Hello there, and welcome to my profile!
I'm RedWhisper, anime-fan and manga-newbie.
Once upon a time, I used to watch anime on a regular basis... but then life happened, and as a result I disappeared from the anime world for a handful of years.
Well, now I'm back, and making a fresh start!
I plan on watching new anime that I've never seen, re-watching the old anime that I grew up on, and reading manga for the first time ever.
Feel free to stop by anytime to say hello! I'm open to any recommendations you might have.
(Also I plan on making a much better About Me page when I have more time and motivation lol.)
All Comments (23) Comments
I apologize for the late delivery but here you go. Thanks for requesting. :)
|| Pengi & Neko's Claim Haven ||
Cat Ears LE // Cards
|| Kiri & Sunny's Coffee House ||
Heterochromia RE // Cards
Misaki Mei WE // Cards
C.C. WE // Cards
Uniform SE // Cards
|| Cloud Atlas ||
Bleach RE // Cards
Fire Emblem RE // Cards
● Cards will be deleted in 2 weeks ●
● Post a comment/PM me if you have any queries ●
★ Kiri & Sunny's Coffee House
★ Akashi Seijuurou WE ★ Cards ★ 63
★ Ramen ME ★ Cards ★ 135
★ Noragami LE ★ Cards ★ 93
★ Delivered by: tsubasa_ ★ Cards from: Lyfa
[center]Hello Citadel members! This is just a newsletter of this month that you can ignore this or delete it from your comments if you don't want to read it. This is the first edition so this will be sent out to every member, but after this issue we'll have a newsletter sign-up so if you want to receive these often you may sign up for that. This is just to notify and update you on the events and editions coming up in the Citadel this month! Please continue on if you want to see the events and editions.
Events this month:
The Watching Challenge
General Description:
Every two days, a staff or I will put up a anime we have watched. If you have watched this anime or watch this anime within 2 days you get a stamp on a card. If you get twenty of these, you'll upgrade to another card.
For more details on "The Watching Challenge" please refer to the forum of the challenge which will be put up soon later today.
Editions this month:
Toradora! RE ~ Opens September 4th
Angel Beats! LE ~ Opens September 8th
Death Note LE (Reprints) ~ Opens September 12th
Death Parade LE~ Opens September 16th
Spice & Wolf RE ~ Opens September 20th
Pink-Haired Anime Characters RE ~ Opens September 28th
We now have a official Skype group going on! Please click Here to join us now!
We are now opening a Youtubers edition which well re-new every weekly, to request some Youtubers we should do please click Here :)
Open Games/Forums:
What You Failed to Mention
Seiyuu Alphabet
Card Suggestions
Open Card Editions:
Official Member Cards!
For the Staff:
Card Makers - Card Drop Off
If you wish to become a staff member, please click here!
If you wish to become a card maker, please click here!
Staff Badges
Staff Cards
Card Makers - Edition Schedule
Thank you for reading this months newsletter! Stay tuned for the next one!
Don't forget to save and re-host your cards
Thanks again and If you find any problem
let me know and I will fix it ~
Brian's Card Delivery
★ Please save and rehost, deletion takes place in 1 weeks.
★ Thanks a lot for requesting my cards
[size=90]★ Brad and Chloe's Love Shack ★
★ 100+ SE
★ Cards
★ Please save and rehost, deletion takes place in 2 weeks.
★ Thanks allot for requesting <3
★ [u]Brad & Chloe's Love Shack[/u]
★ 100+ SE
★ Cards
Both Angel Beats and Fullmetal Alchemist are soooo much better than K-on so it's better to focus on this. Later you can try Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood which follows story exactly as it is in manga and it's top 1 anime here, that's why you could give it a try.
Of course feel free to watch if you want to check it on your own, though it's not worth for me to do that, you can watch something much better in the same time. ;)
I always wanted to watch some of these older ones like NGE, Trigun or Cowboy Bebop but there are always other ones in the way. Just can't push myself to start one. Maybe you can convince me to do so :D
I would recommend Psycho-Pass to you. It has interesting villiain, nothing to do with high-school and no fanservice at all. Overall a very good anime. One of my favorites.