You're going to study in Tokyo? That's incredible! Congratulations!
I have absolutely nothing going on that could even begin to compare to that news. I graduated with my Bachelor's, and I'm wasting the summer away until grad school starts in the fall. But none of that's really important...
But seriously, TOKYO? Visiting Japan is at the very top of my bucket list, so I can imagine how excited you must be. I'm really happy for you.
Wait a sec... hospital? I'm sure there's a story in there somewhere.
Lmao, it happens to me a lot now since my laptop totally ignores the "stay logged in" for some reason, too, but over two months without logging in at all?
Wow xD
Naja, ich hab mir überlegt auszuwandern, aber bin zu feige D:
Und dann war da noch mein geplanter Japanurlaub, der dann leider ins Wasser fiel (buchstäblich, höhö =/ ) - war uns zu riskant, so dicht an Fukushima.
Also bleibt mir nichts anderes übrig, als zu studieren ^^
Uii. In Japan? Wenn ja, bring mir ein paar leuchtende Fische mit :3
Bereust dein Studium wenigstens nicht? ^^
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might as well greet you as one, as a friend. Hope you have a great one and on the days to come. Later, rocket~
I have absolutely nothing going on that could even begin to compare to that news. I graduated with my Bachelor's, and I'm wasting the summer away until grad school starts in the fall. But none of that's really important...
But seriously, TOKYO? Visiting Japan is at the very top of my bucket list, so I can imagine how excited you must be. I'm really happy for you.
Wait a sec... hospital? I'm sure there's a story in there somewhere.
I'm most likely taking a rest-bit from the metaphysics of morals at the moment, is it working?
Quite good, yeah. All good there?
Wow xD
Und dann war da noch mein geplanter Japanurlaub, der dann leider ins Wasser fiel (buchstäblich, höhö =/ ) - war uns zu riskant, so dicht an Fukushima.
Also bleibt mir nichts anderes übrig, als zu studieren ^^
Uii. In Japan? Wenn ja, bring mir ein paar leuchtende Fische mit :3
Bereust dein Studium wenigstens nicht? ^^
Jop, danke der Nachfrage. Endlich mit der Schule fertig D:
Und wie läufts bei dir?
Alles Gute! ;)