Can't disagree, as a huge Souls Fan i still think no Souls Game makes it past a 6/10 if i remove my Fanboy Glasses. And Elden Ring has such a broken bad Power Balance it feels like they didnt even care.
But i get your Logic.
My Anime List has seriously to add two different scores for overall raiting and personal raiting. So that such misunderstandings do not happen. It's hard to judge a work by its flaws and then at the same time rate an equally mediocre one better just because you liked it more personally. This leads to real irritation.
I didnt finish Edgerunners yet, but i still read some review including yours. I see the point of the Characters coming short with this amount of action and low Episodecount. Yet i wonder how did Shows like Code Geass and many other end up so high on your List?
I mean if you call something Medicore Medicore, then dont score Medicore stuff so high. It's confusing why one show gets the blame for being Medicore and another one gets all the praise despite being at the same level.
Yeah, I think it's more in the 4-6 range. I totally understand people liking it, even liking it a lot, but every new flashy anime that comes out gets celebrated as the second coming on here. The neg review in the top 3 blew up then disappeared, and I'm guessing they were flooding his message box since he already disabled comments. XD
Rome has fallen to Arian barbarians! The 2nd Rome has fallen to central Asian horse warriors. The 3rd Rome still stands. Orthodoxy will return to Europe once again! Finally we shall sweep aside the Catholic heretics and their papacy!
With first cousin marriages it typically takes many generations to start seeing defects. With brother/sister marriage the results are quite often immediate. There's a reason that cousin marriage was regularly practiced in many societies, but brother/sister marriage never has been.
All Comments (25) Comments
But i get your Logic.
My Anime List has seriously to add two different scores for overall raiting and personal raiting. So that such misunderstandings do not happen. It's hard to judge a work by its flaws and then at the same time rate an equally mediocre one better just because you liked it more personally. This leads to real irritation.
I mean if you call something Medicore Medicore, then dont score Medicore stuff so high. It's confusing why one show gets the blame for being Medicore and another one gets all the praise despite being at the same level.
Then Reach is usually second, and everyone hates Halo 5. But I liked Halo 5's multiplayer
So Halo: Reach is your favorite from the franchise?