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Kore wa Zombie desu ka? of the Dead: Hai, Minotake ni Attemasu
Feb 15, 9:42 PM
· Scored
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Matthew Mercer will be attending Anime St.Louis. Would have loved to get my Fire Emblem: Awakening signed. How many people are expected to attend? I'm sure you will have an amazing time!
I've been to a handful of anime cons. They were fantastic whether I was going with others or by myself. I'm sure the conventions in America are bigger than here in the UK. What's the name of the con in April? Would you need accommodation? Anyone going with you?
I'm not sure why the embedding didn't work.
Let me know if you have a Twitter account so that I can tag you in a tweet. Even if you dont have one, I would like to share this vid to some of my followers.
Happy that you completed the series and 8 was a decent score. Thanks for making the video. Be sure to link me your next one!