Forget about me. Drop whatever you're doing. Go read Blue Box.
10: An all-time favorite. Not only do I think this anime is excellently done in every practical way, it also had that little something extra. Whether it made me cry or blew my mind or made me laugh harder than should be possible, it was truly exceptional.
9: Excellent. An anime that nearly matches the standard set by a 10, but doesn't quite have that little something extra. Still a great anime with minimal if any flaws.
8: Great. A true pleasure to watch. This anime has some slight issues or things that were sloppy, but they were ignorable. The rest of the show was amazing.
7: Good. Fun, enjoyable shows that I would consider recommending to a friend. However, there are obvious issues that cannot be ignored. Or the show had small aspirations that it met fairly well, but it didn't do anything bold. That said, the show is worth watching nonetheless.
6: Fine. We've crossed from the point where I would likely recommend these anime. These shows were nothing special. Either they were guilty pleasures, or I only finished the show to see its conclusion. Some enjoyable moments, but also some serious problems with the plot or characters or something.
5: Passable. If I enjoyed any part of this it was a guilty pleasure. I don't know why I watched the show all the way through, but it somehow kept me engaged just enough to finish.
4: Oof. Objectively bad. Maybe I'm judging harshly out of memory alone, but if I finished an anime at this rating, it was a mistake to even start it.
3: Yikes. I had one anime rated 3, but I recently went back and realized it should be higher. But I had it at 3 because I thought it was a terrible waste of a decent premise with obnoxious characters and one of the worst endings ever. So that sounds like a good assessment of a 3.
2: *Covers Eyes*. An absolute butchering of a premise or genre. This anime was predictable and boring from the very beginning. Sure, it had a plot and followed basic story procedures, but that's just it. It offered nothing beyond the bare minimum of story-telling. I could personally come up with a better plot or characters, and that's not me being arrogant. It's expecting so much more from an anime.
1: Death. Literally no enjoyment out of this anime, and I have severe regrets in wasting my time on it. No story (literally have no idea what the story was), terrible characters, and not even an excuse to call it a guilty pleasure.
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Thank you for the Secret Santa Gifts!
I started watching Accel World, and it is entertaining! It's not a masterpiece, but is enjoyable, I will see it until the end!
As for ID:Invaded, I thought that it was already in my PTW, but it wasn't, I plan to watch it after Accel World maybe, but it looks much more interesting, I think I will like it a lot!
I hope your presents were good too! Thank you and have a happy new year :)
Btw, very nice Favorites 👊