All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 111.5
Mean Score:
- Watching19
- Completed188
- On-Hold10
- Dropped12
- Plan to Watch27
- Total Entries256
- Rewatched0
- Episodes6,705
All Comments (35) Comments
They've thrown conventional duelling out of the window by episode 90+. What's with the "intrusions" and stuff? It doesn't even make sense as a card game mechanic. Enjoyment is still the lowest out of all my scores for it right now, no doubt.
I've updated my review in any case. I disagree with you about it being on par with 5D's, but we'll have to wait for more episodes.
Music was my fail. I was watching both manga and anime - hard to distinguish them.
I find the Monogatari franchise to be more style over substance - except for Katanagatari that is.
I didn't say the jokes are not clever. It's just I am been watching DC for more than 15 years but the actual pacing is very slow. I like Conan and all the characters but when will this anime have an ending.
The series is already airing since 1996