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Auch diesen Monat gibt es eine neue Runde vom Guru Quiz!
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Nach dem überraschenden Ergebnis der ersten Guru Quiz Runde, könnt ihr ab jetzt bei der 2. Runde miträtseln.
Der Club wächst weiter und um das zu feiern gibt es dieses Mal die 650+ LE Karte.
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Nach einer kleinen Pause startet unser Anime Guru Quiz wieder. Wer wird der erste Anime Guru 2012?
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Nach dem "Bestes Opening" Event gibt es nun ein Event für das beste Ending:
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Zusätzlich gibt es diesen Monat ein weiteres Special:
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That's pretty bad, but not quite as awful as some of the horror stories I've heard.
I'll look forward to Kyoto's next anime, in that case. I have also heard that the Haruhi film is in the works and it looks quite interesting. While endless eight was a bit awful it's nice to know that they're willing to do a bit of experimentation from time to time and, as history has shown, Haruhi seems to be the place to do it. It should be a good one.
I'm actually enjoying Railgun quite a bit at the moment. I know it has all the trappings of a crappy shounen but the all female cast and the awesomeness of the main characters is just too much to resist. As long as they don't try and make it too "deep and meaningful" in the end...
You get your flight ok? I'm in Portugal at the mo and ours was delayed by around three hours, which was rather annoying. All the snow made the trip to the airport really enjoyable, though.
Finished Umineko, Haruhi season 2 and the latest Zetsubou Sensei and am now re-watching Umineko and Clannad with my sister. They both seem to qork quite well a second time, though, which is a good sign.
I'm planning on watching Kanon as soon as I've seen a few series that are less depressing. Air was quite good; again, the ideas were rather similar but it was well-executed with an ending that was both thoughtful and optimistic. It is pretty clear, however, that it was one of the studio's first series and as a result it is not quite as polished as it could have been, but it goes for the fantasy a lot more than Clannad, which I liked.
I've only seen the OVA and the first episode of SAW 2 and I'll have to wait until I get home to watch the rest. So far it seems much like the first series, focussing on the small-scale aspects of life as well as the well thought out and realistic characterisations tat are becoming the series' trade mark. Horo is becoming much more lovable this time around and a lot less aloof, which is good.
Kara no Kyoukai...I think I'll start with the first film first, if that is sensible. What's it all about? I've had a look at the synopses and am I right in thinking it's kind of a mystery? Also, I'm thinking of downloading Chaos;Head, though I have heard that it's a pretty pooey adaptation of a great VN - have you heard anything about it? Unfortunately I'm at my home on the south coast at the moment so the Internet's really crappy - I'm not even going to try downloading anything while I'm here since I can get most things in a couple of hours back in Reading.
I have indeed seen your watching list - that's quite a compilation you've got there! If I ever have that many I usually stick them in the "On Hold" section, thugh I am watching quite a few at the mo. I felt I'd explore Kyoto's older works, so I've gone for Air and I plan on going for Kanon &c. afterwards. Some good stuff...
I actually custom-compiled a version of Mplayer in Linux that can handle ordered chapters to some extent, though it has no interface and seems to break when I try Umineko. I'm using gg at the mo though, and they're pretty good and really up-to-date and they don't use ordered chapters at all, so it's OK.
I now officially have much more anime than I can feasibly watch in a very long time. I'm giving the second series of ef a go now and I must say: it's a lot more intense than the first one. I just saw the rape scene in ep6 and it was so well put together and the use of language was so masterful that I couldn't help but smile despite the disturbing subject matter. Noir is turning out to be wholly and utterly average. Like all Bee Train stuff I've seen it's just standard plot and standard art supported by a really strong soundtrack by See-Saw and Kajiura Yuki ala .hack//Sign. If only a decent studio would use her...
I'm also starting to realise why Kyoto has done so much moeblob stuff lately; after putting stuff together like Clannad and Kanon I can imagine they want to give themselves a bit of a rest. Shaft is really impressing me lately as well, being diverse enough to produce deep and artistic works like ef while at the same time chucking out sophisticated comedies like Zetsubou Sensei. I just saw Maria+Holic, though, and while it was quite funny it was really nothing special.
You're really not selling Bleach to me there - it sounds just like what I try hard to avoid and what makes normal people avoid anime like the plague. Why can't American teenagers like something that's good! Even somtehing like K-ON! would be acceptable!
I really hate those endless shounen anime like Naruto &c. The way I see it, I've only got enough time to watch so much stuff so if a studio can get something really deep and meaningful into 13 episodes then I have no reason to spend 52+ episodes chasing after nothing. I did watch 120 episodes of the first episodes of Naruto before dropping it, so I guess you could say that it was that that did it. Saying that, apparently Legend of the Galactic Heroes is really good despite being ridiculously long and ridiculously old, so I think I'll at least give that a go.
Are you using the Seacats translation for Umineko? Admittedly they are probably the best subbers out there and they don't leave stupid messages to people in their subs like gg do, though they are so ridiculously slow that I just gave up on them in the end. Also this ordered chapters business only really works properly in Media Player Classic which I can't get, so it's not all that much good to me.
I'm currently up-to-date with Umineko, which is really annoying since the pace has started to slow somewhat. At least I have the VN to enjoy, though...
All Comments (83) Comments
Ebenso kann man den Charakter des Monats: September (Bester ruhiger/emotionsloser Charakter) nominieren.
Nach einer kurzen Pause fängt unser Anime Guru Quiz mit einer komplett neuen Runde an. Die optimale Gelegenheit für alle der neue Anime Guru zu werden!
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Ebenso kann man den Charakter des Monats: Juni (Bester "Megane"-Charakter) nominieren.
Auch diesen Monat gibt es eine neue Runde vom Guru Quiz!
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Ebenso kann man den Charakter des Monats: Mai (Beste Nebenrolle) nominieren.
Nach dem überraschenden Ergebnis der ersten Guru Quiz Runde, könnt ihr ab jetzt bei der 2. Runde miträtseln.
Der Club wächst weiter und um das zu feiern gibt es dieses Mal die 650+ LE Karte.
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Ebenso kann man den Charakter des Monats: April (Bester Yandere/Yangire Charakter) nominieren.
Nach einer kleinen Pause startet unser Anime Guru Quiz wieder. Wer wird der erste Anime Guru 2012?
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Ebenso kann man den Charakter des Monats: März (Lieblingscharakter aus dem Jahre 2011) nominieren.
Auch dieses Mal haben wir eine neue LE Karte.
Nach dem "Bestes Opening" Event gibt es nun ein Event für das beste Ending:
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Ebenso kann man den Charakter des Monats: Februar (Charakter mit passendstem Seiyuu) nominieren.
Das Anime Guru Quiz geht in die letzte Runde. Wer wird der neue Anime Guru?
Dieses Jahr gibt es vom Club eine Weihnachtskarte.
Zusätzlich gibt es diesen Monat ein weiteres Special:
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Care to join a support group? Don't worry, we'll keep your addiction Anonymous.
I'll look forward to Kyoto's next anime, in that case. I have also heard that the Haruhi film is in the works and it looks quite interesting. While endless eight was a bit awful it's nice to know that they're willing to do a bit of experimentation from time to time and, as history has shown, Haruhi seems to be the place to do it. It should be a good one.
I'm actually enjoying Railgun quite a bit at the moment. I know it has all the trappings of a crappy shounen but the all female cast and the awesomeness of the main characters is just too much to resist. As long as they don't try and make it too "deep and meaningful" in the end...
Finished Umineko, Haruhi season 2 and the latest Zetsubou Sensei and am now re-watching Umineko and Clannad with my sister. They both seem to qork quite well a second time, though, which is a good sign.
I'm planning on watching Kanon as soon as I've seen a few series that are less depressing. Air was quite good; again, the ideas were rather similar but it was well-executed with an ending that was both thoughtful and optimistic. It is pretty clear, however, that it was one of the studio's first series and as a result it is not quite as polished as it could have been, but it goes for the fantasy a lot more than Clannad, which I liked.
I've only seen the OVA and the first episode of SAW 2 and I'll have to wait until I get home to watch the rest. So far it seems much like the first series, focussing on the small-scale aspects of life as well as the well thought out and realistic characterisations tat are becoming the series' trade mark. Horo is becoming much more lovable this time around and a lot less aloof, which is good.
I have indeed seen your watching list - that's quite a compilation you've got there! If I ever have that many I usually stick them in the "On Hold" section, thugh I am watching quite a few at the mo. I felt I'd explore Kyoto's older works, so I've gone for Air and I plan on going for Kanon &c. afterwards. Some good stuff...
I now officially have much more anime than I can feasibly watch in a very long time. I'm giving the second series of ef a go now and I must say: it's a lot more intense than the first one. I just saw the rape scene in ep6 and it was so well put together and the use of language was so masterful that I couldn't help but smile despite the disturbing subject matter. Noir is turning out to be wholly and utterly average. Like all Bee Train stuff I've seen it's just standard plot and standard art supported by a really strong soundtrack by See-Saw and Kajiura Yuki ala .hack//Sign. If only a decent studio would use her...
I'm also starting to realise why Kyoto has done so much moeblob stuff lately; after putting stuff together like Clannad and Kanon I can imagine they want to give themselves a bit of a rest. Shaft is really impressing me lately as well, being diverse enough to produce deep and artistic works like ef while at the same time chucking out sophisticated comedies like Zetsubou Sensei. I just saw Maria+Holic, though, and while it was quite funny it was really nothing special.
You're really not selling Bleach to me there - it sounds just like what I try hard to avoid and what makes normal people avoid anime like the plague. Why can't American teenagers like something that's good! Even somtehing like K-ON! would be acceptable!
Are you using the Seacats translation for Umineko? Admittedly they are probably the best subbers out there and they don't leave stupid messages to people in their subs like gg do, though they are so ridiculously slow that I just gave up on them in the end. Also this ordered chapters business only really works properly in Media Player Classic which I can't get, so it's not all that much good to me.
I'm currently up-to-date with Umineko, which is really annoying since the pace has started to slow somewhat. At least I have the VN to enjoy, though...