Greetings, and welcome to the Summer Edition of the Namine's Café Newsletter
We have a whole bunch of events planned at the cafe, including another major character competition, an AMV competition, a new monthly 'Design a Game' attraction, as well as several more cool events. Also, because IMG tags our working again, we now have official badges for the cafe, and official members cards will be coming soon. The details for each of our event sare listed in the below spoilers:
Naine's Café Supporting Character Competition
Following the incredible success of the Moe Competition we held in the Spring, we've decided to follow that up with another competition. Last month, we held a vote on what type of character competition we should hold, and Supporting Character won hands down.
Here's how it works:
The competition takes place in two phases. The first phase is where everyone gets to nominate supporting characters for the competition. You can nominate up to 5 anime/manga characters, listed as supporting in the MAL database. They can be your favorites, or just characters that you believe are the most cool. You rank your nominees from 1 to 5. The ranking determines how many points each character gets, like so:
#1 choice is worth 5 points
#2 choice is worth 4 points
#3 choice is worth 3 points
#4 choice is worth 2 points
#5 choice is worth 1 point
The points each character gets from each members nomination are cumulative, and when the nominations are over, the points will be counted, and the top 32 characters will compete in a bracket style competition where then members vote on them in one on one competitions.
The nomination phase will last 15 days, starting on Tuesday, 7/1/2014, and will close on Wednesday, 7/16/2014. The first voting competition will start on Friday, 7/18/2014. A new competition will start every day, and each vote is open for 2 days. This means there Will be a total of 31 competitions to name a champion.
Here are the rules:
As stated above, you can nominate up to 5 supporting characters. It can be less than 5, but it cannot be more. Any character over the first 5 will be removed.
The nominee must be listed as Supporting in MAL. Furthermore, they must primarily be a supporting character. If they are listed as a supporting character in a series, but then the main character in like 5 other series, they don't count.
List the full name of each character to be nominated, as well as an anime that he/she/it is in. Hot-linking the character to their MAL page is welcome, but not required.
Only one nomination list per member, please.
No double nominating. Meaning that the same character is nominated as your 1st and 3rd choice. If this happens, the 2nd listing will be removed.
Winners & Awards:
If one of your nominees gets into the final four, you'll get a special card with her on it, custom designed to your preferences by the Namine's Cafe card makers. There will be special awards if you nominated the winning character, such as ebooks, custom AMVs, specially custom made banners, and other prizes
Please note, if you any questions on this, please contact militus, the cafe's event manager who will be managing the competition.
Namine's Café AMV Competition
With the Cafe's Song of the Weeks getting more and more popular, Sipi, our music admin, will be holding our first ever AMV competition. Similar to the moe & supporting character competitions, the AMV competition will be in two phases, a nomination phase and a tournament phase. However, there is a little catch, as well (keep reading :-)).
The nomination phase starts 07/10/2014 and will end when we get at least 30 AMVs for the first round preliminary vote, plus an optional 4 custom AMVs. After the nominations are over, there is going to be preliminary round voting where top 12-16 AMVs will be decided, depending on the next step.
The tournament will consist of 16 AMVs. However, If any members are willing to create a well made custom AMV for the competition, they will get one of the top slots in te tournament phase, as well as special awards and prizes (TBD) for taking the extra effort. If there are more than 4 custom AMVs, we will hold a small tournament to decide the top 4.
The top 16 will then have vs. battle tournament where the winner advances to the next round finally leaving the two finalists, and ultimately the winner.
Namine's Café Monthly 'Design a Game'
Namine's café is opening a game request thread. If you have a game design idea, feel free to post it in the thread. A vote will be held each month to decide which games are added, with the winners getting awards and prizes, including one prize of a Staff Admin position as the new cafe games manager.
Namine's Café Official Club Badges
Kitsune77, one of the cafe's most skilled card designers, has graciosuly designed official club badges for the cafe. Please Click Here to be redirected to the thread and order your badges. Kitsune will even resize your badges after they are created so that they will fit in your forum signature area.
While the badges will not immediately be needed for anything in the cafe, eventually, they may be needed to support things like ordering cards and playing in tournaments. Along with this, We will also be adding awards, prizes, and other special goodies for participation in the café in some events and deeds done in the café. Examples of the prizes may be custom made cards, badges, & banners, ebooks, custom AMVs, and many others
Namine's Café Official Steam Group Activities
As many of you are aware, the Cafe has it's own Steam Group. Please click here for more information on the Steam Group, and to get an invitation to it. We are currently planning some possible Steam game tournaments in the future, and feedback on this would be awesome. Also, we may be getting our Minecraft server back, as well.
Hello dear member!
Since you did not subscribe to our newsletter,
this is being sent out to notify everyone of our upcoming events.
Join in the fun if you can! :)
✦ Our Mafia Game is starting tonight at 12AM (EST)!
For those of you who signed up, remember to stay active.
For those interested in signing up, stay tuned for our next game!
*Our next scheduled event is today, Saturday April 5th 11:00PM-2:00AM (PST)!
Anime & Video Game Music Locked.
Free to use outside of events, with no genre locks. So stop by anytime!
Visit the club or link above for more details.
Events usually at the same time, on various days.*
✦ We are now starting group watching.
So if you want to watch anime with other members and discuss, sign up here!
*Our first series will be Romeo x Juliet as a dedication to the club’s layout theme,
but you may request other series for the future!
Join us on Monday, April 7th at 1PM or 11PM (PST)! 2 episodes per meeting.*
As always, thank you for being a part of our club! :)
You mad? It's finally April and we celebrate Grand Opening at the club with the most madness at whole Myanimelist! Visit our club for more Information and be a part of our Asylum! You won't regret it!
This is the last newsletter for every member. If you wanna receive the newsletter in the future, please sign in this topic!
All Comments (3) Comments
Hello dear member!
Since you did not subscribe to our newsletter,
this is being sent out to notify everyone of our upcoming events.
Join in the fun if you can! :)
✦ Our Mafia Game is starting tonight at 12AM (EST)!
For those of you who signed up, remember to stay active.
For those interested in signing up, stay tuned for our next game!
✦ Share music and chat with us on!
✦ We are now starting group watching.
So if you want to watch anime with other members and discuss, sign up here!
As always, thank you for being a part of our club! :)
You mad? It's finally April and we celebrate Grand Opening at the club with the most madness at whole Myanimelist! Visit our club for more Information and be a part of our Asylum! You won't regret it!
This is the last newsletter for every member. If you wanna receive the newsletter in the future, please sign in this topic!
Important Threads you won't miss:
Are you a Claimer? Than don't miss the current Claim-Threads at I⋆I!
We hire Staff who help out in the club and earn benefits!
Please sign up in our ✂ STAFF⋆RECRUITMENT
Thank you for reading and have an crazy and beautiful day! \(°o°;)