Hello! My username is Ravenstrike, a name I had gotten from a fantasy book series {if you know the book series, I will give you a cookie :D}. If you want to know my real name, you can always message me, if you are dying to know or if you may know me in real life. I have loved anime and manga for a great while now, and I am always looking for more to read or watch. I read my manga on MangaReader or MangaFox, if you have a better suggestion I would be grateful. Ever since OneManga was taken down, I've never been the same. I don't buy my manga often and my library isn't at all up to date, so bear with me, the internet is my best bet.

I am into the Gothic culture, as well as the Japanese Culture. I am obsessed with vampires {more Anne Rice than Twilight}. I love JRock, Visual Kei, Industrial, Rock, Techno, Victorian Industrial, anything related to those genres of music. I dislike country, rap, and hip hop music very much, unless they are the old school music that I grew up with. I love to read mostly, or even write because I have another website that I role play upon that deals with a great amount of writing.

I am a nice person at heart, and quite shy. I cannot even bear talking to a person in real life or on the phone, and I feel rather antisocial in real life :/ It's something I am currently working on, like getting over my fear of driving or getting a job. But, I am better in writing ^.^ So I express myself more in writing. I can get angry at times, perhaps more than a normal. I can get obsessive when it deals to something important to me.

I am welcome to friends and suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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Am sure you will as well :D
Enjoy your stay :)