Rating System:
10 - Perfect
every aspect of this show is beyond expectation. the thing that separates a 10 and a 9 is that a 10 show goes above and beyond expectation. it has or does something a little differently and executes that perfectly. you can't be the best if you're just like everyone else.
9 - Near Perfect
if asked, i would have little to no complaints about this show. the only reason this isn't a 10 is because it's missing that extra oomph to push it to the next level. all in all, i think the show is fantastic and could definitely be an all-time favorite, but it lacks the ingenuity that would make it a 10.
8 - Thoroughly Enjoyable
this show has its faults, but i'm able to forgive them for it. this show has definitely done something right and it's executed well enough that i can overlook all the little mistakes and imperfections here and there. i wouldn't hesitate to recommend one of these shows to a friend.
7 - A Decent Show
i recognize that this show has its faults, but that doesn't mean i disliked it. it was good, but when asked to describe the show, i can't honestly say anything more than "it was good." I would still recommend these shows to friends, but not with as much enthusiasm.
6 - Mediocre
this show isn't bad, it just isn't good either. it was enough to get me to finish it and i don't regret watching it, but i'm probably not going to re-watch this ever again. when it comes down to it, i've got nothing more to say than "meh." or "it was okay."
5 - Bad
watching this show is like going through the beach with a metal detector: most of the time you're bored, but every so often you'll find a jewel or two. in other words, this show sucked but it had just enough good bits sprinkled in for me to finish the show. in the end, however, i would say it wasn't that good.
4 - Trash
there's little to nothing i like about this show and i almost came close to dropping the whole thing altogether. the only reason i didn't is because i kept saying to myself "this show will get better, it has to," but of course, it doesn't.
3 - I Didn't Think Anime Could Be This Bad
not only did i dislike this show, i actually detest it. i used my anger toward this show as fuel to get me through to the end of it. and the only reason i finished it is so others can't say "you stopped right at the good part, it gets better, i promise." no. it doesn't. the show sucks and your taste in anime sucks even more.
2 - Why Would You Even Make This Show?
this show disgusts me. this is an abomination born from the depths of someone's wicked mind. it should never have seen the light of day. it astounds me that someone didn't burn the whole thing during production and have the creator beheaded. in the end, i finished the show, but only to further my rage towards it.
1 - The Holocaust in Anime Form
at this point, i start to question my own sanity. thinking back on it, this show is the absolute worst thing i've ever witnessed, but i still finished it. why? was it because i thought it would get better? absolutely not. was it because i wanted to be even angrier at it? that's not it either. was it because i liked it? i pause at the thought. that can't be it, can it? no. that can't be it. that can't be the reason why. no matter how much i try to deny it, i can't escape the truth. a part of me somewhere enjoyed this show. the thought disgusts me. the notion that even a single cell of my being enjoys this show is enough to make me gag. i can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. i find myself so revolting that i'm plunged in a deep depression in which i question my very presence in the universe. why was i born? is there any purpose in life? is a life in which i like this show even worth living? these thoughts echo through my head until i can't take it anymore. convinced that there's nothing to live for, i kill myself. all because of this show.
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