The artist of my lists' backgrounds is: pateo2 (twitter)
How I rate anime/mangá:
10- great anime, couldn't think off better execution
9- similar to 10, only that didn't ring the bell of "masterpiece"
8- very good, with some characters/plot aspect that could be better. Also animes that are very well executed but I didn't like them as much as 9 and above
7- have some cliches, but also some very good points, overall are enjoyable anime
6- anime with good ideas but not well explored/cliche plot and anime that are nothing special
5- cliches and anime that have good but also very bad moments
4- bad cliches, mostly bad shounen and harem
3- anime that make me question: "how come someone did this?", anime that don't make sense, fucked up anime
2- two (or maybe one) steps from Hell- anime that make me suffer while watching
1- Hum I don't know yet, because never watched one that I thought it was a 1
PLANNING Flicker Style | Author: Satou Yuuya Christmas Terror | Author: Satou Yuuya Shin Sekai Yori Uchouten Kazokui The Tatami Galaxy Emanon Series NisioIsin- Delivery Room, Veiled Man Hypothesis
Web Manga List
-The Story of High School Boys Who Became Magical Girls| Author&Illustrator: Konkichi | Chapters read: 38 | Score: 8
-Douki to Tawawa| Author&Illustrator: yom&Kiseki Himura | Chapters read 2 | Score: 7
-True Ikagai | Author: Kouadio Ahigo | Art: Loick Ngue | Chapters: 1 | Score: 6
-No\Name | Author: Rafal Jaki | Art: Machinę Gamu | Chapters: 1 | Score: 7
-With Open Arms | Author: Necrosishead | Art: Necrosishead | Chapters: 1 | Score: 8
-Tales of Demons and Gods| Author: Fabiao de Woniu | Illustrator: Jiang Ruo Tai | Chapters read: 336 | Score: 7
-Tsugumi Project | Chapters: 1
Live Actions List
COMPLETED Edge of Tomorrow (All you need is kill) | Score:6 Ghost in the Shell Score:5 One Piece Season 1 Score:8 Golden Kamuy Score:8 Golden Kamuy: the Hunt ot Prisoners in Hokkaido Score:8
PAUSED The Sound of Magic (Annarasumanara)
DROPPED Afterschool War Activities | Score: 3
PLANNING Fullmetal Alchemist Fullmetal Alchemist: Revenge Scar Fullmetal Alchemist: Last Transmutation Solanin A Girl on the Shore Death Note Cowboy Bepop Blue Period Under Ninja
Visual Novels List
READING Fate Stay Night Remastered Steins Gate 0
PAUSED Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
PLANNING Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steins Gate 0 Muv Luv Muv luv Alternative Planetarian Tsukihime- a piece of glass moon Witch on the Holy Night
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