I’ve heard Colombia is having a tough time! I know Venezuela and Brazil are also really struggling. Hopefully the end of the pandemic puts the world on the path to recovery!
I was born in Boston, Massachusetts. I've lived in Tennessee since I was 6 though, so I consider it my home state. Tennessee is known for Jack Daniels whiskey and country music. We are also known for being the most conservative state with over 5 million people. Sadly, our politics get so passionate and angry it can be a real pain. Our state senators are more like professional trolls than politicians. They think their job is to do stupid shit to make the liberals angry instead of practical things like tax reform. Our politicians waste money passing laws like banning the teaching of evolution in our high schools, making it illegal to say "gay" instead of homosexual and creating a state holiday celebrating the founder of the Ku Klux Klan. We also probably have the most believers in the Qanon conspiracy of any state. Even driving is political in our state! I drive a 10 year old Prius that I got from my dad and he bought it when gas prices were high. However, gas prices are low now and everyone wants to drive large trucks to show how "country" they are. A Prius is considered a "liberal" car, so drivers will go out of their way to be an asshole to me every week! I'll be at a red light and some stupid redneck in a pick up truck will start honking at me for no reason at all. Last week a guy bumped my car at a red light. If I ever want to change lanes, I'll frequently have to deal with some asshole who speeds up and slows down to prevent me from getting into that lane. Then they'll laugh and give me the middle finger. Tennessee is a silly place filled with silly people. If you look at wealth per person, education, and life expectancy, Tennessee is the 44th nicest state to live in out of 50. I have a lot of friends in this state because I've lived here so long, but I'm honestly considering moving.
That's awesome! My ex graduated with a degree in chemical engineering! That's a nice field. My degree will be in applied behavior analysis, so I'll be creating behavior programs to help children with autism. It's one of the only psychology based jobs that pays well. My brother majored in aerospace engineering and currently works as an air quality engineer. So his job is mostly figuring out how to make the ventilation systems in hospitals effective so viruses don't spread as easily.
It's been a long time! I've been doing well! I'm sorry I somehow missed your last message! I wrap up my graduate school this summer (I had to go back to graduate school) and I really love my current job. How have you been doing? Are you in your senior year of high school now?
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