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Kinsou no Vermeil: Gakeppuchi Majutsushi wa Saikyou no Yakusai to Mahou Sekai wo Tsukisusumu
Jul 5, 2022 11:11 AM
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Kinsou no Vermeil: Gakeppuchi Majutsushi wa Saikyou no Yakusai to Mahou Sekai wo Tsukisusumu
Jul 5, 2022 11:11 AM
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All Comments (2) Comments
Romance is between MC and Raphtalia, though early on it is onesided romance from Raphtalia side. MC is not dull, but circumstances do not allow him to have any romantic feelings. As for age matters, Raphtalia is demi-human, growth is different, she won't stay kid forever.
As it been years since i read the novel, i don't remember too many details, but romance is very late and not that great, but it still there. Though if you ever read the novel, keep in mind that the ending was remade and it might feel rushed, do not remember author reasons though.
This is so hard, when people deny any sort of convo, but oh well. If you ever visit my profile again, here is the answer. @wgbho23