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Bocchi the Rock! 2nd Season
Feb 26, 12:50 PM
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Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha
Feb 11, 10:44 AM
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Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta.
Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta.
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Debby the Corsifa wa Makezugirai
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One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki.
One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki.
Dec 1, 2022 5:35 AM
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Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru
Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru
Dec 1, 2022 5:34 AM
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Fyk0 Mar 8, 12:54 PM
Yeah some reforming in gaming companies would actually do good. Big companies just making huge budget games that ends up failing or performing badly. It must be hell to be developer in a big company and try to coordinate with oversized teams and then have all kinds of consultants making sure female characters tits aren't too big XD I'm not really a fan of open world games either with a gorillion marks on the map for you to clear but is essentially fodder content.
Holy shit, that is pretty funny XD But for some reason ZZZ is heating my PC more than Wilds, so I don't know is Mihoyo mining crypto with my PC when I play XD
I think the story is kinda ass in Wilds though. The kid in the party is annoying I don't give a shit any of the characters and wouldn't care if they died in a cutscene or something. Except for the blonde blacksmith girl, because she is hot XD

Yeah, I'm currently in the slump of not managing watch anything in last 3 weeks or so XD Well, that just happens to me naturally I sometimes watch 3 episodes of a show in the row, because I have failed to catch up so I need to marathon a bit XD I usually rely on MAL currently watching list to keep up with shows so I usually remember to continue watching. Although currently it is a bit bloated with shows I haven't started watching... in years XD

I think going from 3090 to 4090 was a good improvement on 4K. 5090 boost is rather weak but I suppose I could consider it when in stock depending how much I can still sell 4090 for. If I could sell 4090 nearly the price I paid for it due to shortages, then 5090 wouldn't be that bad purchase. But I would need to win F5 webstore battle against all other nerds who are smashing the button everytime there is new stock of 5090 cards XD

Update: Aaaaand... I now have 5090 XD Overall I'm happy to the native 4K performance and this 240hz OLED gets to shine more with higher frames so gaming is smoother. At least Trails is running 100+ fps and above, most of the time XD
Fyk0 Mar 1, 11:29 AM
Yeah it's great that small dev teams can make great fun games these days. Really shows the massive teams aren't always an asset when big games performs poorly playercount wise.
Well, I have just been playing the new Monhun and it's a bit rough XD DLSS doesn't work properly with nvidia cards and performance without it isn't that good. I have never played Monhuns before and the game seems pretty fun after playing for two days, but I wonder will my interest fade soon once I'm done with the story. Usually I feel done once I finish the story in games, but here the story is mostly the tutorial I suppose.
I haven't followed Civ 7 at all, but that's funny if it has been another shitshow with release issues XD

Oh my god, I just realized I have watched first epp of I May Be a Guild Receptionist -show and then totally forgot about it XD I fail to keep up even with 4 shows I watch this season, I'm a disgrace XD Well, I like tomboy Caesar but I wouldn't mind if she was angry one instead XD
Ahh, I see ^^ That one I don't have on my list. From Bureaucrat to Villainess is probably my favourite of the season, old man gets isekaid into a videogame as anime waifu XD

Yeah I just decided to give up trying to get 5090. Thanks nvidia for not having stock so I can come into my senses and skip one generation for small performance gains XD
AMD cards are likely way better value this time. I think there are some videos out of them now but I haven't watched them. Kinda lost my interest about whole GPU generation XD I will upgrade next generation when I get more bang for my buck.
Fyk0 Feb 6, 11:33 AM
Understandable, gives a better feeling kicking the monsters ass when you get back stronger XD
Weeeellll, about that nothing bad happens... XD It's quite impressive how big MiSide got since it's been made by just two guys. Makes me feel like I should learn coding and make anime game XD

What a time to be alive, big companies acts like they hate money XD Oh, that's surprising show to have on CR but kinda hard to enjoy the fanservice when it's censored. Assuming other sites got the uncensored version which makes CR version kinda irrelevant. But maybe there is a little but of hope left for Sony XD

Great XD The show is pretty good and yeah it's probably better this way than them hating each other for nearly whole season XD
I didn't start Beheneko, I think I thought even the name "The Elf-Girl's Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster!" sounds such a throwaway fantasy/isekai I was like not another one XD But I like creepy girls so... maybe I should give it a try XD

I also tried buying new Nvidia GPU but it was such a paper launch with 0 stock, so I have pretty much given up and reconsidering do I wanna spend 3K euros into a card that gives me like 20% more frames XD
Fyk0 Jan 9, 11:42 AM
So much for Metaphor XD And nice, I haven't heard of it but looks pretty decent game. Well as long as the game does warn you you are wandering in the place that will fuck you up XD Like in some JRPGs they put some roaming end game optinal boss in starter zone and then you don't notice it and you get steamrolled XD
Speaking of indie games have you played MiSide, the anime dating/horror game that was released some weeks ago? Total peak anime gaming XD

Oh man, if Sony touches Kadokawa's distribution it's over XD Yeah sony is quite censor heavy these days and they having any impact on production won't make anything better, only worse. And then it makes you paranoid because you can't know is a show toned down because of Sony or not. I hate how it has turned upside down like a decade or two you were excited of what Sony or some other big companies are cooking, and now you are praying they don't touch your loved franchises XD

No I haven't seen Dungeon Meshi, that one didn't register to me but looks like it is highly rated, probably something that I could give a try too. If I find the time XD And for this season I have started to watch I'm Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class and Headhunted to Another World and both seems pretty good. I expected Headhunted to Another World being seasonal trash isekai, which it is I suppose XD, but still hooks me enough to keep watching.

Thanks! This year has started well, and hopefully for you as well ^^
Fyk0 Dec 8, 2024 1:35 PM
After getting into the final story dungeon NOW the game starts giving me exp at decent rate and I start having fun with the class system! And still some of my party members are seriously lacking with unlocked classes and skills XD There are 3 optional difficult dungeons that you can do after, but the bosses are pure pain. They have 3 turns and uses a skill to gain 7 additional turn so you can go AFK when they are doing their turns XD I'm so close to the end I probably just skip the optional bosses and just go for the final boss. At least I think it's the final boss, but Persona style I don't know if the game actually continues.
Yeah, Metaphor is pretty heavy game and requires some time investment especially the beginning is slow as sloth taking a shit. Not that its bad, I think it's fine for story building but it is slow. And nice ^^ I bought Path of Exile 2 early access and the game is really good, also works in short and long sessions.
Hmm, no, I don't think I have heard about that.

True, I always try to give B-tier shows a chance when picking my seasonal shows to watch. As long as the synopsis and genre tags are something that I like, or there is a waifu with big milkers on the cover XD

Yeah it can be a hit or miss with popular shows too XD I think there are plenty of popular shows that I'm not a fan of like Dandadan, but sometimes like with Frieren I think it was super good. But I do tend to give most hyped shows a chance, since it always nice to keep up with the most talked about shows.
Oh god, I can't deal with C-tier isekais anymore and they are everywhere with some stupid gimmic XD Now that I got addicted to PoE 2 and rather watch quality anime or play the game, my tolerance for trash anime just dropped XD

Well the new characters are way more compled so they need the longer explanations XD I don't even remember all the mechanics Burnice has, I just hold square to spin and then use dual flamethrowers and switch to Yanagi XD
Fyk0 Nov 14, 2024 10:35 AM
Selling levels is so trash, like they invent a problem and then sell you the solution. They know the leveling is grindy so they sell the levels to you XD
I have thought sometimes of replaying Berseria because I liked it overall so much, and maybe one day I will. Kinda weird when I think rest of the series is ass XD
Oh god, it's time to stop Factorio XD And I overall like Metaphor but I have some issues with the class system. Your characters are basically just skins, they have nothing unique in them except slightly different stats that they get on leveling up. All the skills and synergies are decided by archetypes (classes) and everyone can learn everything, which makes me think it's a bit boring. Also the leveling of classes is slow even with exp item around 30 hours mark, but you should always try to hit enemy weakness so experimenting with classes can be a pain. I heard later it gets a bit faster and gets more generous with exp items, but I don't think the constant class switching and leveling them up is that fun and prefer Persona where characters are their own unique things.
I started the game on hard but it amplifies my archetype issue tenfold and dropped it to normal. I think normal is overall quite enjoyable as you can brute force enemies even if you can't hit their weakness, but doing so it costs more turns and thus mana.

Let me know if you like Dandadan, since I didn't.
Well XD I think some of my favorite shows are B-Tier also and I shouldn't pay too much attention to MAL scores since there are couple very highly rated like Dandadan and Rezero and I think they are ass XD But I do tend to check out the seasons most popular shows since there can be gems like Frieren or Chainsaw Man.
... okay I think I might have more taste than you after all XDD Like I start to be over of these all kinds of meme C-Tier isekais with ridiculous gimmicks XD Like B-Tier trashy shows can be fun but I think it just gets boring when the isekai MC can pull some random ability out of his ass that is OP and lets him to super convenient things because the author is a lazy writer that writes easy plot devices XD

Oh man, do not bench your Burnice XD I use her a lot and used her with Jane, but now I put Burnice with Yanagi for disorder damage wombocombo and Ceaser is giving shields. I was so out of polychome after Burnice I had to swipe to pull Yanagi too XD
Fyk0 Oct 20, 2024 12:18 PM
I know right! XD I hate in any JRPG if they take MC away from you because that is the character I build my whole strategy around on. Yeah, and even I don't in general care about achievements it still sucks the difficulty achievement is taken away from me on the very last moment XD Oh shit XD I don't remember the crab boss but I didn't beat some optional bosses that would have required a lot of grinding. I still think Berseria is like the only Tales game I like. Arise starts fine but is kinda ass after they go to space and the plot goes nowhere for hours and rest of the dungeons are lame.

Damn XD I started Dandadan and Uzumaki, both are horror animu but I dropped them after 1 or 2 episodes. Dandadan is very highly rated on MAL but it's extremely chaotic and over the top humor, too much for my tastes. Now I'm about to start watching Sword Art Online, hoping it and Danmachi are this season good ones XD

Understandable XD By now I have pulled both Ceasar and Burnice. I even tried to pull a dupe of Burnice but the 50/50 gamble failed me and I got a Grace dupe instead XD
I was hoping I could make a 2nd time by making Burnice the main dps, but then I looked up a guide which says she goes well with Jane which is my main dps, so so much for building a 2nd team with her XD

I have played Metaphor demo, and I plan to buy the full game. At first I thought I skip it but it's actually pretty fun game, although hard as fuck on hard XD It borrows a lot from Persona, so I recommend to try the demo yourself if you are interested.
Fyk0 Sep 24, 2024 8:58 AM
Thanks, please do XD
With Daybreak I'm questioning what the devs were thinking not allowing you use the MC for half of the final boss fight. I was playing on nightmare and I was so pissed off because MC was my damage dealer and half of the characters I haven't even properly built I dropped the difficulty to very easy for the final fight just to pass it, so I didn't get my nightmare achievement XD Maybe I could have won regardless if I adjusted gears around and really tried, but you cannot even shop before the final battle and to load a save when you can still shop is 2 other boss fights earlier. I hate it when JRPF takes your characters away for a boss fights, like stop doing that XD
Too many losing heroines seems to be quite well rated and recent one. I think I missed/passed it selecting shows but sounds like a quality one XD
Oh man XD I only play gacha on PC these days. And ZZZ animations are top tier indeed. Tomorrow they release latest character Ceasar which is a support waifu and I totally gonna pull for her XD

Cool ^^ I'm very excited for Rain Code. For now I bought Lollipop Chainsaw remaster and the port is pretty jank but the game itself is fun and the humour is crazy XD One more stage to go, then I probably go back to play little witch Nobeta, which I also started while waiting for new games.
Fyk0 Sep 8, 2024 10:52 AM
That's a good character archetype... a plot staller XD They guy literally only stalled the plot and was annoying. Yeah the female spy didn't take the plot as hostage and thus wasn't annoying character.
I threw OniAi to my plan to watch list. Maybe I get to it one day XD
I'm also not watching many shows this season and now I have fallen a bit behind. But I'm very soon done with Trails through Daybreak so I probably catch up with all shows before I start to play something new. There is a lot of games coming in couple months that I want to play maybe I play something more light weight until then. Master Detective Archives Rain Code, Ys 10 and Fairy Tail 2 will keep me busy a while.
And I dropped Oshi no ko 2nd season. I think the main character dude is just uninteresting boring asshole XD I like almost all side characters but I don't really care at all of the MC and what he is even trying to do, so I lost interest. The deer girl show is peak of this season, even it has some episodes where the jokes doesn't land as hard.

Well that's kinda how it is with Legend of Heroes too. Sometimes I just progress main story and talk to NPCs and poof over hour gone without any combat XD It does get a bit tedious at times, even though talking to NPCs is very optional.
Shadows of Doubt looks very dank XD But that seems quite cool concept. I'm getting a dose of investigation soon with Rain Code and I'm very excited to play it ^^
Well, I mentioned the games on my radar already, so yeah XD I'm also playing Zenless Zone Zero at the moment but pretty much catch up with it's content. Do you got interest towards Rain Code or Ys 10?
Fyk0 Aug 11, 2024 6:58 AM
Ah, I don't remember seeing that many bro-con shows. The Irregular at Magic High School is one recent show where it was though. It's weird, I like bro-con characters but I usually find sis-cons annoying, like that one guy in Spy x Family, he was the most irritating character in the show XD
I know, some of the scores doesn't make sense. I guess some uneducated tourists are voting XD I remember liking Love Tyrant but I don't remember much what happened in it. I didn't give it a score which is a pity.
Hah! Little autistic XD Fair enough and I think the episodes after first one hasn't been as good, but I'm probably like 3 episodes behind in it now and plan to catch up today. I haven't played The Coffin of Andy and Leyley but it seems to be such a "cult classic" I should play it sometime XD

Yeah that is true, it was a bit slog on nightmare difficulty so you just end up skipping most animations. With animation skip it went acceptable speed and some boss fights were kinda tough so I enjoyed that. Ah, the classic dodge tank Fie, I did that myself as well XD Fie is only a guest character this time but they added a new character that has some similar vibes. I'm building her as dodge tank but at least in mid game it's not been broken. I think they nerfed insight too I think it doesn't give anymore flat 50% dodge chance but 50% increase to your current dodge chance, but I'm not totally sure. I just feel like I'm dodging much less in this game with it.
Damn XD Good luck with Baldurs Gate 3. I think the game looks kinda cool but I doubt my interest would hold all game so I never gotten it. Also I don't like the dice thing, it encourages save scumming to get the result you want lol.
Fyk0 Jul 27, 2024 5:51 AM
Oh yeah, that's how it went! Not exactly being the protagonist there but a chased heretic XD I suppose it is pretty difficult to make her a season's protagonist.
I haven't heard that before, making anime PV just for manga. Such a bait like everyone would expect it's an anime show. But I guess it works, because now you know about the manga XD

When a character makes twitter mad it's usually a sign of a good show XD Oh, I have watched 3 episodes of Dimensional seduction now and I think it is pretty good. It sure gives Dress Up Darling vibes though and I think in this one the male MC is funnier XD It's a show I will keep watching since I'm liking it.
Then I'm watching My Deer Friend Nokotan, the silly deer show which is peak stupidity in a good way XD Another honourable mention is VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream. If you like vtubers you probably like this comedy show. Then I have Pseudo Harem which I've seen only 1 episode so far and it seems to be Nagatoro at home, and Suicide Squad Isekai because Harley Quinn, and I think that show is full or stupid plot holes but Harley carries it.

I know the feeling XD I was also kinda burnt out at the end of the game so I wouldn't be able to stomach NG+ at all, so I'm glad I started with the improved Vengeance route.
If you mean Cold Steel 1, I think I was done around 70 hours mark. If it was some castle and Laura's story plot it might be not so end of the game where you are, but it's been so long I don't remember too well. But CS3 and 4 are way longer than 1 so you have a lot to play there if you keep going XD
I think I just finished chapter 3 in the new game and there has been only 2 old characters very shortly so far. They added real time combat to kill normal mobs faster and it works pretty well, and you can switch it to turn based combat on the fly for your benefit, but if you take too much damage in action mode the mobs engage to turn based mode and gets first turn. Plot wise it seems a bit more mature and darker, like they actually kill people this time XD
The gameplay loop is still pretty much the same but with a little fancier graphics and added action combat mode. And sadly no more Alisa that carried me through all Cold Steel games with her Heavenly Gift AoE buff that gives insight and CP regen XD
Fyk0 Jul 6, 2024 12:23 PM
Well my figures ain't the most vanilla ones, that's for sure XD

I know like how did I manage to watch Promised Neverland 2 even for that long XD
Gotta say now that you bring up Kazuma I have agree he is a fantastic main character. And overall how the cast can be used effectively in different ways. Didn't Aqua have some screentime in previous season like wasn't there some church stuff? Not that I remember too well. I should marathon all the seasons some time but like I find the time for that XD But if they make Aqua take the lead and act like a goddess for once maybe it would work XD I'm very interested to see where the show goes from here!

Well I added it to my plan to watch list ^^ I probably skipped it myself just seeing isekai stuff and slime, which made me think of the other slime isekai that I dropped due to insane powercreep XD I don't mind powerful MC's but I don't want them to only fight each other bigger gods because anything lesser isn't even a threat, but when the MC is a weak pleb that ain't an issue XD

I just finished SMT5 on vengeance path and I started to lose interest to it a bit towards the end. If you are going to play it twice, then creation path is a better choice but if you play only once like me then vengeance path would be better. And I know the feeling, I kept my mermaid for quite long time until I fused her away XD I fused the demon girl boss waifus and used them for rest of the game, got my harem at least XD And yeah sometimes you just die and you can do nothing about it so better save every two minutes or so XD I had to drop the difficulty from hard to normal during one of the final boss fights. He killed my party from full health through guard so I was like yeah I just wanna finish this XD Next I'm going to start the new The Legend of Heroes that got english release yesterday.
Fyk0 Jun 24, 2024 8:27 AM
Oh damn, time to will your house with figures then XD I have 2 glass showcases full of bunnies and other stuff. I will never get tired of bunny girl figures XD

Yeah, only the stat points you can't reset more than once. I hope to see more Cyberpunk style talent systems in the future where you can freely respec your talents but stat points that also impacts dialogue or route options cannot be easily changed.
F76 is pretty much whole assed game from the start XD

Well XD Gotta have tons of talking and meetings because the characters are so OP they cannot throw constantly even more stronger gods at the slime, can they XD I have few times dropped anime near end even being invested. One was Promised Neverland second season. I dropped it 2 episodes before finishing it because the kids started to be buddies with the demons XD
I know right, some peak fansubbing XD
Yeah! I really liked this Konosuba season as well. I have liked all the seasons but this one was peak, which is very nice that even the show keeps going the quality doesn't drop at all.

I haven't played other SMT games before either, but I have been liking SMT5 plenty even I don't enjoy the gameplay loop as much as I do Persona. I have around 20 hours time in my save file and MC is level 38. I play on hard and it is hard XD I wish the game had dating elements with the demon waifus, you can collect quite a demon harem XD Some of the endgame content needs multiple playthroughs but I'm good finishing it once on the new vengeance route. The new Legend of Heroes gets english patch in few weeks, so I hope I'm quite close finishing the game by then.
Fyk0 Jun 11, 2024 10:20 AM
Yeah, you might want something to fill the house but those are the most important items. Next get a shelf for anime figures XD

Oh, you had experienced the same and even worse than me XD
Yeah like the system easily leads to your first character being a mess if you cannot even respec XD I liked very much how Cyberpunk did it. Giving simple to understand stats and all perks so you can decide which path to take from the start.
Bethesda and innovation rarely walks hand in hand XD Personally I think NPCs are better than no NPCs. They make the game world feel more interactable and less empty. And now we probably will never get a new Fallout game because they wanna keep milking 76 and players to switch into a singleplayer XD

Oh my god, you dug the garbage and found another show XD Taking inspiration from Goblin Slayer and skill stealing sounds like the Slime anime that I dropped because the MC is too OP that makes it boring. At least it is making you laugh XD I watch only few shows this season and might add one or two into it, but gotta say music themed animu Girls Band Cry is actually really good. It is in 3D but the animation is so good it doesn't even bother me. It is a bit over dramatic at times and the fan translation is something else XD

Yeah the wind mechanic is pretty nice in Tsushima. I finished the main story yesterday and now going to speedrun the DLC story. I started to feel the open world exhaustion and my gear is maxed so I don't have interest to clear any side content in it. And on Friday I'm going to buy SMT5 when it gets PC version, are you going to play it?
Fyk0 May 30, 2024 11:26 AM
Yes you have the record now, congratulations XD
Oh damn, a house! ^^ I can imagine that has kept you quite busy indeed. Now that you have internet, PC, a desk and a chair you have all you need. And probably a bed. XD

I know man, how could I forget best girl! XD

Nope I haven't watched the show, and I actually bought Fallout 4 for 5 bucks on sale but I didn't really like it XD I think the pip-boy inventory is total jank, items are just ungodly scrollable list without much visual presentation. Then I died like million time in the first deathclaw that appears when you get a power armor. It just straight out kept walking at me murdered me XD And the character progression didn't hook me since I have no context what and how much impact the stats have on character. So I did not have very good time XD
Well, I remember people complained about 76 there are no NPCs so the world is boring. So now there are NPCs and they still aren't happy XD

Yeah, but the problem with Date a Live is it has a fuckton of waifus, and if I can't really remember any of them or the main plot so it's like super confusing to watch. I don't think few previous episodes would have saved me when it doesn't explain how they all have joined XD
I have totally missed Full Dive, but the fanservice red head on the cover is intriguing XD Maybe I give a watch sometime.

Also I have started to play Ghost of Tsushima. Pretty awesome game but the open world bloat is little getting into me XD
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