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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Oct 3, 2016 5:00 PM
Completed 25/25 · Scored 1
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dunkan85 Dec 24, 2017 9:36 AM
*cough* open Steam *cough* :p
IndexXx Jun 24, 2017 1:11 PM
You should be more active man.. good luck to your new adventure.
IndexXx Jun 22, 2017 9:05 AM
Now you have 5 friends in total mate.. :3
dunkan85 Oct 17, 2016 9:04 AM
*4/10 , not -4/10, lol.
dunkan85 Oct 17, 2016 8:34 AM
I...did indeed. Do ya want my short or long opinion on it??

.. I'mma just give ya both, starting with the short one :D

-4/10. It REALLY reeked of 'we saw that OPM was getting more popular than the fking flu, so we decided to make a low-effort cash-in attempt', plagued with unlikable characters, using a joke that was already used to its maximum capacity and ridiculously bad artwork, which WAS apparently intentional to capture the art-style of the manga, but said argument didn't make it any less painful to look at. Give it a miss, unless you REALLY liked OPM (I'm talking 10/10 with insta-rewatch levels of 'like').

So, now for the longer version... where to start...
Right, let's start with the most obvious thing: the fact that it felt like a cheap OPM clone, but lacked ALL of the charm that made OPM one of my favorite anime of its season. The anime didn't make (m)any jokes that WEREN'T copy-pasted from OPM (yes, it's by the same guy, but c'mon. He used literally the SAME jokes as in OPM the majority of the time). I can appreciate being told similar jokes with slight nuances in their execution, but if it's literally the same joke being told again, I can get quite annoyed by that. This did change slightly at the end of MP100, but I'll come back to that in a second.
Next up, another thing that made OPM so enjoyable (at least to me) was the sheer amount of care that went into the animation to make it look as amazing as possible... and guess what this anime DIDN'T have. I'll give ya a hint: it wasn't unlikable characters. It had plenty of those.
Since I'm on that subject now, let's talk about he characters... and o boy. Until the final episode(s) (just wait a bit more!!) there weren't any characters that I really liked. I was able to tolerate Mob himself, but that was more because he was one of the few people that WEREN'T asshats.

This does NOT mean that there was absolutely NOTHING I liked about MP100 though... for one, some of the jokes that were actually new were pretty funny (I still remember laughing for quite a bit after one of the jokes somewhere around the middle when one of the characters lost his hair and the anime just casually put in a joke about that... that one was REALLY well executed imo).
Another thing they did... semi-decent was the last arc/episode (yes, we're finally here!). That whole arc was actually fairly original, considering the rest of the anime (although it did still suffer from the fact that it's impossible to get tension in when your MC's defining feature is that he's literally unbeatable :|). One of the characters I disliked the most for the entirety of the anime (Mob's 'Master', Reigen, who basically earned his living by scamming people.) actually had some pretty solid scenes in there. However, it DID feel like they tried to wrap up every sidestory there was wayyy to quickly within the last ~10 minutes, which was somewhat annoying and actually prevented the anime to climb up to a (still abysmal, but heyho) rating of 5/10 after showing at least SOME sort of growth during the last few episodes.

The summery for this part is essentially the same as for the short version: Unless you're a REALLY big fan of OPM, I'd recommend giving it a miss.

If there are any glaring errors in my text... sorray, but it's a bit tough to focus after being awake for 27 hours now xD (I'm practically 50% fat and 50% coffee at this point x.x)
arcticWildlife Feb 14, 2015 3:03 AM

LoneWizzy Jan 22, 2015 6:31 PM
Rick-sama Jan 22, 2015 6:28 PM
Vol.2: Koyomimonogatari (暦物語)
Vol.3-5: Owarimonogatari (終物語)
Vol.6: Zoku Owarimonogatari (続・終物語)

Those are included in the ''before Hana'' period of time then?
LoneWizzy Jan 22, 2015 5:06 PM
so far Hana is the last one time-wise...There will be at least one more book coming but it will be probably some backstory or something...
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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