My first name is Charles, but most people just call me "Rock".
I'm from Brooklyn (NY, USA), currently living in Arkansas (retired USAF). I'm a math and physics geek by nature, and love RPGs (particularly D&D [0e through 3.x/D20, but not 4/5e], and pretty much anything from Palladium; WH40K fascinates me though I played only briefly, years ago). I've taken several martial arts, and self-studied a handful more.
Normally, when I re-watch an anime, I re-watch the whole series. In 2020-ish, I joined a friend in a series of watch parties. This was One Piece, and he'd been at ep 350 and we watched through 381. Looking to update MAL, it seems that I can't mark specific ep.s as re-watched, only the whole series or not at all. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, or it's do-able but not obvious, or it simply isn't a function here. Until I find a fix for this, my data will be incomplete here. 😞
I read manga on a lot of different sites, and most are fine, but MangaDex (which usually has any given title, along with MangaKakalot) won't zoom no matter how I fiddle with my browser settings.
If you know how to cause MangaDex to actually zoom to larger page-images in a computer browser (
not tablet, 'phone, iPad, etc.), or where to find a reliable MangaDex reader for WIN 10, then
please let me know.
BTW, Baka-Updates is usually pretty useful for finding a manga's translation status, alternative titles, etc.:
I'm still trying to work out the Anime Index (I saw it recommended in a subreddit, possibly r/manga, but don't remember the context):
For a quick rundown on your anime statistics, check MALgraph (probably not a bad idea, since it might surprise you — it surprised me).
-- A few years ago, I analyzed their chart of my anime ratings, and normalized the results from raw scores to the ratings' scale of 1-10, and here's where my tastes stand apparently:
I have quite a few pieces of fanfic and original [fannish] fiction (romcoms, zombies, dice-RPG, sci-fi and fantasy, milfic, etc.) transcribed to AO3, if you're a reader:
Interested in my waifu taste, or would just like to list yours in a convenient spot? Then spin by MWL (My Waifu List) and take a look. Just remember that Ruru (Musaigen no Phantom World / Myriad colors phantom world) is _my_ babe, so hands off! 😉 (To be clear:
joke; I don't 'ship myself with Fictional Others.)
By the way: decent anime identifying app & website (though Google Lens outstrips it, these days):
▐► ❤️
And just for quick reference: is a decent starting point for is direct links to MAL (though if you're not logged in on 'Dex, then any
pornographic works are filtered out by default, and you need to use
Google site search via {
[title] site:}); is usually OK for reading (chapter can be viewed in one page), but they get a fair portion of shitty scanlations and unrelated manga suddenly linked in as the next chapter; (which also requires login for "adult" stuff), , (seems to have moved late Feb 2025 to; cf. for details and mirrors), , and seem like halfway decent back-ups (I have a few security programs on my tower; I don't know that these sites are safe in general, per se). I haven't used since 2020/2021, so don't remember its pros and cons, but it's still up.
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The title says it all: I know of two sites out there (see below) that operate in conjunction with MAL. Surely there must be others, right?
It'll take me a while to get through, but I joined Shishio's club at . There's also , but that's mostly just garnish.
So... talk to me: what sites or plug-ins do you use (or have heard of) in order to enhance your MAL experience?
Way cool and convenient way to track your waifu and/or husbandu:
Really awesome analysis engine to chew up and spit out data about your anime/manga habits:
it's alright.
Please don't hesitate to talk to me anytime. I don't bite and I'm a nice person. Hahaha! Byeeeee!
〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
And Nice to meet you ^_^ I hope you enjoy your time here! :)
Feel free to explore the MAL World and Feel free to add me :D
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