading Patarillo! too; I had no idea that the mangaka also did Rashanu!, something I liked despite the brief scanlation (he actually made a cameo, and I was surprised to see him in there!!). I have a feeling I should not take this manga seriously at all...I really can’t take any of the characters seriously except for Bancoran, and even then, not that much, haha.
Kaze To Ki No Uta by Keiko Takemiya (which is, ironically, also the author of Terra E) is also a classic which was very, very similar to Heart Of Thomas --actually, almost strikingly so. I remember somewhere Matt Thorn calling it the sluttier version of Heart Of Thomas, which it pretty much is. I’m not sure if I should say she was completely influenced by Hagio because wikipedia says me she had to wait 9 years to get her story published (so she had the idea in the late 60’s? Just imagine if she actually did publish that much earlier; it’d probably change the whole history of BL). The footnote of that remark on the wikipedia page links to Matt Thorns site, so it’s probably true.
Well... I assumed it was post-WWII, not post-WWI in case you wrote that wrong or something. ^^ I’m pretty sure the philosophy of Juli’s grandmother was nazi (believing in Aryan supremacy and focusing a lot on Juli’s features), and since there was no comment about any conflict or battles, I just thought it had to be after it. Not saying that the german setting couldn’t be used for something such as Faust. :P
Yeah, it’s my first time. I’m watching it for a handful of reasons (one of which you already pointed out - the ending). I know some reviews have called it deep... but I never once felt that way. xD Majority of it (especially in the beginning) is fanservice, mecha, or mental break downs. The anime is just barely older than myself, interestingly enough (and cool if I think of it in that way).
I haven’t even read that much manga lately (I’m in a slump too!). And how could I just rec you something out of the blue? xD What kinds of things would you want? Or does it not really matter? HMMM. Well, before everything, you should probably get on the bandwagon with Ran To Haiiro No Sekai, which is a phenomenal, fun manga for what little has been translated. Some scanlation group has just caught up with the releases in Japan, so it could be an ongoing thing to look forward too. Uh, if you’re interested in Hagio Moto’s origins with Heart Of Thomas (since she first got into BL because of Takemiya, right?) then look at Kaze To Ki, even though it was published after it, and is inferior imo. You could also see either Gokusen or Sakamichi No Apollon, who mangas which remind me of Nodame Cantabile in very, very different ways (they’re both great aswell, but again, in much different ways). All of these mangas besides Kaze To Ki No Uta are really... uh happy mangas I guess. If you want something darker then you can just tell me.
That’s a really good breakdown of it (@@). I’m kinda overwhelmingly impressed actually. I think I’ve seen 12 Monkeys before, but it was a while ago, and I don’t remember much but the begining/ending. Are you trying to say that 12 Monkeys is inferior to La Jetee because the narrative flow doesn’t work as well since it’s conventional? Oh yeah, and how long is Marienbad?
Hmm... what I meant to say was that Heart Of Thomas looks like a true gem compared to the entire BL genre. Instead of feeling cliche, I saw that it flowed very naturally. Well, I don’t know about imagery in specific, but I know it just screamed Christian (I’ve taken enough religion classes to know lmao). References to Judas, Mary, Gabriel, etc. etc. were all over. And it’s not that just one person represented a religious figure, because it always changed (like Juli represented x in one scene and y in another). It was interesting. AND I KNOW LOL. I wanted to do them to see how well I understood this (the only part I didn’t get was the Germany question... was it only the post-war Nazi ideology that was important? I guess it really doesn’t matter anyways :P). Reading manga for school would be way too awesome... (maybe they could even assign classics to get rid of the preconceived idea that all anime/manga is Naruto/One Piece ^^;;). Fantagraphics also did an amazing job of making everything like... HD. 8)
I read The November Gymnasium right after finishing Heart Of Thomas. I’m kinda glad I read it after since it made Oscar into an ass...and the art is so different from the original. :o And Houmonsha isn’t translated in english, right?
Yes, Kang Kyung Ok was directly influenced by the works of the 49ers. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got some ideas right from They Were 11. In fact, her favourite manga is Terra E... (which I also found extremely flawed, and personally, bad) and it may explain some of the problems she has.
I’m redownloading the Hausu subs right now actually because I forgot to do it last week (oops). :P As for Distant Voices, plotless was the wrong word. I meant conventional story-telling, with a beginning, rising action, climax, etc. well I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I didn’t mean that it was without substance, rather, I was trying to be brief about it. ^^;; I gotcha on the Tropical Malady..but I don’t think I’m going to be rewatching anytime soon. xD
That’s something different between you and me! Honestly, I could really care less about how it’s presented as long as it allows me to think a lot about it to be able to get a meaning. That’s why in some cases, I see no reason for character development if I’m just going to sit there and think about something else (the meaning of whatever) when development is happening. I don’t know, you’re making it sound really, really confusing. Should I check it out? Is it like La Jetee? Oh, and I’ll keep you posted with BASARA. ^___^
^I’ve tried to condense everything so I could talk a lot about The Heart Of Thomas. Firstly: yes, I did give it a 10 right after finishing it, but as of now, a day later, I’m having some second thoughts about giving it a 9. I think the reason as for why I’m having second thoughts about it is because of this, something Jason Thompson posted in regards to a mean review on it:
All of that pretty much summarizes my feelings on scoring this. As for the actual, physical manga itself: it was wonderful! I don’t know if you’ve gotten a copy of it or not, but there’s a bunch of little things I loved with the actual binding and the presentation as a whole (like characters speaking German with german translations at the bottom, coloured pages, and art separating each chapter, etc. etc I could go on forever). The only thing I didn’t like was Siegfried’s character design (and it doesn’t matter since there’s only a few panels with him). For the story itself, I was hoping it’d actually go beyond expectations but maybe I just had really high hopes for this in the first place. A lot of the things I had assumed may happened actually did happen (like Hagio sticking to her favourite tropes). Like Jason Thompson said in his review on it, I thought everyone may’ve been an aspect of everyone else. All of the Christian imagery is different relative to whomever you’re focusing on (as they can represent different figures at different points in the manga). I don’t want to get too in depth with that since it’ll take me forever to explain everything (since they’re all connected), but it was definitely, definitely good. And if my timeline was right, then this took place during the Lent season? (I think I’m trying to find a meaning in everything which I can’t really help in mangas like this, but I’m realizing that it’s all overwhelming and pretty ambiguous. I blame these questions from Fantagraphics) The ending was alright..I wished she would’ve used a few more panels for the last pages though; to just to let it all sink in. And she’s done that exact ending in this other oneshot of hers in A Drunken Dream (except that the boy didn’t go become a priest).. :P
I think I’ll leave it at a 10 for now, and if I feel it’s necessary to change it later (when I reread it) then I will.