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Tensei shitara Dainana Ouji Datta node, Kimama ni Majutsu wo Kiwamemasu
Jun 19, 2024 5:52 PM
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All Comments (9) Comments
Enjoyable & unpredictable.
Where tan waifu ?
Ridiculous & funny. 100 CGs = pog
I appreciate an author that has the balls to create something like this and actually make it high-quality
Decent and slightly confusing story with some disconnected parts. Has the potential to be dragged out forever
The main couple starts out with extremely generic personalities which evolve a little bit by the end
Lots of ecchi
I don't think I've ever watched a shoujo anime before now. But this show is way more palatable and enjoyable than the vast majority of other anime I've seen. The emotions that it wrings out of me do not feel cheap whatsoever, unlike some other shows. It respects me as a viewer and for that it deserves my respect.
Also, I love the art style.
nice review!
The absolute absurdity of this anime made me laugh quite a bit.
It 100% delivers on the premise and it's a 10/10 for anyone who wants to see panties + disgusted face - sadly the latter isn't quite my thing.
I also didn't like the "repeat-after-me" way of exposition.