Hi,My name is RoryMercury55,I also go by RenChan on Twitter,I started watching Anime since i was a teenager,I love to draw and impersonate my most favorite anime characters.I play the drums,I play Genshin Impact.My dream job is to be a manga artist and my pename is Akameumi.I am currently working as a part timer for a sewing teaching course company in my country.
RoryMercury55 Top 10 most favorite Anime Characters
Here are 10 of my most favorite Anime Characters,it was kind of difficult me to pick 10 as i love all of my most favorite Anime Characters equally.
1st Anime character most associated with me
Akame from Akame Ga Kill is mostly associated with me cause I love Akame Ga Kill a load,i love the story,ost everything,i love Akame the most,cause she is very brave and strong,I love her red and black color scheme cause i love both colors a load.She was the one that gave me the first part of my manga artist pename.I love her a load.
2nd Anime character most associated with me
Ren Hazuki is the 2nd most associated character with me cause of my username on Twitter,her seiyuuu shares a load of stuff with me in real life.She is my most favorite Liella girl minus the 4 new girls.Ren shares the sane personality as me depite not being a student council president when i was in school studying.I love her a load.
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