Sure, you can give it another go, but if it's something you dropped only months earlier, I doubt you'd enjoy it just yet. The rest of the series doesn't deviate too much from what you see in the first three episodes; just circumstances escalating toward grimmer states and all other standard storytelling progressions. My reason for regarding this show so highly is how beautifully crafted it is. It's just made to be so poetic and evocative throughout. As you can tell, much of this is quite subjective and the experience might not be the same for you. I think the opening line of every episode encapsulates my feelings better:
Because ten billion years' time is so fragile, so ephemeral... it arouses such a bittersweet, almost heartbreaking fondness.
Haha, thanks for the compliments. Do you want anime recommendations similar to LotGH or just good anime in general? I would've mentioned Hyouge Mono for the former but I see that you've already watched that. You can also check out Rose of Versailles for a sort of similar vibe. For the latter, maybe it would be more efficient for you to sort my anime list by score and pick whichever interests you. Let me know your thoughts if you try out any of them. I'm rather inactive here (apologies for this late reply by the way) but I'll respond when I'm online again.
a good anime has to make sense, i'm not here to read "critique of pure reason", this is not a philosophy course this is an anime, its purpose is to entertain us and i can't be entertained if i don't understand what is going on, an anime can be philosophical but no at the cost of losing the plot.
for example in matrix i understand the plot but for understanding it's message or symbols i have to read the analysis
Thanks. Yeah, but... there comes a certain point where anyone who is critical when it comes to media gets labeled pretentious very easily, so I kind of don't take that too seriously, and I think there is a lack of recognition of how this kind of "elitism," infects "non-elitist art"—you'd call it something different, but it's similar. Of course, I've always found snobbishness funny, and I probably do seek to emulate that for humor, but someone did come at me today with "stick to ur action series, kid," (In relation to VS S2) which is why I opened the way that I did, so ironic or not, it was essential. :)
I don't know if I'd say I'm a big fan of Kafka, but I've read most of his writing, and I guess I like him enough to qualify. I do like his Country Doctor story and the few adaptations that exist (in case you're wondering, the other one that comes to mind is from the Nishioka Kyoudai Franz Kafka anthology). I'm more of a fan of Koji Yamamura, and his style of animation merges very well with the weirdness of the story.
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Because ten billion years' time is so fragile, so ephemeral... it arouses such a bittersweet, almost heartbreaking fondness.
for example in matrix i understand the plot but for understanding it's message or symbols i have to read the analysis