my anime list rating system:
10 = all time favorites idgaf what you think. art/story/characters/music/etc all blew me away (or most of it did) - OR, i have a really good (or funny) reason for giving it this rating. These may or may not be recommendable to others
9 = fantastic! i really enjoyed watching it and i am confident with recommending it to others. these are my go-to suggestions.
8 = great! i enjoyed watching it, and would probably recommend a good chunk of these. especially if they are in line with your tastes.
7 = pretty good, i was able to finish the anime and feel good about it. i might recommend it if you like the genre, or if i have a feeling you'll like it.
6 = decent. i'm not comfortable recommending to anyone unless they're a die-hard fan of whatever genre it is. even then, i would tell you to not expect much. maybe there were a couple standout moments for me, but it was mostly just "fine". there was probably something or someone making me finish the anime to the end, and the end result is me being a bit unimpressed.
5 and below = meh. it's a surprise i was even able to finish the anime. i tend to only watch and finish stuff that i enjoy, so if a show starts off at a lv 5 rating and below, it will likely get dropped or at the very least put on hold, and will only be picked up again if im forced to.
*note: i do have some anime on hold/dropped and it's simply cause i lost interest, it wasn't necessarily bad
Since making anime requires incredible effort, I like to give creators the benefit of the doubt and grade more leniently on most things.
All Comments (6) Comments
Sup dude~!
Also watching AOT weekly, no suprise; that shit is godly
Thanks for the accept !!