All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 206.9
Mean Score:
- Watching14
- Completed261
- On-Hold23
- Dropped14
- Plan to Watch12
- Total Entries324
- Rewatched77
- Episodes12,381
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 100.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries188
- Reread7
- Chapters17,221
- Volumes574
All Comments (18) Comments
I am planning on catching up though.
They line between Anime and Hentai gets blurred more and more every season.
Even the more interesting ones this season are copycats. Altair is pretty much a copy&paste of Aslan Senki but not as good.
Ballroom e youkoso is pretty much Yuri on ice but seems equally promising.
Jigoku Shojo looks promissing but i havent watched S3 yet so i wait with it.
The rest is either your average shonen recipe, one more boring than the other or borderline-Hentai Ecchi shit for the chronically pathetic.
This season even has an NTR anime, wich is pretty much the go-to fetish for someone too pathetic to even imagine/dream about ever being with a real women.
I am hoping China will step up their game from purely VR/MMO-shonen anime to something more challanging. I am losing my hope for Japan.
Anime that not cater to the mentally challanged have become a niche.
Getting more and more annoyed every season. So much shit.
Re:zero is this seasons SAO but with a even more retarded main.
If people actually reached the level of retardation that lets them enjoy this sort of mindless wannabe-edgy-shitfest we, as a species, are doomed.
Also enjoying the hell out of Black Desert Online which is a new mmo that came out :D