10: Absolute masterpiece; aka the One piece (Obligatory) and Odd Taxi (Genuine) tier
9: Great; Great plot/Fun, great execution, high levels of investment.👌
8: Very good; Was well invested in this show, with few factors that hindered my enjoyment as well as it resonating with me in a way. Was easy for me to wanna keep watching.
7: Averagely good; Was all and all a good watch, but wasn’t as memorable/enjoyable as it could’ve been. Either it just didn’t knock my socks off or they screwed up the ending.
6: Slightly less than averagely good; Was watchable but the plot didn’t have enough substance to it so it might’ve felt like a drag to go through. It might’ve had its moments and was overall okay but it wasn’t enjoyable or memorable enough to where I’d want to watch it again.
5: Averagely average; True average. While watching these idk if I was just missing something or not getting what was happening but boy these sure were boring. Either it was just constantly boring or everything that seemed somewhat intriguing had a boring/lousy payoff.
4: Bad; This is the tier for shows that actively caused me pain while I watched them. I’d rather read loli hentai than watch this again.
3: Torrashu
2: Bruh you seeing this shit
1: I didn’t know a score this low was possible but somehow this show managed to accomplish it
Btw despite how my tastes may suggest I am indeed not a furry
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