Since in middle school (2010s) my time was mostly occupied by studying and i had no hobby, i ended up being mostly at home, hence at first i started watching anime on tv, because i felt them more interesting than the ones produced in Italy or imported from US: Dragonball, One Piece and FullMetal Alchemist were my triad.
When i discovered internet i felt so grateful i could watch way more than what was officially translated, in particular this happened with OP, and this led to its manga and the cosmos of manga. I read, read, read and read again (myanimelist says 250 days in mostly 4 years).
...between July and August 2019 i decided to stop reading them. It had become a toxic habit, consuming hours and hours a day and consuming myself in the process.
I'm currently (2024) trying to reintroduce them, slowly, so not to tip off the balance i now have in my life. Losing something you worked hard on is pretty scary!
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