Hello! Feel free to leave a comment! I am mostly into seinen, shonen, sci-fi, action, psychological but i do watch some other genres as well. My ratings are purely based on enjoyment.
My name is Robbert i'm 25 years old and born in the Netherlands. I'm currently living in a city in the east part of the Netherlands.
I fell in love with gaming when i was about 9~ years old. Back then, my parents borrowed a SNES and i instantly fell in love with it. I'm big fan of RPG's/Turn-based RPG's and shooters. I own a gaming PC, 3DS and Wii U (only for Smash) and also some old consoles like the SNES, N64, Gamecube and older Gameboys.
Loves anime and watches a bunch of genres (depends on the mood i'm in). Although i mostly watch Seinen/Psychological/Sci-Fi/Action.
I started getting into anime when i was about ~22 years old. The more i watched, the more it grew on me. I tend stay away from long running shows (200+ episodes).
I also buy manga from time to time. The reading experience is far more enjoyable when you have a physical copy imo and i also want to support the industry
Below my manga collection:
I'm a music addict. I mostly listen to rock/metal music. Music always made a big impact in my life and i can't imagine without it. Thanks to the internet, i discovered alot of great bands. I love going to concerts of my favorite bands!
I also have been playing guitar for about 10 years.
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Hoe gaat het met jou? Ik heb al heel lang niet meer een comment op je profiel geplaatst ;0;
You're cool
nog gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag, sorry ik was het helemaal vergeten ;0;
dankjewel rormie <3