On en parle de à quel point le stand de Boingo est claqué ? Genre il peut prédire le futur mais on s'en bat les couilles car ça arrivera de toute façon même sans l'aide de son stand alors ça sert juste à dire: "ho dans 3 minutes il va se passer ça" dsl Boingo mais il pue ton stand
| Click the delivery banner for your cards |
| CTRL+F username to find your cards |
| Save and re-host within 14 days |
| Thank you for requesting |
| Any problem, PM Charlotte |
It aches my heart to state that some of my card requesters are not saving their named cards. I understand not many like my bulk delivery but with growing age, I am getting busier day by day irl. It takes a lot of effort for me to make those cards, and even more to name them. So, I kindly request everyone to only request the cards that you are going to save. That will also make my card-naming process faster and most probably the delivery too, for my requesters who actually look forward to their cards which might include you. And no, I don't like putting post limit on my cards. Hope you understand my problem!
Have a nice day. :)
. . ----------------------------------------- Greetings! Evil Club's Easter Egg Hunt Event is finally here! The
event will start at April 4th, 12:00 AM EST and to join the event simply click the banner above only during the designated time to
get to the thread and see the goodies we have prepared.
We truly apologize for this sudden unwanted newsletter. Our staff ran into an unexpected problem which led to us not being able to use the "Share with Members" feature, but we absolutely will not
let our dear members miss this special event after all.
Again, we apologize for the inconveniences this may have caused.
See you all at the thread! Have a great day and Happy Easter! ----------------------------------------- .
En gros tu vois les parodies des op d'anime faits sur paint ? bah askip dans un epiode de Gintama l'opening est devenu paint et C OFFICIEL C DANS L'ANIME BORDEL, C LA PUTAIN D'EQUIPE DE PRODUCTION QUI L'A FAIT ET C DANS LANIME !!
All Comments (34) Comments
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Greetings! Evil Club's Easter Egg Hunt Event is finally here! The
event will start at April 4th, 12:00 AM EST and to join the event
simply click the banner above only during the designated time to
get to the thread and see the goodies we have prepared.
We truly apologize for this sudden unwanted newsletter. Our staff
ran into an unexpected problem which led to us not being able to
use the "Share with Members" feature, but we absolutely will not
let our dear members miss this special event after all.
Again, we apologize for the inconveniences this may have caused.
See you all at the thread! Have a great day and Happy Easter!
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