He did?!?!?!?! That's laughable. I fought the urge of dm'ing him on his instagram account but left the fight as is....I see no point in bickering over something without it actually being constructive criticism. In my bio, I especially put that I expect constructive criticism, namely because I am not some know it all genius and want to shew any thoughts of the like away. Second, I expect it because if I left out anything in my review, someone needs to tell me. Simply saying, "I thought it was great" is fine and all but it doesnt show me a way to improve, which is something people deserve, instead of some 17 year idiotic opinion. So that's that. I understand that some may hate the show. I get that. However, facts are facts champ. If you hate it out of just simple hate, thats fine. But claiming your opinion is weighted in the face of overwhelming facts is just complete nonsense
Oh, secondly, this is in follow up to my previous digression. I wrote a nice, coherent comment to submit to Lightwork only to find out he disabled the comment system. My question is, why can you do that and for what reason? If one were to put out his opinion into "Free Space" aka the internet, why cant I criticize his viewpoint, especially when it is aimed at me? Thats no more cowardly than firing a gun at a sitting duck and dodging behind a shield ex machina before getting shot at. Ughghghg why cant people at least take responsibility for their actions!?!?!?! Sorry, I know you probabaly didnt want to see this on your wall. Send me a slap if necessary to relieve you of your annoyance aka (me).
Well, to be fair, i reread my review and left out quite a bit. Even if it was my first review, I know I have a lot of room to improve as it seems I couldnt communicate my thoughts completely, so it was a bit embarassing. However, my main point is thank you very much that you enjoyed the review. It's a blessing for me to see that it somehow helped someone in someway or another. So, thank you very much! As for lightwork, he seems to be under the impression that a plethora of anime under one's belt signifies that his opinion is more weighted than others. Which is slightly true, yet a Shogi master can still win a battle with just four pawns and the king against a rookie with a full set. So, I fail to see his side of the argument on the lack of character development and the subsequent lack of evidence he had provided. But, anyway, Thank you again for your gracious opinion!
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