besides when season 1 aired, was Dr.stone never that popular to begin with especially when you consider it came from weekly shounen jump what's the biggest manga magazine to date. don't get me wrong it was talked about when it first aired, but in the second half of season 1 it already started to cool off a bit. and it doen't help there was a 3 year gap between season 1 and 2 due to the pedemic. ofc title's like aot had 4 year's but there was a huge complaint for s2, while with dr stone wasn't like that.
Yeah that's exactly how I felled about the first 2 episodes, there are always inventions but they moved the plot forward what the poker and bar scene didn't thus feeling like unnecessary fluff and Idk if it is Canon or not bc haven't read Dr. Stone. But episode 3 was more promising but not much happened in it so kepped the 5 score for now, also don't know many people who still watch and enjoy Dr.Stone feel like a lot of people did drop it after the second or maybe the 3rd season. Not alarming happend to say it will be a worse season then usual, but nothing to make it stand out yet. A lot of people wait for scoring it, but like to compare whatever my opinion on it strengthens or weakens, the first 3 to 4 episodes is more a first empression score and from episode 5 or 6 it's more what I will think it will be, was ofc wrong in the past like wonder egg priority felled off hard after ep 8.
Think the new dr.stone season is very weak atm, I mean we're 3 episode's in and nothing secnificant happend. it was more random moment's like a poker episode, a bar episode and one they picked up corn what was the best episode with some good moments and do believe it will pick up from episode 4, but for now meh very weak start of this season but have hope's it will pick up the pace.
Sometimes interpretations are a good thing bc it leaves room for your imagination. but sometimes you ask yourself what if a story did this or even if it continues. But the second can be either well done what's rare or like most cases didn't deliver and feels donting, what can leave the viewers dissatisfied. It's hard to nail and maybe they shouldn't have or in my case does the movie feel unnecessary. Like the first Bleach movie was extremely rushed especially it's third act, but atleast gave some more info about the lost souls what was refffrenced in the thousand years bloodwar arc. So Tito Kubo does recognize the first movie even if the story itself is mainly uncannon. It alteast gave us something what the 2005 fma movie tried but ultimately counterdicted a lot of things in the original. That's my reason for lowering from a 6 to a 4, bc it's fun to have a what if but it just doesn't work that well as a direct sequel.
Yeah get it now, you clearly take the fma03 ending close to your heart and the 2005 movie did butchered or counterdict the original ending. Honestly wanted to see if I could defend against your points but they all are solid complaints, it's definitely worse then the first bleach movie so I'll knock it down 1 or 2 points, not bc of you but realize I was too soft on it and looking at my scores with other franshise movie's it's definitely worse than movie's that are a 6 of 5.
Damn you gave it a 3, see you rarely give out such low scored. gave the fma03 movie a 6 bc did think it had good stuff. care to explain why you hated it so much? in more detail then, it's just that i'm way more harsh with my scores and it's rare for you having a way lower score from mine so I got curious.
Pretty good been watching a lot of Gundam lately especially with the 2 week break I got from work. Watched Wing, Turn A (a personal fav) , After war X, build and now re-watching Stardust memories bc was probably too hars on it by my first watchtrough & it's pretty short. Ofc been watching these in a span of 4 to 5 months. Honestly can't get enough of it, so I'm glad to have a large franshise I really like, makes what to watch next way easier bc of how much choice I have.
Also watched the Fma03 movie and finally understand the alternative universe Alphonse thing, it was a pretty good movie all things concidered. Still funny to think how I missed a important part of original fma and how clearer the ending felled after watching the movie, even if I have some small problems with it and it isn't a perfect ending by any means did have a great enjoyment with it.
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Also watched the Fma03 movie and finally understand the alternative universe Alphonse thing, it was a pretty good movie all things concidered. Still funny to think how I missed a important part of original fma and how clearer the ending felled after watching the movie, even if I have some small problems with it and it isn't a perfect ending by any means did have a great enjoyment with it.