####: Karen here.
####: It's Tsukihi. Karen: We are finally... Tsukihi: Finally! [PRE-SEN-TING... Rawa Rauf's animelist, written commentaries][w/Karen] Tsukihi: So, Karen-chan... we aren't doing this alone, are we? Karen: You got this sister, we are having a big all-girl group, as our guests to help us with the commentaries. Tsukihi: So, it's time for introductions. Karen: Tsubasa, you can go first. Tsubasa: Ehh...Karen chan, why it's me? Shouldn't we have Senjougahara-san to introduce herself first? Well it doesn't matter if you insist, I'm a Noetsu Highschooler, 3rd Stage, Hanekawa Tsubasa. Hitagi: Same as Hanekawa-san, Noetsu High Schooler, 3rd Stage, I'm Senjougahara Hitagi, wait, I was the second to introduce myself, aren't I? I didn't get ahead of my queue, or did I? Tsukihi: Definitely not, we already wanted you to do so next. Karen: Yeah yeah, it's not like my stupid brother is here yet, so you got to do introductions second by default. And now it's Nadeko's turn. Nadeko: Ehhh... emm... Karen chan, Rara-chan, can I go the last? I wanted to do my introductions when big brother Koyomi is here, I can't do it, unless he is here actually. Tsukihi: Big brother may be back a bit late, he got an urgent call just before the commentaries program began, and run off in a hurry. Will you be fine not doing an introduction till then, Nadeko-chan? Nadeko: W-WHAT!! What do I do- Rara chan, I need to go and help big brother Koyomi, He is in trouble! Tsubasa: You can't go right now, Sengoku-chan, remember, you're doing a commentary too, and you don't even know where to go, so that won't help at all. Nadeko: I'm so sorry, I didn't think straight, but I'm worried, is he going to be fine all by himself? Karen: Now, now, everyone introduced themselv- Tsubasa: Wait a minute... aren't you forgetting someone, Mayoi-chan still didn't do an introduction Nadeko: Ehh? Who Karen: A lost child? Is this the cue for Fire Sisters to act and serve justice... Tsukihi: Karen-chan, we are in the middle of a program... so we can't Hitagi: Ah... so she is here, the little kid who my guts feeling told me she was glaring at me, that time. I believe she is still glaring at me... Tsubasa: Senjougahara-san.... Mayoi-chan isn't like that, she, in fact supports your love to Araragi, and gives him advice on his dating life every now and then. Hitagi: How can I believe that, Araragi-kun himself is enjoying his time with her, and tells her stuff that I hear about only second-handed... I'm gonna have to teach him some lolissons Tsubasa: Senjougahara-san, I know you were trying to mix the words [Lolicon] + [Lessons], but please don't say whatever that first comes to your mind, I'm really worried about you here... Mayoi: Uh... am I being ignored by the both of you now? Can I already introduce myself? Tsubasa: Oh, I'm sorry Mayoi chan, please do so. Mayoi: It's Hachikuji Mayoi, Araragi-san always finds his way to me when seeking advice on his messed up life, but I think the motive is something else... He has a fetish of my chest area and keeps attacking me from behind... so please give him a hearing and don't let him keep harassing me, I'm honestly tired of it. Nadeko: That can't be true, big brother Koyomi is always a gentleman. Tsukihi, Karen: He is TERRIBLE! [I'm ashamed /Tsukihi] Hitagi: I'll kill him. Tsubasa: It's not that serious, Senjougahara-san, please calm down. I'll handle this, please let me handle this. Hitagi: Are you saying you're gonna give him a lesson yourself, Hanekawa-san? If you're gonna lay even a finger on him, I'll totally be mad! I'll not tolerate it even if it's you. Tsubasa: I'll not do anything of that sort.... don't worry. Hitagi: Ah.. I see. While at it, let's go back to our commentary program, Hanekawa-san. Araragi-kun doesn't seem to arrive any soon. Karen: He said start without me, should we do so, sister? Tsukihi: Let's do. Hitagi: So how does the script go? Are we allowed to talk about everything? including his dirty entries? Nadeko: Ehh... you aren't all going to talk about only dirty things, right? Nadeko is still 14 years old, and shouldn't be involved with unpleasant comments on a stranger's animelist... and Nadeko still thinks it's not right to judge one by their list? Tsubasa: Don't worry Sengoku-chan, we aren't all doing such things. So rest at ease. Karen: Tsubasa, you go ahead and talk about his general taste, how does it look? Tsubasa... Let's see... I don't think he likes manga as much as he likes light novels, his top three favorite literature works are "Empty Box and Zeroth Maria" " Monogatari Series" and "Spice & Wolf" what follows those are all manga... "Oyasumi Punpun" "Otoyomegatari" "Monster" "Nana" "Berserk" "Koe no Katachi" and "No Longer Human". Mayoi: That's quite some dark-themed titles. Tsubasa: Do you perhaps love literature, Mayoi-chan? Mayoi: I don't like them, but I had no choice but read lots of them, and that's why I know most of these titles. Karen: Why would a lost girl like you know about these titles? That's a mystery. Tsukihi: Isn't it exactly because she was a lost girl? Mayoi-san probably tried reading all sort of stories and fiction works to find if there was a case like hers and find the way to get out of her situation. Tsubasa: We got side-tracked again... rather than why so many dark titles, I wanted to talk about why his top picks are light novels? And three different genres at that? If you look closely, one is a total crime-mystery novel, one is a rather continuously nonsense work with a complete 20+ volumes for the only purpose of being fun and entertaining, without much story. And the last one is a fully detailed romantic development of a fox girl and a human male, historical themed, with fantasy elements, economic heavy story-line. Those three titles were rather different from each other. Hitagi: Why do you think so, Hanekawa-san? Could it perhaps be cuz he is a lolicon activist? Tsubasa: Activist... where would you get that conclusion? There's nothing here about being an activist... Hitagi: But, after all, he wants to show his lolicon obsession, and that's itself can be a movement. what do they say, those starting a movement, are called activist. Tsubasa: You're digging too deep to this matter, Senjougahara-san, and only one of those three titles features lolicon. Even that one is only speculated by it's fans, not proven bu it's authors, or any given facts in the context of the novel. Nadeko: Wait, you aren't talking about our story right now, are you? I mean, big brother Koyomi isn't a lolicon, he is just very kind to everyone and can't say no when someone asks him for help, he said himself that he doesn't get naughty ideas watching my naked body when I asked him to help me removing the snake curse! Mayoi: You are still very innocent, Sengoku-san. Tsubasa: Yeah, Sengoku-chan, we were talking about... what was that... Ah, it's called "No Game No Life", you see, it's not in his list right now, but it used to be there right at the lowest rank in his top 10. It features a protagonist who is not only a lolicon, but also a sis-con, Senjougahara-san was probably talking about that, it's still in his list and rated very high. Hitagi: So Hanekawa-san, you tell us why those three novels? Tsubasa: Eh, then, from what I deducted, this guy really loves banters, in fact, he is head over heels with great banters, and that's the reason two of those three are actually at the top of the list, Monogatari Series and Spice & Wolf, but the oddity is the first title "Empty Box and Zeroth Maria" doesn't have even bits of banter, it doesn't have much similarities to the other two titles, in fact, not to anything else in his list. That means there's one specific and highly convincing reason why that particular title is his absolute literature work favorite, it could even be his #1 favorite out of all anime/manga/live-actions and everything entertainment in general. Hitagi: You really know everything, don't you, Hanekawa-san? Tsubasa: I don't kn- .... oh, no... wait a minute, I almost said it... I didn't know you are so persistant, Senjougahara-san. As I said, I won't say it no matter what! Mayoi: Fail.... Nadeko: What to do... Nadeko too is disappointed... Tsbuasa: So let's get back onto subject... I thought a lot about the reason, and I still don't have the answer! Everyone: WHAT!!! Nadeko: You really don't know everything, do you... Tsubasa: Yeah, I really don't know everything, I..- ?? ... waitt... did you again dig a trap... I didn't really expect that from you Sengoku-chan, and right after almost getting into Senjougahara's trap just a minute ago! I'm being very careless, I think. Karen: Then, turn for a new subject, Tsukihi: Yeah, new subject, Hachikuji-san, how about you tell us about his favorite characters? Mayoi: I actually was looking at that right now, and I found the secret weapon that would make any character to get into his list, if they had! Tsubasa: Would you mind telling us, Mayoi-chan. Hitagi: Wait a minute... I think I know... It's girls with illnesses... am I correct, Hachikuji-san? Mayoi: No, no, it's not that, but you're kinda close, Senjougahara-san... Karen: Maybe it's their c- Tsukihi: STOP, Sister... you were going to say something stupid again, weren't you? Mayoi: Uhh.. then I'm gonna say it... It's having a miserable life. Tsubasa: Uh??? Mayoi: Oh.. I shouldn't have said anything, I'm sorry Hadekawa-san. Tsubasa: UHH... Mayoi-chan, are you trying to cheer me up? Mayoi: Nooo.. I meant.. I stuttered, I'm soo sorry. Tsubasa: You didn't do it on purpose? Mayoi: I wanted to steal your thoughts. Tsubasa: So you did it on purpose. Mayoi: Eh.. Hee... Hee... Hitagi: Anyways, that looks like right, all the girls there except that Detective-girl and that Tuturru one are quite on the miserable side. Araragi and that mister too have quite the tough time. Hachikuji-san, you really are a bright kid, aren't you? I hate to admit, but you may be even brighter than me. Tsubasa: You're now praising yourself too even when the credit should go to someone else. Hitagi: If you want me be honest.. I didn't even start. If I were to praise myself, I would first start with- Tsubasa: Oh, that's right, I think I got it, can I actually say something? I just realized the reason why "Empty Box and Zeroth Maria" is there at the top of this fan's list... you know... It's the same as what Mayoi Hachikuji said, he is interested in characters with a miserable life... and from what I read in the first volume of HakoMari, Maria's life is quite a miserable one. To avoid spoilers, I'll leave out the details and put out one fact that can be easily understood. "Maria isn't anymore living as a person in the story, instead, she has made a tool out of herself, to grant others happiness, and that comes at the cost of all of her own happiness" Nadeko: Nadeko reads lots of manga, but from what I have read, this feels more depressing than anything else, this is actually real heartbreaking... could this guy also be in trouble? Maybe I need to go and help him... I need to hurryyy! Tsubasa: You can't do that you know, Sengoku-chan, his whereabouts is unknown to us, it says somewhere in Iraq, but that country itself is very dangerous. So let's not worry a lot, okay? he will be fine, for sure. Hitagi: I was about to start praising myself, but Hanekawa-san. You really are out if our league, we can't be as smart and cool as you in a thousand years... I surrender. Tsubasa: Oh... not at all, I'm really not that smart, I just happened to find out the reason because of Mayoi-chan. Getting back to subject, Karen-chan, what was more in today's agenda? Shall we move on to talk about his standards when it comes to rate his anime/manga and stuff. What he cares about, and value the most? Karen: It's not in the agenda which should we discuss first, but if you say so, Tsubasa, then let's talk about that... how about having Nadeko tell us about that? Nadeko: Eh.... Is it really okay for me to discuss that? We have Senjougahara-san yet to have her turn... Is it okay if I did this? Hitagi: Go on ahead, Sengoku-chan, after all I'm an adult, I don't act like a bratty kid who would want to go first, and I'm actually a bit busy with waiting for Araragi-kun to arrive, he messaged that he will be here soon. Tsubasa: How come you can get busy when all you're doing is waiting for him? Mayoi: Maybe it's that... Karen: What's could be that? Tsukihi: Ahh... It's that... Tsubasa: What? What? are you even sure you're thinking of the same thing, while already agreeing with each other? Mayoi: She is probably thinking of some new teasing words to throw at him when he arrives. Karen: Is she perhaps trying to go and pick him up on the front door, in case he may lose his way finding our room? Tsukihi: She is definitely thinking of what pose she should be in, when big brother enters the room, maybe a worrying face that asks, "Are you fine? not hurt? If you're, show me your wounds, I shall lick them with my tongue's saline, till it's all healed". Tsubasa: You were really thinking of totally different answers. Hitagi: You got this, Tsukihi-chan, you too are indeed a bright child, unlike some other person who is so dumb, he needs someone to take care of him and tutor him, in fact, I'm afraid I'll get his idiocy and become as dumb as him by the time he takes his exams. Nadeko: Ehh... Senjougahara-san, who is that person you were talking about right now? Is he perhaps a boy you know in your class? Anyways, you know, Nadeko hates boys in general, they are all so clueless and dumb, and they hurt girl's feeling without even realizing... Ofc, I don't hate every and all boys, there's actually one that's an exception. He is very gentle, understanding and smart too. Nadeko loves him more than anyone else. Tsubasa: [This is going to get messy, if continued... I should do something] Tsubasa: Btw, Sengoku-chan, if it's okay, maybe you can start talking about the commentaries again, you were going to talk about what you think of his standards, and his enjoyment taste in anime/manga. Nadeko: Ahhh. I was about to do that... you're right, I'm so sorry.. Tsubasa: You don't need to be sorry every-time you know... Nadeko: I'm so sorry... Then let's see.... *DHHMM* HEAVY SOUND/SHAKING?? Earthquake ? To Be Continued... / with PART 2 / Hanekawa's shock and Ougi's appearance. |
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 96.4
Mean Score:
- Watching54
- Completed225
- On-Hold52
- Dropped12
- Plan to Watch306
- Total Entries649
- Rewatched25
- Episodes6,025
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 26.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries232
- Reread0
- Chapters2,105
- Volumes455
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Manga (10)
Character (10)
Ookami to Koushinryou
Matou, Sakura
Fate/stay night
Hanekawa, Tsubasa
Araragi, Koyomi
Oshino, Shinobu
Emiya, Kiritsugu
Fate/stay night
Tsunemori, Akane
Shiina, Mayuri
Zero Two
Darling in the FranXX
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
All Comments (13) Comments
I'm still shaking upon hearing this, I hope you are resting in a better place.
Nah I was gonna tell you either way, actually I miss you, since you closed the shop, didn't have a chance to meet again.
500milestone was long time ago I don't watch as much as before.
your welcome Kak Rawa.
btw its me Zanyar if you still have not figured it out.
profile for now and no I'm not him, btw we met few times and talked a lot before.
Yeah I mark episodes right after I finish the episode as well sometimes I get lazy and do it next day.
Some really great shows are airing currently which one is your favourite and also Space Toon finally dubbing HxH 2011 and already the opening song is lit as previous one.
How are you doing?
I won't reveal myself so we gonna talk like this for a while.